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Several grofs and dangerous Errors, advanced by the
Author of the Letters on Theron and Afpafio, are de-
tected and refuted;


The Proteftant Doctrine concerning the Covenant of Works
and the Covenant of Grace, Conviction of Sin, Regeneration,
Faith, Juftification, Inherent Grace, &c. vindicated from
the Cavils and Exceptions of that Author, and shewn
to be entirely conformable to the Apoftolic Doctrine
concerning the feveral Points afore-mentioned.



Earneftly contend for the faith which was once delivered
unto the faints, Jude, ver. 3..



Printed for GEORGE KEITH, at the Bible and Crown,

in Grace-Church-Street.






Tappan Prist, Ass




HEN I first read the Letters on Theron and Afpafio, published a few years ago, I foon perceived fuch a spirit breathing through the whole of that performance, as would make one fufpect, that the author thereof had fomething else in view than to defend the pure doctrines of the gofpel, which he would have us believe is the chief scope of his book.

This Gentleman pretends that he has difcovered in the Dialogues wrote by the late excellent Mr. Hervey, and in fome celebrated treatises and fermons therein recommended, feveral dangerous errors, and grofs corrup-tions of the Chriftian doctrine; and infinuates, that the native tendency of thefe writings is to fully the honour, and obfcure the glory of divine grace manifefted in the atonement; to gratify human pride, and cherish that enmity that is in the heart of every man by nature against the true doctrine of the grace of God; and thus to infnare, feduce, and deftroy the fouls of men for ever.


he have made this appear, the Public, no doubt, would have been greatly indebted to him for his labour; as it must highly concern every one to know the truth in its purity and fimplicity, and as ftript of all those falfe colourings and difguifes which men of corrupt minds are apt to put upon it; and thus be undeceived with regard to matters of the laft importance.

Could he prove what he has confidently afferted concerning fome eminent minifters of the gofpel; that the leading scope of their writings and fermons was to prompt and encourage men to work out and eftablish a righteoufnefs of their own, in order to acceptance with God, and to gain their applaufe by artfully accommodating all the doctrines of the gofpel to their religious pride; that, inftead of preaching Chrift Jefus the Lord, and proclaiming the glad tidings of falvation through a crucified Redeemer, it was their chief aim to fet forth their own importance; and that they were even fo arrogant as to ufurp the character and work of Chrift, in order the more effectually to gain the esteem, and procure the admiration of their hearers; I confefs, I fee not what apology could be made for them; but must acknowledge, that they deferve the worst of characters, as having been undoubtedly the worst of men.



But an intelligent and unprejudiced reader, who perufes this author's book with the fmalleft degree of attention, will find that, through the whole, he rather fuppofes thefe things to be true, than proves, or even, by fair method of reafoning, attempts to prove that they are fo. He is indeed very libéral in his invectives against thefe worthy men, whofe praife is in the churches; and with an air of felf-fufficiency, and a degree of confidence rarely to be met with, brands them with the opprobrious names of enemies to the ancient apoftolic gofpel, Pharifees, felf-feeking men, Scribes and difputers of this world, double dealers with God and man, &c. He. puts what conftructions he pleafes upon their words and expreffions, and ordinarily wrefts them to a meaning which they never intended, yea, which is directly oppofite to their declared principles, and the whole fcope and tendency of their doctrine; and then declaims with great warmth, and fometimes at great length, against thofe errors and falfe opinions which he would make the reader believe are the native confequences of what they taught. By fuch deceitful artifices as these he may impose upon the weak and unwary, but the attentive and judicious will eafily perceive the fraud, abhor his difingenuity, and treat his impertinent a 3


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