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Number, weight, and msasure, are the foundations of all exact science."

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They are produced by the tidal wave and the land with its peculiar formation.

It the earth was a true sphere and evenly covered with a layer of water, the tides would follow the moon around the earth like a broad but gentle swell, and not exceed five feet in height directly under the moon, and there would be no gulf stream or any other ocean currents. If there was a narrow belt of land reaching from pole to pole it would act on the principle of a dam and would stop the natural course of the tide and would raise it from five to twenty five feet at least.

To cause a very high tide, form a bay one hundred miles long and fifty miles wide at the mouth and gradually coming to a point at the extreme end; locate it in this belt of land, that reaching from pole to pole it would act on the principle of a dam and would stop the natural course of the tide, and would raise it from five to twenty feet at least. To cause a very high tide, form a bay 100 miles long and 50 miles wide at the mouth, and gradually coming to a point at the extreme end; locate it in this belt of land, that reaches from pole to pole, directly under the moon. The tide would rise at the extreme end of the bay 100 feet at least. This formation gives the tide a very good opportunity to enter the bay and force the water upward. Το make this better understood, I call your attention to the Bay of Fundy, it is this principle that causes the tide to rise 60 feet or more at the head of that bay; it is the form of the bay that causes the

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