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Miscellaneous Subjects.

С. М.

Past and Future.


10 HALLOWED memories of the past,
Ye legends old and fair,

Still be your light upon us cast,
Your music on the air.

2 For hearts the beautiful that feel,
Whose pulse of love beats strong,
The opening heavens new light reveal,
Glory to God, their song.

3 And while from out our dying dust
Light more than life doth stream,
We bless the faith that bids us trust
The heaven that we dream.

4 Then, hallowed memories of the past,
Or legends old and fair,
Still be your light upon us cast,
Your music on the air.



[blocks in formation]

Truth never Dies.

1 ONCE in the busy streets

Did Wisdom cry aloud;

And then she perished, mid the scoffs
Of the misguided crowd.

2 Once in the quiet grove

Did Wisdom's accents charm;
And then she perished by the blows
Of Conquest's iron arm.

3 But ever, in the skies,

In earth, and sea, and air,

Does Wisdom teach the human heart,
And none can crush her there.

4 Systems and teachers change,
They flourish and decay;
But ne'er from nature's truth and love
Shall Wisdom pass away.

L. M. 6 1.

The Nameless Martyrs.


1 THE kings of old have shrine and tomb
In many a minster's haughty gloom;
And green, along the ocean side,
The mounds arise where heroes died;
But show me on thy flowery breast,
Earth, where thy nameless martyrs rest!

2 The thousands that, uncheered by praise,
Have made one offering of their days;
For truth, for heaven, for freedom's sake,
Resigned the bitter cup to take;
And silently, in fearless faith,
Bowing their noble souls to death.

3 Where sleep they? Woods and sounding waves Are silent of those hidden graves;

Yet what if no light footstep there
In pilgrim love and awe repair

They sleep in secret; but their sod,
Unknown to man, is marked of God!


7s M.

W. J. Fox.

Purposes of Life.

1 Not for false and fleeting joys,
Pleasure that while tasted cloys,
Not for self-inflicted woe,
Did God place us here below :

2 But for wisdom, happiness,
Blessed life, and life to bless
Love, the soul of deity,

And progress through eternity:

3 For cultured earth and conquered wave,
Fancy bright, and science grave,
Mind and heart, with blending powers,
Building more than Eden's bowers;


4 And for mutual love and aid,
Never weary nor dismayed,
Strength renewing, as we rise
Upward to unchanging skies.

P. M.


Prayer of the Persecuted.

10 THOU who dwell'st in the heavens high,
Above the stars, and within yon sky;
Where the dazzling fields never needed light
Of the sun by day or the moon by night:

2 Though shining millions around thee stand,
For the sake of him who's at thy right hand,
O, think of those that have cost him so dear!
Still chained in doubt and in darkness here.

3 Our night is dreary, and dim our day;
And, if thou turnest thy face away,
We are sinful, feeble, and helpless dust,
And have none to look to and none to trust.

4 The powers of darkness are all abroad, -
They own no Saviour, and fear no God;
And we are trembling in mute dismay, -
O, turn not thou thy face away!

5 Thine aid, O mighty God, we crave,
Not shortened is thine arm to save;
Afar from thee we now sojourn, -
Return to us, O God, return!

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