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On By-Laws.-Alex. Taylor, Goderich; W. J. Charlton, Weston; W. T. Parke, Woodstock; T. D. Meikle, Mount Forest; J. Lindsay, Guelph; C. J. Hastings, Toronto.

On Ethics.-H. T. Machell, Toronto; H. A. McCallum, London; Geo. T. McKeough, Chatham; John Caven, H. J. Hamilton; A. A. Macdonald, Toronto; H. S. Bingham, Cannington.

Advisory. Daniel Clark, Toronto; J. H. Richardson, Toronto; J. A. Temple, Toronto; W. H. Moorhouse, London; R. A. Reeve, Toronto; R. W. Bruce Smith, Brockville; F. Le M. Grasett, Toronto; Wm. Britton, Toronto; W. J. Gibson, Belleville; A. H. Wright, Toronto; Angus McKinnon, Guelph; N. A. Powell, Toronto; J. C. Mitchell, Enniskillen; J. F. W. Ross, Toronto; Wm. Burt, Paris, and G. A. Bingham, Toronto.


On Audit.-D. G. Storms, Hamilton; W. J. McNicholl, Hamilton; Wallace Scott, Toronto; J. A. Dickson, Hamilton.

On Necrology.-A. Dalton Smith, Mitchell; G. R. Cruickshank, Windsor; J. D. Courtenay, Ottawa; D. Hoig, Oshawa ; James Russell, Hamilton.

On Papers and Business.-R. R. Wallace, Chairman; J. A. Bauer, J. W. Edgar, J. P. Morton, G. S. Glassco, J. Heurner Mullin, L. W. Cockburn, D. G. Storms.

On Arrangements.-A. B. Osborn, Hamilton, Chairman; G. S. Rennie, H. S. Griffin, G. S. Glassco, J. H. Mullin, A. E. Malloch, J. E. Davey, E. P. O'Reilly, F. E. McLoughlin, J. T. Rogers, Jas. Anderson, F. Coleman.


Through the courtesy of Mr. J. J. Morrison, the President, and the Committee of the Hamilton Golf Club, the privileges of the Club House and Links are extended to the visiting members of the Association. Golf enthusiasts are requested to bring their clubs.

The privileges of the Thistle Club are extended to the visiting members of the Association by the courtesy of Mr. T. G. Haslett, the President, and Dr. H. A. Wardell, the President of the Bowling Club. Bowls will be provided for members desirous of trying their skill on the green.


Members arriving by the T.H. & B. or by the C.P.R. may walk directly eastward along Hunter Street, upon which the depot

is, to Victoria Ave., a matter of five minutes' walk, or may take the King Street East Cars.

Those arriving via G.T.R. will take cars to King Street, transfer to King Street East, and thence to Victoria Avenue.

Streamers will direct you to the Normal College Building.


Royal Hotel, accommodation for 100 guests, $3.00 to $3.50 per day. American plan.

Waldorf, accommodation for 100 guests, $2.00 to $3.00 per day. American plan.

Terminal, accommodation for 40 guests, $2.00 per day. American plan.

Hotel Cecil, accommodation for 50 guests, $2.00 per day. American plan.


These may be directed to the care of the Secretary, Normal College, Victoria Ave. South, where they will be held for you at the Bureau.


Second Annual Convention, to be held in the Parliament Buildings, Toronto, on Easter Monday and Tuesday, April 20th and 21st, 1908.


2 p.m.-President's address, Miss L. C. Brent, Superintendent Hospital for Sick Children.

"How to Deal with Tuberculosis as a Social Problem."-Dr. W. J. Dobbie, Superintendent Weston Sanitarium. . Discussion by: Drs. Gordon and Kendall, of Gravenhurst, and Dr. Holbrook, Mountain Sanitarium, Hamilton.

"The Milk Supply."-Dr. Helen MacMurchy, editor Canadian Nurse. Discussion by: Dr. Robertson, of Ottawa.

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Fumigation."-Dr. A. D. Macintyre, Superintendent Kingaton General Hospital. Discussion by: Miss Miller, Lindsay. Appointment of Nominating Committee.

8 p.m.-Reception by Miss Louise C. Brent, President of Association, at the Nurses' Residence, Hospital for Sick Children.


9.30 a.m.-" Contagious Diseases in Relation to Hospital Management."-Dr. Chas. Sheard, Medical Health Officer. Discussion by: Miss Brent and Miss Matheson.

"Some Observations on European Psychiatric Hospitals." Dr. C. K. Clarke, Superintendent Toronto Hospital for Insane. Discussion by: Dr. Ryan, of Kingston; Dr. Hurd, of Johns Hopkins Hospital; Dr. R. Bruce Smith and Dr. D. C. Meyers.

"The Hospital and the Public."-Del T. Sutton, Esq., editor National Hospital Record. Discussion by: J. W. Flavelle, Esq., LL.D., W. T. White, Esq., J. Ross Robertson, Esq., and J. W. Atkinson, Esq.

Report of Nominating Committee.

2 p.m.-" A New Typhoid Hopper."-II. E. Webster, Superintendent the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal.

"The Nursing of Incurable Patients."-Miss M. M. Grey, Superintendent Hospital for Incurables.

"The Proper Length of the Period of Study for Nurses." Dr. H. M. Hurd, Superintendent Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore. Discussion by: Miss Patton, Miss Tolmie and Miss Chesley.

Physician's Library.

Diseases of the Heart. BY PROF. TH. VON JURGENSEN, of Tubin-
gen; PROF. DR. L. KREHL, of Greifswald; and PROF. DR. L.
VON SCHROTTER, of Vienna. Edited, with additions, by
GEORGE DOCK, M.D., Professor of Medicine, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor. Octavo of 848
Octavo of 848 pages, illustrated.
Philadelphia and London: W. B. Saunders Company, 1908.
Cloth, $5.00 net; half morocco, $6.00 net. Canadian agents,
J. A. Carveth & Co, Ltd, Toronto.

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This is a translation of the heart sections of Nothnagel's Specielle Pathologie und Therapie." The excellence of the system of internal medicine issued under the editorship of Professor Nothnagel is recognized by German physicians and those of other nationalities who are sufficiently familiar with German to read the original works. Unfortunately, the great majority of English physicians are unfamiliar with the German language and consequently are unable to benefit themselves by reading the original monographs. The translation, therefore, of this, as well as of the other volumes of the system, is a great addition to medical literature in the English language.

The translation of the monograph before us is under the charge of Professor Dock, University of Michigan. The contributors are Professors von Jurgensen, von Schrotter and Krehl, all of whom are well known for their scientific attainments and wide clinical experience.

The Production and Handling of Clean Milk. BY KENELM WINSLOW, M.D., M.D.V., B.A.S. (Harv.), formerly Instructor in Bussey Agriculture Institute and Assistant Professor in the Veterinary School of Harvard University; author of a "Text-book on Veterinary Materia Medica and Therapeutics"; Chairman of the Committee on Milk of the Washington State Medical Association, etc. New York: William R. Jenkins Co., publishers, 851-853 Sixth Avenue.

The production of clean milk, which concerns many, particularly the consumer, is at the present day prominently before the public in every walk of life. The medical profession, always on the alert to prevent as well as to cure disease, takes an active part

in the campaign. Physicians will, therefore, be intensely interested in a book which presents the question to them in its many aspects. As the writer of this book is so well qualified to instruct upon the subject, it can be taken for granted that his work has been admirably done in its preparation. It is freely illustrated, excellently gotten up and written in a clear and intelligent manner.

Woman A Treatise on the Normal and Pathological Emotions of Feminine Love. BY BERNARD S. TALMEY, M.D., Gynecologist to the Yorkville Hospital and Dispensary; former Pathologist to the Mothers' and Babies' Hospital, etc., New York. For Physicians and Students of Medicine and Jurisprudence. With twenty-three drawings in the text. Second enlarged and improved edition. Price, $3.00. New York: Practitioners' Publishing Co.

That a second edition of this unique book in medical literature has been called for in ten months' time shows that there has been an appreciation of it on the part of the medical public. It certainly fills a want in medical literature. To read and understand in this book is better than teaching and instruction imparted by the professor. Medical students would be far too apt in classes to receive the instruction with levity, no matter in what seriousness it was delivered. The young man goes into practice poorly equipped in this sort of knowledge. Probably many suffer needlessly thereby. That is nicely corrected by Dr. Talmey's book.

Treatment of Internal Diseases. BY DR. NORBERT ORTNER, of the University of Vienna. Edited by NATHANIEL BOWDITCH POTTER, M.D., Visiting Physician to the New York City Hospital, and to the French Hospital; Instructor in Medicine, Columbia University. Translated by FREDERICK H. BARTLETT, M.D., from the Fourth German Edition. London, Philadelphia, Montreal: J. B. Lippincott Company. Octavo, 658 pages. Cloth, $5.00 net.

The scope of this book is treatment, not prophylaxis, only so much of the pathological physiology of the diseases being discussed as bears upon their rational treatment. The reader is shown the importance of mechanical, dietetic, climatic, and all extra medicinal methods, then the applicability of certain drugs,

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