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hard-working able official at present issuing his orders in re quarantine from the Department of Agriculture, which is an anomaly per se, and lessens the authority in a measure, and yet he has nothing to say as regards sick seamen, sick Indians, adulteration of food, vital statistics, and has no laboratory under his control.

The Prime Minister was most courteous, and listened patiently to the arguments set forth, and finally authorized Dr. Roddick to place a resolution on the order paper, with a view to having a discussion in Parliament before the Privy Council took up the matter in earnest.

Sir Wilfrid Laurier also stated that, in the absence of the Minister of Agriculture, who was familiar with the whole question, he would not willingly go into the matter at greater length with a view to legislation, in the Minister's absence.

Dr. Roddick's resolution was as follows:

"That it is expedieni in the public interest to constitute a Department of Public Health for the Dominion, charged with the execution of the various duties which are or may be, imposed upon or assumed by the Government, for the protection of the public health, and the prevention and mitigation of diseases, and that such Department of Public Health be administered under the direction of a Minister of the Crown, in conjunction with one of the existing Departments of the Government."

On the return of the Minister of Agriculture from Japan, your Committee was again convened, and waited upon him, when the subject was again carefully gone into. The Committee feel they have a warm advocate in Mr. Fisher, who is thoroughly alive to the necessities of the case, and if his colleagues in the Government would carefully consider this matter, and the justice and importance of the claim for consideration we as a profession are making, they would readily acquiesce. Some difficulties naturally stand in the way, and some difficulties are easily introduced into the way, but a way can be found for this measure to be put through, as has been found for other measures, and will be found for future measures, if only there is a willingness on the part of the Government to place this matter in the position it ought to occupy. Let me say that Parliament is still in session, and, therefore, it may yet transpire that the final decision of the Government may not be adverse, and the delay will be found to be due only to the great strain of urgent public business of weightier moment.

Your Committee expresses the hope that their efforts have not been entirely in vain, and they beg to report that, in their opinion, the profession as a whole must continue to press their claims for a

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proper recognition of this question at the hands of the Government by influencing all those with whom they may come in contact, and, moreover, by continuing to further influence public opinion by definite announcements from time to time in the form of resolutions emanating from this parent Association, and others of a like character throughout the Dominion.

Respectfully submitted on the behalf of your Committee.

(Signed) R. W. POWELL, Convener.

Mr. I. H. Cameron, of Toronto, a Past-President of the Association, moved the adoption of this report, which was done unanimously, after a full and extended discussion.

Dr. Adam H. Wright, Toronto, then presented the following resolution, which was seconded by Dr. H. H. Chown, of Winnipeg:

Whereas, this Association at its meeting in Montreal in 1902 placed itself on record by resolution to the effect that it is expedient that a Department of Public Health be created by the Dominion Government, and administered under the authority of one of the existing Ministers of the Crown;

It is further Resolved at this meeting to again press upon the attention of the Government that Canada is not preserving her status among the nations in this branch of the public service, and that it is anomalous to have the various matters connected with the administration of public health, so far as it appertains to the Dominion Government, spread through four or five departments.

It is further Resolved, That, in the opinion of this Association, the profession of medicine in the country, being actuated in this matter solely in the best interests of the public welfare, and with an earnest wish to place Canada on a par with other civilized countries, is entitled to expect that the honorable the Privy Council of Canada will, at an early date, take this question into its best consideration, so that by the time our Association meets again in the autumn of 1904, we will be made officially acquainted with a decision.

That a copy of this resolution be transmitted by the Secretary to the Right Honorable the Prime Minister, to the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture, and to the Honorable the Privy Council of Canada through the Honorable R. W. Scott, Secretary of State. Carried unanimously.

Dr. S. J. Tunstall, Vancouver, B.C., the President-elect, reappointed this Special Committee, with instructions that they prosecute the matter still further, and be able to present at the next annual meeting, in Vancouver, in 1904, a more favorable report.


Vancouver, August 26th, 1904. To the President and Members of the Canadian Medical Association:

Gentlemen,-Your Committee in charge of the question of the establishment of a Department of Public Health by the Dominion Government have the honor to report that the matter has, to a certain extent, been in abeyance since our meeting at London last year (1903). At that meeting you will recollect we reported certain interviews with the Prime Minister and the Minister of Agriculture, at which we were led to understand that it was not feasible for the Government to give us any assurance that our wishes in the matter could be practically considered. The resolution again passed at London pressing the subject on the attention of the Government as one closely associated with the country's welfare and best interests, was duly forwarded to the Dominion authorities.

It was also pointed out to the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture by the convener of your Committee that the medical profession of the Dominion, as represented by the Canadian Medical Association, were united in their desire to have such a department created, and that they were only actuated in the matter by motives of patriotism, feeling assured that the administration of public health in matters pertaining to the Dominion Government would be greatly facilitated and rendered more useful and satisfactory if it emanated from a central department instead of having a series of branches having executive authority scattered through a number of departments of the Government.

Your Committee are gratified to be able to report that there are evidences that, during the present recess, the matter will engage the attention of the Privy Council more seriously than it has hitherto done. Before legislation could be introduced certain questions involving much consideration will have to be settled, and we are given to understand that these preliminaries will be weighed before Parliament meets. While it is to a certain extent unsatisfactory to be obliged to report in such an indefinite way, yet we trust the Association will understand we have not been idle, but that in a matter of this kind we are in the hands of the goodwill of the Government, and that it would be neither judicious nor delicate to compromise the present favorable opportunity by referring in detail to the reasons that have enabled us to hazard our present opinions. Respectfully submitted.

(Signed) R. W. POWELL,

Convener of Special Committee.

This report, on motion, was received and adopted.


Vancouver, August 26th, 1904.

Moved by Dr. H. A. Lafleur, Montreal, and seconded by Dr. O. M. Jones, Victoria, and

Resolved, That the Canadian Medical Association regret that the Dominion Government have not seen their way clear to carrying out the suggestions contained in the several strong resolutions of this Association passed during the past three years on the question of the establishment of a Department of Public Health under one of the existing Ministers of the Crown.

That it be further Resolved, That this Association continue to press the wishes of the medical profession of the Dominion on this subject on the attention of the Government, inasmuch as we feel assured that the difficulties to be overcome in order to bring about such a desirable end are of small consequence to the public welfare compared to the beneficial results that will follow.

That the sub-committee in charge of this matter be reappointed at this meeting and requested to continue their efforts of the past three years.

That a copy of this resolution be sent by the General Secretary to the Right Honorable the Prime Minister, the Minister of Agriculture, and the Secretary of State. Carried.

Halifax, N.S., August 24th, 1905.

The General Secretary read for Dr. R. W. Powell the report of the Special Committee on a Public Health Department for Canada : To the President and Members of the Canadian Medical Asso


Gentlemen,-As convener of your Committee in re the creation of a Department of Public Health, as a Dominion measure, I have the honor to report that practically no advance has been made since we first presented your views to the Federal Government on this important question three years ago.

Strong resolutions have been passed by your Association, containing the views of the profession on this matter. Year after year they have been duly forwarded to the proper authorities at Ottawa, to say nothing of the personal representations of our Committee conveyed to the Government by way of deputation and personal interview. On the last occasion I waited on the Honorable the Minister of Agriculture he pointed out to me that he was familiar with the views of our Association as contained in the several reso

lutions referred to above, and that it appeared to him to be unnecessary to call the Committee to Ottawa to reiterate what we had so clearly laid before him. He assured me that the whole question had his entire sympathy, and that he trusted to see such a scheme as had been outlined to him brought into operation, and he further said that it was his intention to bring the matter again to the attention of the Prime Minister, he hoped at a date sufficiently early to enable him to give something rather definite for our meeting at Halifax.

Your Committee feel that they have done what they could to induce the Government at Ottawa to create a Department of Public Health under one of the existing Ministers in order to place this important branch of the public service on the same footing as it stands in nearly all progressive countries. We regret, however, to be obliged to report that so far our efforts have been unavailing, and as we believe that a more powerful and influential committee is needed from this Association, to more seriously impress the Government with the great importance of this question, we respectfully ask to be discharged.

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Dr. George Elliott moved, seconded by Dr. Stewart, Palmerston, that the Committee be discharged. Carried.

The General Secretary then proposed the following resolution in the name of Dr. Powell:

Resolved, That a Committee be appointed from this Association to wait upon the Dominion Government and lay before them the several resolutions now on the books of this Association in reference to the creation of a Department of Public Health, in order that all matters pertaining to the public health over which the Dominion. Government has jurisdiction may be administered under one official head.

That the Committee be requested to impress upon the Government the great importance and public utility of the matter, and that it is the wish of the medical profession in the Dominion, as represented by the Canadian Medical Association that such an advance be made in this branch of the public service.

That the Committee consist of Dr. E. P. Lachapelle, Montreal (convener); Dr. R. W. Powell, Ottawa; Dr. J. W. Daniel, M.P., St. John; Lieut.-Col. Carleton Jones, M.D., Halifax; Dr. H. A. Bruce, Toronto, and Dr. H. H. Chown, Winnipeg, with power to add to their number. Carried.

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