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Tickets will be on sale in the Eastern Canadian Passenger Association territory-Fort William to Halifax-three days before the first day, Sunday not counted a day, and three days' final return limit after the last day, Sunday not counted. If through ticket cannot be purchased at starting point, purchase to the nearest point where such through ticket can be obtained, and there purchase through to place of meeting, requesting a standard certificate.

West of Port Arthur, tickets will be on sale-Port Arthur to Moose Jaw June 5th to 8th; west of Moose Jaw to Laggan and Coleman, June 4th to 7th; all certificates to be honored for return journey up to July 9th, 1908.


The meeting place will be St. George's Parish Church Hall, Metcalfe Street-the business hall is just opposite-the Racquet Court. Sectional meetings will be held in Carnegie Library near by.


A special agent from the Eastern Canadian Passenger Association will be in attendance on June 10th to vise the standard convention certificates. Each delegate must pay this officer a fee of twenty-five cents for vising same.


Delegates desiring to have hotel or lodgings reserved for them should apply to the hotels below, or to Dr. F. W. McKinnon, Elgin Street, Ottawa:

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The fee for membership remains this year at $2.00. It is payable to the Treasurer, Dr. H. Beaumont Small, Ottawa, at the time of registering. Those desiring to become members for the first time should get information as to procedure from the General Secretary. Transportation rates apply to them as to members.


On the first afternoon, at 5 o'clock, there is to be a reception, by local members, at the Ottawa Golf Club, Aylmer, Que.; on the evening of the first day a civic reception at the Carnegie Library. During the second day there is to be an excursion to Caledonia. Springs; on the evening of the third day a smoking concert. The ladies of Ottawa will entertain the visiting ladies. There will be a visit to the laboratory at the Experimental Farm.


The annual meeting of this Association will take place at 12 a.m., June 9th. Dr. R. W. Powell, Ottawa, the President, will have a splendid report to present. The great success of this Association should encourage all Canadian practitioners to become members.


This year the Military Surgeons, under the Presidency of Dr. G. Sterling Ryerson, Toronto, meet as a section of the Canadian Medical Association.


Additional information of a local character may be obtained from the local Secretary, Dr. Wm. Hackney, 396 Somerset Street, Ottawa. Any general information from the General Secretary, Dr. George Elliott, 203 Beverley Street, Toronto.


Presidential Address-Dr. F. Montizambert, Ottawa.

Address in Medicine-Dr. Risien Russell, London, England. Address in Surgery-The Surgical Rights of the Public-Dr. John C. Munro, Boston, Mass.


Dr. John T. Fotheringham, Toronto, Chairman; Dr. Alex. J. MacKenzie, Toronto, Secretary.

Our Experience in Broncho-Pneumonia--Dr. C. S. McVicar, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto.

The Differential Diagnoses of Some Forms of Mental Disease and a Note as to Treatment-Dr. G. J. Fitzgerald, Toronto.

Out-Patients' Clinics for the Tuberculous Poor-Dr. Harold C. Parsons, Toronto.

On the Choice of a Climate-Dr. Geo. D. Porter, Toronto.

Hæmoptosis in Pulmonary Consumption-Dr. J. H. Elliott, To


Spina Bifida Associated with Syringo Myelia-Dr. Colin D. Russe', Montreal.

Meningitis Dr. A. E. Ranney, North Bay.

Some Interesting Complications of Pulmonary Tuberculosis and
Their Treatment-Dr. J. K. M. Gordon, Gravenhurst.
Ergot-Drs. E. V. Henderson and W. H. Cronyn, Toronto.
Some Unusual Cases of Rheumatism-Dr. A. McPhedran, Toronto
What Shall We Say to Our Neurasthenic Patients?-Dr. G. S.
Young, Prescott.

Pernicious Anaemia, Report of Cases in Country Practice-Dr.
James Baird, Hemmingford, Que.

Some Further Observations on Pneumo-Thorax-Dr. W. F. Hamilton, Montreal.

Myo-Cardial Change in Valvular Disease-Dr. H. B. Anderson, Toronto.

Treatment of Meningitis with Flexner's Serum-Drs. F. G. Finley and P. G. White, Montreal.

The Diagnostic Value of Perversion of Gastric Secretion-Dr. Graham Chambers, Toronto.

The X-ray as a Therapeutic Agent: Its Indications and Untoward Effects, Having Special Reference to the Action Upon the Generative and Internal Secretory Organs of the Body-Drs. Omar Wilson and J. Harold Alford, Ottawa.


Dr. Geo. E. Armstrong, Montreal, Chairman; Dr. Edward W. Archibald, Montreal, Secretary.

Title to be announced-Dr. James Bell, Montreal.

Congenital Pyloric Obstruction-Dr. F. J. Shepherd, Montreal. Temporary Colostomy as a Curative Agent in Post Operative Fæcal Fistula of the Colon-Dr. J. M. Elder, Montreal.

The Administration of the General Anesthetic from the Standpoint of the Operator-Dr. H. A. Beatty, Toronto.

Reports of Two Large Abdominal Tumors with Remarks-Dr. A. B. Atherton, Fredericton, N.B.

Title to be announced-Dr. A. Primrose, Toronto.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Ureteral Calculus, accompanied by Case Reports-Dr. A. E. Garrow, Montreal.

Exhibition of Cases to Show Result of Operations Reported at the London Meeting, 1903.

Advanced Hip-Joint Without Shortening-Dr. R. P. Robinson, Ottawa.

Calculus of Ureter Removed per Vaginam-Dr. Walter McKeown, Toronto.


Discussion on General Peritonitis.

Carcinoma of the Buccal Cavity, Etiology and Treatment-Dr. A. R. Robinson, New York.

Subdural Hæmorrhage and Its Surgical Treatment-Dr. E. W. Archibald, Montreal.

On the Use of the Ortho-Diagraph in Medicine-Dr. Robert Wilson, Montreal.


Dr. Chas. A. Hodgetts, Toronto, Chairman; Dr. Robert Law,
Ottawa, Secretary.

Address by the Chairman, Dr. Hodgetts.

Title to be announced-Prof. Starkey, Montreal.

Title to be announced-Dr. J. D. Lafferty, Calgary.

Title to be announced-Dr. Seymour, Edmonton.

The Medical Inspection of Schools-Dr. John Hunter, Toronto.

Dr. W. T. Connell, Kingston, Chairman; Dr. A. R. B. Williamson, Kingston, Secretary.

Anæsthesia in Laboratory Work-Dr. V. E. Henderson, Toronto.
Chorion Epithelioma in the Testis-Dr. C. B. Keenan, Montreal.
A Criticism of the Ammonium Nitro-Molybdate Method of De-
tecting Organic Phosphorus in the Tissues-Geo. G. Nasmyth,
M.A., Ph.D., and E. Fidler, B.A., M.B., Toronto.

The Bio-Chemical Characteristics of Bacillus Influenza-Dr Handford McKee, Montreal.

Title to be announced-Prof. J. George Adami, Montreal.
Title to be announced-Prof. J. J. Mackenzie, Toronto.
Title to be announced-Dr. C. W. Duval, Montreal.

The National Importance of Pure Milk-Dr. Chas. J. Hastings,

Contribution to the Pathology of Tumors of the Lung-Three cases of Sarcoma: (1) Primary, (2) Secondary-Dr. E. St. Jacques, Montreal.

On the Technique of the Study of Complement Deviation-Dr. A. H. U. Caulfeild, Toronto.

COMBINED PUBLIC HEALTH AND LABORATORY WORKERS. Water Supplies and Water Analysis-Dr. J. A. Amyot, Toronto; Dr. T. A. Starkey, Montreal; Dr. Gordon Bell, Winnipeg; Dr. W. T. Connell, Kingston, and others will contribute to this discussion.


Dr. H. S. Birkett, Montreal, Chairman; Dr. Handford
McKee, Montreal, Secretary.

New Therapeutic Notes-Dr. Wilfrid Beaupre, Quebec.
Title to be announced-Dr. G. H. Mathewson, Montreal.

Title to be announced-Dr. Roy, Quebec.

Some Points in the Technique of Sub-mucous Resection of the Nasal Septum-Dr. C. M. Stewart, Ottawa.

Ulceration of the Cornea, Etiology and Treatment-Dr. Handford McKee, Montreal.

(1) Calcified Fibroma of the Orbit; (2) A Case of Bilateral Lardaceous Infiltration of the Buccal Mucous Membrane, not hitherto classified-Dr. J. N. Roy, Montreal.


Dr. W. H. Hattie, Halifax, Chairman; Dr. J. C. Mitchell, Brockville, Secretary.

Some Clinical Considerations of Dementia Præcox-Dr. Elbert M. Somers, Ogdensburg, N.Y.

Hydrotherapeutics when Applied to Mental and Nervous DiseasesDr. A. T. Hobbs, Guelph.

The Differential Diagnosis of some forms of Mental Diseases, with a Note as to Treatment-Dr. Gerald Fitzgerald, Toronto. Title to be announced-Dr. E. W. Archibald, Montreal.

Title to be announced-Dr. Colin Russel, Montreal.

Some Points in the Etiology of Progressive Muscular Atrophy, with Especial Reference to Heredity-Dr. D. A. Campbell, Halifax.

A Study of Thomsen's Disease (Myotomia Congenita)-By a sufferer from it.

Insanity and the General Practitioner-Dr. Moher, Brockville. Hysterical Manifestations Occurring After the Removal of a Brain Tumor-Dr. D. A. Shirres, Montreal.


Dr. F. A. L. Lockhart, Montreal, Chairman; Dr. D. Patrick, Montreal, Secretary.

Title to be announced-Dr. Wm. Gardner, Montreal.

Some Cases of Caesarian Section-Dr. R. E. Webster, Ottawa.

Pregnancy and Heart Troubles, with Report of Cases-Dr. J. C. Cameron, Montreal.

Title to be announced-Prof. de L. Harwood, Montreal.

Cases of Vicarious Menstruation-Dr. Blakeman.

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