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until He fhall have fubdued all things unto Himfelf: until after having extended the dominion of His church over the whole earth, after having crushed with the rod of His vengeance all His adverfaries, whether rebellious men or revolted angels, He fhall complete the glories and evince the everlafting durability of His triumph by the perpetual deftruction of death. That laft enemy of man, that lateft antagonist of our Redeemer, shall affuredly be destroyed for ever: for God hath put all things, even death himfelf, under the feet of His Son. For in that He put all in fubjection under Him, He left nothing that is not put under Him. For Chrift took not on Him the nature of angels; but He took on Him the feed of Abraham, He alfo Himfelf took part of flesh and blood, that through death He might deftroy bim that had the power of death, that is, the devil (g). Chrift fhall enthrone His righteous fervants in an inheritance of everlafting happiness, an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, that fadeth not away; where death cometh no more, for they shall die no more, but are equal unto the angels, and are the children of God, being the children of the refurrection. Then, when He fhall thu have accomplished His warfare, thus effectu(g) Hebr. ii. 8. 14. 16.


ally attained and established for ever the purposes of mercy for which He took human nature upon Him; He fhall deliver up the kingdom to His Father. He fhall refign His mediatorial kingdom, that separate and delegated fovereignty of the universe which He had held in a character now no longer neceffary, to the Father from whom He had received it: that the eternal Godhead, Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, may thenceforth be - all in all.

Such are the fublime and ftupendous views which the word of God difplays of the univerfal empire of the Son of God, who died for us upon the crofs. Head over all things to His church, angels and authorities and powers being made fubject unto Him; He is indeed able to fave to the uttermoft all that come by Him unto God. He who is Lord of earth and Heaven vouchfafes to call His people by the endearing name of brethren. He knoweth whereof we are made; He remembereth that we are but duft: for in every thing, except fin, He was made like unto His brethren. We have not an high prieft which cannot be touched with a feeling of our infirmities: for He was in all points tempted like as we are; and having Himself fuffered, being tempted, He is able Dd 3


to fuccour them that are tempted. In the days of His flesh He offered up prayers and fupplications with ftrong crying and tears unto Him that was able to fave, and He was heard and His ears are ever open to the prayers of His fervants, His arm is ever ftretched forth in defence of the heirs of falvation. Look up then to Chrift, ye who, though deeply confcious of your fins, are humbly labouring through the fanctification of His Spirit to serve Him in faith and holinefs; look up to your glorified King with confidence and joy. From His throne in the heaven of heavens He is beholding you for good. By night and by day He watches over you; fhields you from evil, fupports you under trials, delivers you from temptation. Fly to Him for continual protection: plead with Him for never-failing grace. Depend with unshaken reliance on His promife, on His power, on His wifdom, on His love. He who fpared not His own life for you, fhall He not give you all things? All things are yours: whether the world, or life, or death, or things prefent, or things to come, all things are yours: all things are ordained and controlled and directed for your happiness, because ye are Chrift's (b). But tremble ye unrepenting (b) 1 Cor. iii. 21.23.


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finners, ye who defpife and disobey the gofpel: tremble to behold that Saviour whom ye reject exalted to the dominion of the univerfe. By your perfeverance in tranfgreffion you compel Him to be your enemy. You range yourselves in battle array against your. Judge: you turn a deaf ear to His offers of forgiveness: you pluck down death and misery everlasting with your own hands upon yourselves. What is your confidence? Do you provoke the Almighty to anger? Are you ftronger than He? Thofe whom His love cannot reclaim His indignation fhall overwhelm. Jefus, the Lamb of God, facrificed for your fins, you despise. Look to Jefus the Son of God, Himself one with the Father, feated on His Father's throne. Behold the dawning of the great day. Behold, He cometh with clouds; and every eye fhall fee Him! Behold the day when the fun fhall become black as fack-cloth, and the moon as blood: when the ftars Shall fall from heaven, and the heaven fhall depart as a feroll when it is rolled together, and every mountain and island shall be moved out of their places: when all the enemies of Chrift, kings of the earth, and great men, and rich men, and chief captains, and mighty men, and every bondman and every freeman, shall hide themselves in the dens and in the rocks of Dd 4 the

the mountains; and fhall fay to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and bide us from the face of Him that fitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb. For the great day of His wrath is come: and who shall be able to Stand (i)? Liften even yet to the voice of mercy. Bend the ftubborn knee, bow down the hardened heart. He ftill waits to be gracious. But the season of trial will have an end. His Spirit will not always ftrive with man. Your time of trial may be expiring. Humble yourself before Chrift, the Lord of heaven and earth: truft in His atoning blood: pray without ceafing for His grace: and save yourselves, while yet you may, from the refurrection of damnation.

(i) Rev. i. 7. vi. 12-17.

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