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News Items.

WEST Toronto is to have a new hospital in the near future. NORTH Vancouver is to have a new hospital to cost $10,000 and accommodate 12 patients.

THE British Columbia Government has granted $15,000 to the Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria, for the current hospital year.

THE death is announced of Dr. James Stephenson, of Iroquois, Ont., at the age of 73 years. At one time he enjoyed one of the largest practices in Eastern Ontario.

WINNIPEG City Council, believing it would be acting outside its powers, has refused to submit a by-law for $225,000 for the purposes of the Winnipeg General Hospital.

LT.-COL J. T. FOTHERINGHAM, M.D., Toronto, will represent the Canadian Army Medical Corps at the Navy, Army and Ambulance section of the British Medical Association in Sheffield, England, in July.

DR. MCNEILL, of Prince Edward Island, was recently proceeded against under the Prohibition Act, for writing prescriptions for alcohol alleged to be for other than medicinal purposes. This is the first case of its kind ever before the Canadian Courts.

THE new University of Alberta has been organized, the seat of same to be at Edmonton. Prof. H. M. Tory, LL.D., formerly of McGill, is the President. Work will be commenced in September with forty students. There will be a course in arts and one in applied science.

DR. R. TAIT MCKENZIE, Director of Physical Education at the University of Pennsylvania, has an exhibition of statuettes, basreliefs and medals in bronze in the Art Gallery in Montreal. This same work has been exhibited in most of the large cities of the United States and in Europe.

Publishers' Department

INFECTIOUS DISEASES.-As the kidneys are the most active channel of elimination, not only of leucomaines and ptomaines, but also the micro-organisms of infectious and other diseases, it is specially important that elimination be constantly favored by the administration of a soothing and healing diuretic resolvent. This indication is met by administering sanmetto in teaspoonful doses four times a day. This explains why this remedy is so valuable as adjuvant treatment in la grippe, scarlet fever, gonorrhea and other diseases.

INSTEAD OF MORPHIA OR OPIUM.-We meet with many cases in practice suffering intensely from pain, where because of an idiosyncrasy or some other reason it is not advisable to give morphine or opium by the mouth, or morphine hypodermically, but frequently these very cases take kindly to codeia, and when assisted by antikamnia its action is all that could be desired. In the grinding pains which precede and follow labor, and the uterine contractions which often lead to abortion, in tic douloureux, brachialagia, cardialgia, gastralgia, hepatalgia, nephralgia and dysmenorrhoea, immediate relief is afforded by the use of this combination, and the relief is not merely temporary and palliative but in very many cases curative. The most available form in which to exhibit these remedies is in antikamnia and codeine tablets. The physician cannot be too careful in the selection of the kind of codeia he administers. The manufacturers of antikamnia and codeine tablets guarantee the purity of every grain of codeia which enters into their tablets. This not only prevents habit and the consequent irritation which follows the use of impure codeia, but it does away with constipation or any other untoward effect.

THE NECESSITY FOR HEMATICS AFTER MISCARRIAGES.-The more one studies the pathological conditions which follow premature expulsion of a fetus, the more evident it becomes that changes and complications which result from such unnatural termination of a natural process, are little appreciated. There can be little wonder, therefore, that abortions and miscarriages so often give rise to countless female ills, and so frequently lead to lives of more or less chronic invalidism.

Take, for instance, the average case. The whole female organism, as soon as conception takes place, makes preparations to

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meet the growing demands of the impregnated ovum. The vital processes of both nutrition and elimination are more heavily taxed, and this, of course, means greater activity on the part of the nervous and circulatory systems. Under normal conditions, however, since the female organism is especially designed for the one great purpose, maternity, there is only a modification or increase of function throughout the body. Thus in every sense, in spite of its many complex details, normal pregnancy is purely physiological.

But if for any reason pregnancy is abruptly terminated before the time at which it would normally end, the condition becomes. distinctly pathological. Delicate structures, especially those of the generative organs, are suddenly arrested while in a stage of active development, and a retrograde process has to be prematurely established. There naturally follows a marked depression of the whole nervous system, because of its unprepared state for meeting an event unexpected and unnatural. More important than all, however, is the fact that certain growing tissues that would separate normally at the end of pregnancy, in early stages are so closely attached to the uterine wall, that premature delivery always means tearing them away, leaving ragged, lacerated surfaces and an inevitable retention of tissue that because it has no further purpose must be either thrown off or absorbed by the organism. The extreme liability to infection at this time is well-known, and is directly due to the predisposition which attends this invariable presence of dead or dying tissues. From the foregoing, it must be apparent, that the effect of every miscarriage is depressing in character. Every organ cannot fail to feel the pernicious imprint, and there is a logical falling off of every vital process. Because of the formation and absorption of ptomaines and toxins of varying degrees of virulence, there is always more or less vitiation of the blood and disintegration of its corpuscular elements. While the hemolysis may not be extreme, it is generally sufficiently marked to leave no doubt that it is a prominent factor in determining the duration of convalescence and the completeness of recovery. In regard to treatment it seems hardly necessary to speak of the importance of thorough antisepsis nor of the frequent necessity of removing decaying material. These things are well appreciated by physicians generally. But what should be emphasized is the great importance of vigorous reconstructive treatment after miscarriages, in order to hasten the restoration of normal conditions, with all that this may mean on a woman's whole future health. Clinical experience has shown that Pepto-Mangan (Gude) has an especial value in these cases, for it not only supplies the urgent needs of the blood,





A Glothing Opportunity

Lack of space and interior departmental changes render it imperative that we should clear the balance of our stock of men's clothing.

Most well-dressed men know that we sell the best tailored men's goods in Canada.






In addition to Suits and new Spring Overcoats we have a large range of Burberry's Showerproof and Gaberdine Coats and Linen Dusters in tweeds and rubber effects. These coats are especially adapted for professional men for street, motoring and driving wear.

They are wind-proof, dust-proof and rain-proof, and of seasonable weights.

Come and see our showing-there is no obligation to buy. REMEMBER THE ADDRESS-93 YONGE STREET

J.W.T. Fairweather & Company

84-86 Yonge Street

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