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to us, and especially of His mind and will concerning our salvation. It is necessary that they should understand human character, the condition of the human mind and the human heart, the passions, affections, aspirations, desires and purposes of


Now our discipline says that we are to read the Bible and such books as help to a knowledge of the same; and the original languages of the Scriptures may be important to us in learning these things, in giving us the different shades of meaning and enabling us more perfectly to understand our translation of the word of God. Now, having this knowledge of God and man, we need drilling. We propose to train our young men in the camp. We expect men here trained to fight in the skirmishes of the Lord or to lead a forlorn hope. Our Government doesn't send men to West Point to prepare them to carry the musket, but expects every man to be an officer. And in the education of men here, we don't expect those who go from this institution simply to stand in the rank and file of Immanuel's Army. We expect every man to be competent to be a leader and lead forward God's sacramental hosts, and to lead onward and onward, until all the cohorts of error are driven from the world, and the standard of Immanuel is triumphant over all lands. And I charge the founder of this institution and the trustees and faculty to see to it that the young men under their care are not only informed, but disciplined and drilled, until ready for camp or field.

I call upon the authorities of this institution to see that this place is our Jerusalem, where the

young men who tarry here shall be indued with power from on high and go forth in the name and strength of God to subdue this world to His authority. I now invoke the benediction of God upon our beloved brother, whose munificence has brought us together on this occasion. And I pray that God may command His blessings upon those who, from time to time, enjoy its advantages. That, being themselves blessed by it, they may be made a blessing to mankind.

The last speaker was Dr. Allen of Girard College. He spoke more or less off-hand. But his words were full of meat:

If there has ever been any prejudice in our church against our men of wealth, the donations of Mr. Drew would do much to cause it to disappear and to vanish forever. The church needs the money of its wealthy men. If more of them would give according to their means, as our worthy friend has given, no doubt this prejudice would entirely cease. I will only add that, in speaking of the eminent founder of this institution, we fear him not as a rich man. If my classical friend, Dr. McClintock, will allow me, I will put a negative in a classical description Virgil once used:

"Non timeo Danaos dona ferentes."

(Those words tacked onto the tail end there, are from one of the dead languages. I don't just remember now what it was that some one told me they


But it was something like: "A man is not dangersome, if he brings a gift.")

With the benediction, the services which opened Drew Theological Seminary came to an end. I came away feeling, in the words of the benediction, the peace of God which passeth all understanding. The New York Christian Advocate said: "We most heartily congratulate the munificent founder and patron of the new seminary in view of its propitious inauguration, and also upon its fortunate location and the highly commodious buildings and ample grounds in which the nascent 'school of the prophets' begins its career."



WAS glad that the opening of my theological
School came just when it did. Because

it fitted into a niche in the year's work when I had the time to attend it. If, instead of coming in November, it had come two months earlier, it would have found me right in the midst of my dicker to get back into the Director's Board and Treasuryship of the Erie Road. And if it had come three months later, it would have found me in the midst of the war with the Commodore. Maybe, just at the time when the opening services were being held, it would have found me at Taylor's Hotel. Of course, in that latter case I could have gone to Madison, it being also outside of York State's jurisdiction. Still, it would have been inconvenient for me; because those weeks at "Fort Taylor" were weeks of so much distress of mind, that I couldn't have entered into the spirit of the inaugural occasion as I felt it deserved.

These were months, anyhow, in which I was hard pushed by business cares. Just when the first year of my Theological Seminary was drawing to a close, a bad accident happened on the Erie Road, which

enemies tried to lay at my door. An express train was coming along from the West one night. It had made the trip safely until it got to Carn's Rock, some sixteen miles west of Port Jervis. The road at that point is cut into the side of a precipice, overhanging a gorge. It was the last place where a railroad treasurer would like to have an accident. As bad luck would have it, just at that point is where the accident took place.

As the train was rushing along in the darkness of the early morning, the wheels in some way got off the rails and four cars were hurled down the embankment. They dropped eighty feet to the bottom and were crushed into a tangled mass. Twentytwo people were killed, and all the survivors mangled. The rear car was a sleeping coach. This was so smashed that the passengers inside couldn't get out. It caught on fire, and the people were burned alive. The shrieks of the passengers as they tried to get out of the burning car, were described in the newspapers the next day. Public feeling was aroused. The people out around Port Jervis held an indignation meeting. They got up an investigation to find out the cause of the "murder," as they called it. They seemed to think that some of us who were at the head of the road had set about to kill those poor passengers intentionally. It was the most unheard-of charge that a man ever had to stand up against. So I was glad when the investigation committee had

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