3 O, for new heavens! new light our minds to lead, 4 Must we forever tread this barren way? Repeat the fruitless round of old routine, Where no new dawn proclaims the advancing day, No tender spring clothes earth anew with green ? 5 Believe we rather in the coming sweet Of Christ on earth, the living Christ, to reign When saints, by creeds divided now, shall meet, And his one church all churches shall contain. 6 The lofty portals of these heavens expand, 7 How long, dear mother! holy church, how long ! prolong: Come, city of our God, nor leave us more! 540 10s M. JAS. F. CLARKE. Closing Aspiration. 1 O THOU, by God ordained to lead the race In mighty march and grand procession on; King, Prophet, Saviour, - show thy human face, And let us know thee as ourselves are known. 2 Come, Prophet, teach the world. Thy solid truth Alone this doubt can cure, can light this gloom, Make real that unseen world's undying youth, Which turns to dreams the terrors of the tomb. 3 Come, King, and reign o'er those who yearn to prove Life's task full-matched with their strong souls' desire; Who long for work deserving human love, 4 Come, Saviour; in our sin and need and pain, Treading the path where thy dear feet have gone, Help us through thy full life to live again, And be, through thy deep peace, with God at one. 541 L. M. 1 FROM all that dwell below the skies 2 Eternal are thy mercies, Lord! WATTS. Eternal truth attends thy word; 408 Mighty God, the first 154 My child, cleanse thou My country, 't is of thee My God, accept my heart 252 My God, all nature 352 My God, in whom are all the My God, permit me not to be 290 My Maker and my King 396 Men whose boast it is that ye 237 266 329 Mighty God, while angels 153 534 233 476 277 10 492 312 297 323 327 423 394 285 274 |