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For COUGHS and



Each fluid drachm contains:-Codeine phosphate gr. combined
with Pinus Strobus, Prunus Virgioiana, Sanguinaria
Canadensis, Populus Balsamifera and Chloroform.

As a routine expectorant, it is the same reliable product
that has had the support of the profession
for the past eight years.





Perfectly safe with patients of any age.



Elixir Digitalin Co. “Frosst”

Each fluid drachm contains:-Digitalin 1-100 gr.
Nitroglycerine 1-100 gr. Strychnine 1-50 gr.

The original product that has created the demand for this energetic stimulant.


WINTER COUGHS GRIPPAL NEUROSES.-That codeine had an especially beneficial effect in cases of nervous cough, and that it was capable of controlling excessive coughing in various lung affections, was noted before its true physiological action was understood. Later it was clear that its power as a nerve calmative was due, as Bartholow says, to its special action on the pneumogastric nerve. Codeine stands apart from the rest of its group, in that it does not arrest secretion in the respiratory and intestinal tract. In marked contrast is it in this respect to morphine. Morphine dries the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract to such a degree that the condition is often made worse by its use; while its effect on the intestinal tract is to produce constipation. There are none of these disagreeable effects attending the use of codeine. Antikamnia has also stood the test of exhaustive trial, both in clinical and regular practice, and has been proven free from the usual untoward aftereffects which accompany, characterize, and distinguish all other preparations of this class. Therefore antikamnia and codeine tablets afford a very desirable mode of exhibiting these two valuable drugs. The proportions are those most frequently indicated in the various neuroses of the larynx as well as the coughs incident to lung affections, grippal conditions, etc.-The Laryngoscope.

LECITHIN is an organic compound rich in phosphorus and is the most satisfactory medicinal preparation of this element, as it is readily assimilable and does not disturb the digestive processes. Lecithol is a very palatable emulsion of lecithin, each drachm containing one grain of pure lecithin separated from fresh brain tissue. Physicians will find Lecithol of great service in all conditions of debility, regardless of the cause, as its administration stimulates nutrition, improves the appetite, increases activity of leucocytes, favors assimilation of nitrogen, and regulates the nervous system. It is indicated in tuberculosis, neurasthenia, rickets, marasmus, scrofula, chlorosis, and as a tonic for those suffering from exhaustion due to overwork or excesses of any kind.

THE Canadian Medical Exchange for the purchase and sale of medical practices during the past fourteen years has conducted the vast majority of transfers of medical practices from one physician to another, and offers a short-cut either to buyer or vendor







Our policy has always been, not how cheap we can offer Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Garments, but how good.

Well dressed ladies look to us for something distinc tive and different from the ordinary run.

More style and greater reliability can be put into Ready to Wear Garments than can be found in the average made-to-order suit.

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A visit to our showrooms will convince you of this fact. Tailored Suits,


$20 to $85.

Ladies' Coats and Cloaks

$10.50 to $75.

Ladies' Waists, $1.50 to $45.

Ladies' Hats, $5 to $35.

J. W. T. Fairweather & Co.

84-86 Yonge Street, Toronto

to secure the goal desired. Especially is this true in regard to vendors, as Dr. Hamill always has from twenty to thirty physicians who are registered with him as buyers, and who have asked him to pilot them on to suitable locations for practice. Vendors can get quick results by taking advantage of the experience and opportunities of this office. A list of his offers will always be found among our advertising columns, the complexion of which necessarily changes each month.

RHEUMATISM DUE TO GRIP.-In speaking of the treatment of articular rheumatism, Hobart A. Hare, M.D., Professor of Therapeutics in the Jefferson Medical College and editor of The Therapeutic Gazette, says: "Any substance possessing strong antipyretic power must be of value under such circumstances." He further notes that the analgesic power of the coal-tar products "must exert a powerful influence for good." The lowering of the fever no doubt quiets the system and removes the delirium which accompanies the hyperpyrexia, while freedom from pain saves an immense amount of wear, and places the patient in a better condition for recovery. The researches of Guttmann show conclusively that these products possess a direct anti-rheumatic influence and among those remedies antikamnia stands pre-eminent as an analgesic and antipyretic. Hare, in the latest edition of his "Practical Therapeutics," says: "Salol renders the intestinal canal antiseptic." This is much needed in the treatment of rheumatism. In short, the value of salol in rheumatic conditions is so well understood and appreciated that further comment is unnecessary. The statements of Profs. Hare and Guttmann are so well known and to the point, and have been verified so often, that we are not surprised that the wide-awake manufacturers placed " Antikamnia and Salol Tablets" on the market. Each of these tablets contains two and one-half grains of antikamnia and two and one-half grains of salol. The proper proportion of the ingredients is evidenced by the popularity of the tablets in all rheumatic conditions and particularly in that condition of muscular soreness which accompanies and follows the grip.

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THE SPRINGS-The remedial properties of our Mineral water have a world-wide reputation The White Sulphur water is used extensively in the baths and for drinking purposes. The fresh water springs which supply the Sanitarium are pure and the supply is abundant. The bathing and treatment facilities are unexcelled by any in the country. We are pleased to send booklets which give an interes ing description of this Sanitarium, with attractive illustrations of the buildings, Springs, etc. Rates furnished on application. No Insane or Tubercular cases received.

The Clifton Springs Sanitarium

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Physicians are cordially invited to visit this new and modern Sanitarium, also to investigate our general equipment and methods of treatment. Our rates are moderate and will be quoted on request. Correspondence confidential. Descriptive literature cheerfully furnished.



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