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wicked one) and Abel who was of Adam and the woman, or between those two. This feeling was carried farther than enmity unto that of murder. But this enmity was to continue between the races described


"tares and wheat, or sheep and goats, or children of God and the children of the devil," for as his seed is desceibed under as many bad names as can be invented for them, so is the seed of the woman described under as many good ones, such as "good seed, sons and offspring, of God, children of the resurrection, and of righteousness." Peter and Faul state," the seed of the blessed of the Lord, sons of the living God, dear children of God, the Holy seed." and many others. Christ said, "And he that doeth the will of God, the same is my mother, my sister, and brother." Before I follow the enmity between the seeds, I must not omit the enmity betwen themselves, for God had said, "I will put enmity between thee and the woman," as well as their respective seeds, because the woman had said, "he was pleasant to the eyes, and to be desired," (which no doubt he was.) God never made anything imperfect more especially those in his own image and likeness, far different from all other creation, which was done by word speaking (as in the case of Moses throwing down a rod which became a serpent.) Man was formed by the hands of God in his image, and had the breath of life breathed into his nostrils, so that the life of man was the life of God. The Angel who fell from Heaven was made in the same manner, no better, but just the same, his only fault was a knowledge of evil, which no doubt would not now be considered evil. considering what followed and what God requires,) as God said, "Be ye holy as I am holy." Man has not now the idea of the holy state he was in when finished and blessed by God. It is no great marvel that Eve should behold the angel of about her own age (considering that woman was made for man) as pleasant to her eyes and one to be desired; would not such a one be so now; decidedly, yes, for many a great deal worse has been desired and obtained the same sorrow. As the man and his wife should be one flesh there was the necessary cause why an enmity of feeling should exist between the serpent and the woman, so that the desirement should cease, and be transferred to where it should have been and to whom it was intended to multiply and replenish the land. So then there was no more unity but enmity between the serpent and the woman, and also between their respective seeds, until Christ came upon earth, for he

could never have descended into flesh had unity existed between the races, because adultery would have made the two seeds impure, and consequently, not children of the kingdom. So that, after the Saviour had descended into flesh (which was his own life) to redeem this lost seed that was without hope, and to engraft the wild olive branch upon the natural tree, making both seeds one, unity should take the place of enmity, and the new commandment requisite that we should love one another, as a proof of this read St. Paul's second letter to the Ephesians (a portion of which is our next italics) he will there see this seed was strangers from the covenant of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world, until Christ came, who hath now saved the lost seed by the sacrifice of himself, 15th and 16th 66 verse, Having abolished in his flesh the enmity even the law of commandments, contained in ordinances for to make in himself, of twain, one new man, so making peace, And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby." The enmity existed between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman from the beginning until Christ came; the cause, purpose. and necessity of the enmity both between the serpent and the woman, and likewise their respective seeds I have shown, I will presently show how it was carried onwards.

Genesis iv, verse 16.


"And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden." No one will for a moment suppose that this land was inhabited when he went there, for such could not be. It was only a spot of ground that the exile chose for a location. It is evident that he must have located somewhere, which he did, and began to build, which shows no previous habitation; neither was there, until by building and generating it becomes a city and a name, which existed and was destroyed long before the spirit of God communicated it to Moses to record for future generations, which could not be described in any better terms, because such a land had existed and was the residence of the seed of the serpent, described as men that multiplied on the face of the earth a distinct race of people from that of Adam's generation, as recorded in the following chapter. Moses makes mention of wives,

though he seldom mentions their names; but we must naturally suppose that the wife of Cain was the sister who went into exile with him ; whether she was his wife before he killed Abel, or not, is a matter of indifference: there was no other man to be wife unto, for Adam lived an hundred and thirty years before he had another son after Abel, and during which time the seed of the serpent was multiplying and building and progressing in trades, &c.; a land of fugitives and vagabonds; even committing murder in ungodly boast, under no law or authority, their will was their law, their propensities their pleasure. These are the men designated as the seed of the serpent driven forth from the presence of the Deity, to be kept separated from the after descendants of Adam.


"And dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life." This is addressed to the serpent whose days were numbered, shewing there would be an end of his life; and sentence was passed upon him as well as the sons of God, although he fell from heaven, and was not hurt: it was because there was no sorrow, or pain, or death upon the nature of man, so that he took no hurt, any more than other angels that have been commissioned down. It was since he came to earth that he received his sentence of death; there was no other habitation for him to come to, for God had only made two habitations or folds for sheep at the beginning, which was heaven and earth; and that is all except the third heaven, his own dwelling place, there is no more; but he has prepared or is preparing another, where the sheep or angels of both folds may dwell hereafter when the two old habitations are cast together and form the Hell for punishment. So then the angel that came from his habitation unto earth, possessed with a knowledge of good and evil, was under no power of death, nor Adam or Eve; but he had died the first death through the knowledge of evil; and could not maintain the sanctity of his dwelling: and the man and his wife fell into this death as God forewarned them; but the death of returning into the ground was a sentence pronounced after they had become dead in shame, sin, iniquity and trespasses. "And dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life" is sufficient to know he died as well as his seed, whose generation we have the first chronicled, before the generation of Adam began (that is to say after losing Abel).

God would not grant Adam another son, while the serpent was alive to impart to his mind the disgrace he was living under through the curse, 、of whose seed was Cain and his generation, of which I have much to say, but which was the only generation then in existence for one hundred and thirty years; these were devils if we wish to know what devils are. They slew one another and make an ungodly boast of it; what they would do besides I leave the reader to judge; for' it is evident that a deal of wickedness was carried on by what followed. Now be it remembered though God had set a mark upon Cain to protect him from a violent death, he had set no such mark upon the wicked one, his father, who was undergoing the penalty of punishment, upon his belly, all his life. This must have been a disgrace to his seed and a wound most cutting, so much so, that Lamech his fifth son in descent, slew him. He was a young man considering the age that men lived at that time; he was no more than about an hundred and twenty years old, and, consequently a young man, and endured his punishment a long time; an ample recompence for his sin: so thought Lamech no doubt when he slew him, for he could not endure the sight any longer; but he must have been a sad pest and nuisance to have been a hurt and wound to such a generation of vipers, who gloried devil-like in ungodly mockery and boast over his murder, Genesis 4, xxiii & xxiv. "And Lamech said unto hts wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech, for I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt.' If Cain shall be avenged seven fold, truly Lamech seventy and seven fold." What is this but a diabolical and devilish boast of murder? None but such a generation could do it; this was not Cain that was slain or God would have avenged his death on Lamech seven-fold. Lamech knew such a protection was over him, he must have learned it from him, because he cries out that if Cain should be avenged seven fold who slew a righteous man, surely and truly Lamech would be avenged seventy and seven fold who had only slain a serpent as it were; that was a wound and a hurt to him and a disgrace and burden to himself: so died the angel or tree of knowledge of good and evil, or serpent, or man of sin and son of perdition; slain by the hand of his own murdering, lying, fugitive, and vagabond race, unacknowledged by God, and despised by man; cursed above all cattle and beast of the field; the destroyer of mankind; of heaven and earth, and all the host of them. Was not this the grief of God that he repented that he had made man, for every thought and immagination of his heart was only evil continually?



Genesis v, verse 1.

"This is the book of the generations of Adam: In the day that God created man in the likeness of God made he him." By being written, This is the book of the generations of Adam," it shows very plainly that the other was not, nor was it; it takes no more notice of it than if it was not existing. It is a chronology as should be, and it is herein. stated that Seth was Adam's son,-" And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his own image; and called his name Seth." This must be received as truth, for Seth was begat by Adam in his own likeness and image, and Adam was created in God's, "In the likeness of God made he him." Eve declares this much to, "For God said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel whom Cain slew." This generation is considered sons of God, the previous one is considered fugitives and vagabonds and sons and daughters of men and under this designation is the whole scripture to be understood, they are the two races or seeds, living in separate places, and should have so continued, until God descended into flesh to redeem this lost seed, which was the reason why he placed enmity between them though it failed, for the following chapter proves them to have become united and corrupted themselves with uncleanness, for which God destroyed them. Had this generation kept this unity, David would not have had reason for saying, "In sin hath my mother conceived me," for Enoch walked with God during the time he begat sons and daughters, which plainly showeth generature was not a sin, but a command and duty. Jude also states that Enoch was the seventh from Adam, and Peter states that Noah was the eighth, but Luke in his geneology mentions two more, the father and grandfather of Noah, which is most likely, as Noah is described as perfect in his generation, so that out of this generation there are but eight persons in male descent but what sinned by uniting with the seed of the serpent, and must have committed themselves after his birth.

Genesis vi


"And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the

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