2 From age to age unchanging, still the same All-good thou art; Hallowed forever be thy reverend name In every heart! 3 When the glad morn upon the hills was spread. Thy smile was there; Now, as the darkness gathers overhead, 4 Night spreads her shade upon another day Forever past; So o'er our faults thy love, we humbly pray, A veil may cast. 5 Silence and sleep o'er hearts by earth distrest Now sweetly steal; So every fear that struggles in the breast Shall faith conceal. 6 Thou through the dark will watch above our sleep With eye of love; And thou wilt wake us, when the sunbeams leap The hills above. 7 O, may each heart its gratitude express As life expands; And find the triumph of its happiness In thy commands! 503 P. M. Wymn for Christmas. 10 LOVELY Voices of the sky, MRS. HEMANS. Which hymned the Saviour's birth, 2 O clear and shining Light, whose beams, O clear and shining Light! 3 O Star which led to him whose love Send them to guide us yet, 504 10s M. ANONYMOUS. "Ef he giveth Quiet, who can make Trouble?" 1 QUIET from God! how beautiful to keep This treasure, the All-merciful hath given; To feel, when we awake and when we sleep, Its incense round us, like a breath from heaven! 2 To sojourn in the world, and yet apart; To dwell with God, and still with man to feel; To bear about forever in the heart The gladness which his Spirit doth reveal! 3 Who shall make trouble then? Not evil minds, 4 What shall make trouble? Not the holy thought Of the departed; that will be a part Of those undying things his peace hath wrought 5 What shall make trouble? Not slow-wasting pain, Nor even the threatening, certain stroke of death; These do but wear away, then break, the chain Which bound the spirit down to things beneath. 428 505 P. M. Vespers. ANONYMOUS. 1 FADING, still fading, the last beam is shining; Father in heaven! the day is declining; Safety and innocence flee with the light, Temptation and danger walk forth with the night; From the fall of the shade till the morning bells chime, Shield us from danger, and keep us from crime! 2 Father in heaven! O, hear, when we call, Through Jesus Christ, who is Saviour of all! Fainting and feeble, we trust in thy might; In doubting and darkness thy love be our light! Let us sleep on thy breast while the night-taper. burns, And wake in thy arms when the morning returns. 506 11 & 5s M. BOWRING. Humble Devotion. 1 FROM the recesses of a lowly spirit, Our humble prayer ascends; O Father! hear it. Borne on the trembling wings of fear and meekness; Forgive its weakness! 2 We see thy hand: it leads us, it supports us : We hear thy voice; it counsels and it courts us; Forgives our blindness. 3 O, how long-suffering, Lord! but thou delightest 4 Father and Saviour! plant within each bosom 5 Then place them in those everlasting gardens, Where angels walk, and seraphs are the wardens; Where every flower escaped through death's dark Becomes immortal. portal 507 L. M. S. F. ADAMS. The Human Heart. 1 O HUMAN heart! thou hast a song 2 O human heart! what deed of thine 3 O human heart! that singest still, |