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(First named Senator acted as chairman of committee.)

AGRICULTURE. (Room 332.) Messrs. Sisson,
Homsher, Jones, Snyder, Schantz, Phipps,
Buckman, Christley, Clark, Culbertson, Long.
Norton, Quigley, Derrick, Miller, Lanius,
Sprowls, Eyre, ex-officio.
APPROPRIATIONS. (Room 251.) Messrs.
Schantz, Daix, Homsher, Salus, Baldwin, Les-
lie, Buckman, Phipps, Patton, Snyder, Jones,
Weaver, Craig, Barr, Davis, Einstein, Heaton,
Smith, McNichol, Woodward, Sisson, Clark,
MacDade, Stineman, Culbertson, Joyce, Long,
Aron, Berntheizel, Christley, Vare, Krause,
McClintock, Norton, Quigley, Stites, Sones,
DeWitt, Huffman, Lanius, Eyre, ex-officio.
CIATIONS. (Room 546.) Messrs. Craig.
Snyder, Baldwin, Daix, Homsher, Salus, Pat-
ton, Culbertson, Barr, Einstein, Heaton, Stine-
man, Smith, Clark, McNichol, Phipps, Long.
McClintock, Stites, Harris, Brown, Derrick,
Steele, DeWitt, Sones, Huffman, Betts, Eyre,



546.) Messrs. Christley, Phipps, Stineman,
Miller, Harris, Derrick, Huffman, Betts, Eyre,

Messrs. Einstein, Heaton, McNichol, Homsher,
Patton, Daix, McClintock, Berntheizel, Salus,
Vare, Aron, Joyce, Krause, DeWitt, Kutz,
Eyre, ex-officio.

547.) Messrs. McNichol, Homsher, Weaver,
Leslie, Einstein, Davis, Craig, Jones, Schantz,
Smith, Snyder, Vare, Sisson, Christley, Stine-
man, Quigley, Sones, Betts, Lanius, Sprowls,
Eyre, ex-officio.


(Room 331.) Messrs. Buckman, Baldwin. Patton, Weaver, Einstein, Heaton, McNichol, Smith, Sisson, Berntheizel. Clark, Joyce, Vare. MacDade, McClintock, Culbertson, Brown, Krause, Steele, Stites, Sones, Eyre, ex-officio. EDUCATION. (Room

333.) Messrs. Barr, Sisson Weaver, Snyder, Schantz, Jones, Craig. Homsher Aron, Clark, Long, MacDade, Stites. Brown, Derrick, Harris, Mansfield, Miller. Steele, Betts, Eyre, ex-officio.

ELECTIONS. (Room 406.) Messrs. Homsher.

Einstein, Salus, McNichol, Woodward, Leslie,
Schantz, McClintock Smith, Joyce, Bern-
theizel, Long, Vare, Norton, Harris, Miller,
Sones, Eyre, ex-officio.


EXPOSITION AFFAIRS. (Room 547.) Messrs.
MacDade, Barr, Patton, Salus, Weaver, Wood-
ward, Aron, Joyce, Long, McClintock, Stine-
man, Krause, Harris, Mansfield, Brown, Steele,
DeWitt, Betts, Lanius, Sprowls, Eyre,
FEDERAL RELATIONS. (Room 546.) Messrs.
Derrick, Heaton, Snyder, Aron, Norton, Me-
Clintock, MacDade, Christley, Krause, Eyre,
FINANCE, (Room 400.) Messrs. Baldwin.
Buckman, Daix, Barr, Craig, Culbertson, Les-
lie. Homsher, Sisson, Smith, Joyce, Vare,
Sones, DeWitt, Eyre, ex-officio.

[blocks in formation]

GAME AND FISHERIES. (Room 547.) Messrs.
Clark, Jones, Baldwin, Stineman, Davis,
Heaton, Buckman, Craig, Sisson, Berntheizel,
Long, MacDade, Norton, Christley, Derrick,
Quigley, Steele, Sones, Betts, Kutz, Lanius,
Sprowls, Eyre, ex-officio.
INSURANCE. (Room 300.) Messrs. Aron,
Homsher, Daix, Baldwin, Weaver, Culbertson,
Einstein, Barr, Vare, McNichol, Buckman,
Phipps, McClintock, Norton, Brown, Stites,
DeWitt, Eyre, ex-officio.


(Room 547.)

Messrs. McClintock, Craig, Jones, Daix, Salus,
Schantz, Woodward, Clark, Stineman, Krause,
Huffman, Eyre, ex-officio.

(Room 330.) Messrs.
Weaver, Salus, Schantz, Daix, Buckman, Pat-
ton, Phipps, Baldwin, Craig, Leslie, Wood-
ward, Homsher, Sisson, MacDade, Long, Barr,
Aron, Berntheizel, Christley, Culbertson,
Joyce, Krause, Stites, Huffman, Kutz, Eyre,


(Room 401.) Messrs.
Baldwin, Patton, Buckman, Weaver,
Heaton, Einstein, Smith, Sisson, Stites,
Brown, Harris, DeWitt, Sones, Eyre, ex-officio.

LAW AND ORDER. (Room 546.) Messrs.
Snyder, Barr, Schantz, Christley, Berntheizel,
Clark, Vare, Quigley, Miller, Stites, DeWitt,
Lanius, Eyre, ex-officio.
546.) Messrs.


Norton, Schantz, Buckman,
Leslie, Phipps, Weaver, Sisson, Berntheizel,
Culbertson, Davis, Joyce, McClintock, Mans-
field, Brown, Derrick, Harris, Kutz, Eyre, ex-

LIBRARY. (Room 402.) Messrs. Quigley,
Craig, Einstein, Snyder, Aron, Culbertson,
Joyce, Long, Norton, Derrick, Mansfield, De-
Witt, Lanius, Sprowls, Eyre, ex-officio.

(Room 402.) Messrs.
Phipps, Weaver, Barr, Heaton, Jones, Norton,
Berntheizel, Christley, Quigley, Miller, Kutz,
Eyre, ex-officio.

MINES AND MINING. (Room 302.) Messrs.
Davis, Sisson, Baldwin, Leslie, Buckman,
Homsher, Stineman, McClintock, Christley,
MacDade, Phipps, Harris, Mansfield, Krause,
Sones, Huffman, Sprowls, Eyre, ex-officio.


(Room 300.) Messrs.
Salus, Vare, Schantz, Patton, Daix, Baldwin,
Leslie, Woodward, McNichol, Heaton, Einstein,
Davis, Sisson, MacDade, Smith, Stineman,
Aron, Joyce, Berntheizel. Christler McClin
tock, Norton, Krause, Harris, Mansfield, Sones,
Kutz, Eyre, ex-officio.

401.) Messrs. Joyce, Einstein, Heaton, Davis,
Stineman, Culbertson, Steele, Kutz, Eyre, ex-

Messrs. Woodward, Phipps, Aron, Berntheizel,
Patton, Craig, Weaver, Christley, Long, Der-
rick, Huffman, Lanius, Sprowls, Eyre, ex.

[blocks in formation]




PUBLIC HEALTH AND SANITATION. (Room 547.) Messrs. Smith, Snyder, Baix, Jo es, Heston, Les'ie, Woodward, Barr, Einste'n. MeNichel, Sisson, Aron, Miller, Minstiel 1, Harris, Brown, St.tes, Sones, Betts, Eyre, ex-officio.

PUELIC PRINTING. (Room 333.) Messrs. Log. Smith, Aron, Salus, Norton, M. ler, Mansfield, Derrick, Steele, Kutz, Eyre, exoficio.

PUIL C ROADS AND HIGHWAYS. (Room 746.) Messrs. Jo es, Baldwin, Buckman, Syder, l'hipps, Shantz, Hemsher. Weaver, Barr, Craig, Le Fe, Davis, MeNichel, Sisson, Mie. Dade, Stineman, Christley, Joyce, Clark, Cul

Tertson, Stites, Krause. Vare, Miller, Brown, Harris, Mansfield, Quigley, Steele, DeWitt, Soles, Betts, Huffn ai, Eyre, ex-olicio.


PUBLIC SUPPLY OF LIGHT, HEAT WATER. (Room 517.) Messrs. Culbertson, Deix, Spyder, Woodward, Davis, Salus, Aron, Streman, Benthe zel, Clark, Long. MacDade, Metli.teck, Qu'gler, Miller, Betts, Kutz, Lanius, Sprowls, Eye, ex-officio.

RAILROADS. (Roem 546.) Messrs. Vare, Homsher, Davis, Schia. tz, Barr, McNichol, Heaton, Salus, Einstein, Norton, Clark, Joyce, MacDade, Smith, Derrick, Sones, Huffman, Eyre, ex-ocio.


ARON, Appropriations, City Pass Igor Rai- CLARK, Agriculture, Appropriations, Banks, ways, Education, Exposition Affairs, Federal Relations, Insurance (Chairman), Judie ay General, Library, Municipal Atairs, Pensions and Gratuities, Public Health and Santiation, Public Printing, Public Supply of Light, Heat and Water.

BALDWIN, Appropriations, Banks and Building and Loan Associations, Corporations, Finance (Chairman), Forestry, Game and Fisheries, Insurance, Judiciary General, Judiciary Special, Mines and Mining, Municipal Affairs, Public Roads and Highways.

BARR, Appropriations, Banks and Building and Loan Associations, Education (Chairman). Exposition Affairs, Finance, Insurance, Judiciary General, Law and Order, Military Affairs, Public Grounds and Buildings, Public Health and Sanitation, Public Roads and Highways, Railroads.

BERNTHEIZEL, Appropriations, City Passenger Railways, Corporations, Elections, Forestry, Game and Fisheries, Judiciary General, Law and Order, Legislative Apportionment. Military Affairs, Municipal Affairs, Pensions and Gratuities, Public Supply of Light, Heat and Water.

BETTS, Banks and Building and Loan Associations, Canals and Inland Navigation, Congressional Apportionment, Education, Exposition Affairs, Forestry, Game and Fisheries, Public Health and Sanitation, Public Roads and Highways, Public Supply of Light, Heat and Water.

BROWN, Banks and Building and Loan Associations, Corporations, Education, Exposition Affairs, Forestry, In nrance, Judiciary Special, Legislative Apportionment, Public Grounds and Buildings, Public Health and Sanitation, Public Roads and Highways.

BUCKMAN, Agriculture, Appropriations, Corporations, (Chairman), Finance, Game and Fisheries, Insurance, Judiciary General, Judiciary Special, Legislative Apportionment, Mines and Mining, Public Roads and Highways. CHRISTLEY, Agriculture, Appropriations, Canals and Inland Navigation (Chairman), Congressional Apportionment, Federal Relations, Game and Fisheries, Judiciary General, Law and Order, Military Affairs, Mines and Mining. Municipal Affairs, Pensions and Gratu ties, Public Roads and Highways,

and Building and Loan Associations, Corporations, Education, Forestry, Game and Fisheries, (Chairman), Judicial Apportionment, Law and Order, Public Roads and Highways, Public Supply of Light, Heat and Water, Railroads.

CRAIG, Appropriations. Banks and Building and Loan Associations (Chairman), Congressional Apportionment, Education, Finance, Forestry, Game and Fisheries, Judicial Apportionment, Judiciary General, Library, Pensions and Gratuities, l'ublic Roads and Highways. CULBERTSON, Agriculture, Appropriations, Banks and Building and Loan Associations, Corporations, Finance, Forestry, Insurance, Judiciary General, Legislative Apportionment, Library, New Counties and County Seats, PubHe Grounds and Buildings, Public Roads and Highways, Public Supply of Light, Heat and Water (Chairman).

DAIX, Appropriations, Banks and Building and Loan Associations, City Passenger Railways, Finance, Insurance, Judicial Apportionment, Judiciary General, Judiciary Special (Chairman), Municipal Affairs, Public Health and Sanitation, Public Supply of Light, Heat and Water.


Appropriations, Congressional Appertionment, Forestry, Game and Fisheries, Legislative Apportionment, Mines and Mining (Chairman), Municipal Affairs, New Connties and County Seats, Public Roads anl Highways, Public Supply of Light, Heat and Water, Railroads.

DERRICK, Agriculture, Banks and Building and Loan Associations, Canals and In'aud Navigation, Education, Federal Relations (Chairman), Game and Fisheries, Legisla tive Apportionment, Library, Pensions and Gratuities, Public Printing, Railroads. DeWITT, Appropriations, Banks and Bulling and Loan Associations, City Passenger Railways, Exposition Affairs, Finance, Insurance, Judiciary Special, Law and Order, Library, Public Roads and Highways.

EINSTEIN, Appropriations, Banks and Building and Loan Associations, City Passenger Railways (Chairman), Congressional Apportionment, Corporations, Elections, Insurance, Judiciary Special, Library, Municipal Affairs, New Conaties and County Seats, Public Health and Sanitation, Railroads.

HARRIS, Banks and Building and Loan Associations, Canals and Inland Navigation, Education, Elections, Exposition Affairs, Judiciary Special, Legislative Apportionment, Mines and Mining, Municipal Affairs, Public Health and Sanitation, Public Roads and Highways.

HEATON, Appropriations, Banks and Building and Loan Associations, City Passenger Railways, Corporations, Federal Relations (Chairman), Game and Fisheries, Judiciary Special, Military Affairs, Municipal Affairs, New Counties and County Seats, Public Health and Sanitation, Railroads.

HOMSHER, Agriculture, Appropriations, Banks and Building and Loan Associations, City Passenger Railways, Congressional Apportionment, Education, Elections (Chairman), Finance, Insurance, Judiciary General, Mines and Mining, Public Roads and Highways, Railroads.

HUFFMAN, Appropriations, Banks and Building and Loan Associations, Canals and Inland Navigation, Forestry, Judicial Apportionment, Judiciary General, Mines and Mining, Pensions and Gratuities, Public Roads and Highways, Railroads.

JONES, Agriculture, Appropriations, Congressional Apportionment, Education, Forestry, Game and Fisheries, Judicial Apportionment, Military Affairs, Public Health and Sanitation, Public Roads and Highways (Chairman). JOYCE, Appropriations, City Passenger Railways, Corporations, Elections, Exposition Affairs, Finance, Judiciary General, Legislative Apportionment, Library, Municipal Affairs, New Counties and County Seats (Chairman), Public Roads and Highways, Railroads. KRAUSE, Appropriations, City Passenger Rail ways, Corporations, Exposition Affairs, Federal Relations, Forestry, Judicial Apportionment, Judiciary General, Mines and Mining, Municipal Affairs, Public Roads and Highways.

KUTZ, City Passenger Railways, Game and Fisheries, Judiciary General, Legislative Apportionment, Military Affairs, Municipal Affairs, New Counties and County Seats, Public Grounds and Buildings, Public Printing, Public Supply of Light, Heat and Water.

LANIUS, Agriculture, Appropriations, Congressional Apportionment, Exposition Affairs, Game and Fisheries, Law and Order, Library, Pensions and Gratuities, Public Grounds and Buildings, Public Supply of Light, Heat and Water.

LESLIE, Appropriations, Congressional Apportionment, Elections. Finance, Judiciary General, Legislative Apportionment, Mines and Mining, Municipal Affairs, Public Health and Sanitation, Public Roads and Highways. LONG, Agriculture, Appropriations, Banks and Building and Loan Associations, Education, Elections, Exposition Affairs, Forestry, Game and Fisheries, Judiciary General, Library. Pensions and Gratuities, Public Printing (Chairman), Public Supply of Light, Heat and Water.

MacDADE, Appropriations, Corporations, Education, Exposition Affairs (Chairman), Federal Relations, Forestry, Game and Fisheries, Judiciary General. Mines and Mining, Municipal Affairs, Public Grounds and Buildings, Public Roads and Highways, Public Supply of Light, Heat and Water, Railroads.

MANSFIELD, Education, Exposition Affairs, Legislative Apportionment, Library, Mines and Mining, Municipal Affairs, Public Grounds and Buildings, Public Health and Sanitation, Public Printing, Public Roads and Highways. MCCLINTOCK, Appropriations, Banks and Building and Loan Associations, City Passenger Railways, Corporations, Elections, Exposition Affairs, Federal Relations, Insurance, Judicial Apportionment (Chairman), Legislative Apportionment, Mines and Mining, Municipal Affairs, Public Supply of Light, Heat and Water.

MCNICHOL, Appropriations, Banks and Building and Loan Associations, City Passenger Railways, Congressional Apportionment (Chairman), Corporations, Elections, Insurance, Municipal Affairs, Public Health and Sanitation, Public Roads and Highways, Railroads.

MILLER, Agriculture, Canals and Inland Navigation, Education, Elections, Law and Order, Military Affairs, Public Health and Sanitation, Public Printing, Public Roads and Highways, Public Supply of Light, Heat and Water.

NORTON, Agriculture, Appropriations, Elections. Federal Relations, Game and Fisheries, Insurance, Legislative Apportionment (Chairman), Library, Military Affairs, Municipal Affairs, Public Printing, Railroads.

PATTON, Appropriations, Banks and Building and Loan Associations, City Passenger Railways, Corporations, Exposition Affairs, Judiciary General, Judiciary Special, Municipal Affairs, Pensions and Gratuities, Public Grounds and Buildings (Chairman).


PHIPPS, Agriculture, Appropriations, and Building and Loan Associations, Canals and Inland Navigation, Forestry, Insurance, Judiciary General, Legislative Apportionment, Military Affairs (Chairman), Mines and Mining, Pensions and Gratuities, Public Roads and Highways.

QUIGLEY, Agriculture, Appropriations, Congressional Apportionment, Forestry, Game and Fisheries, Law and Order, Library (Chairman), Military Affairs, Public Roads and Highways, Public Supply of Light, Heat and Water.

SALUS, Appropriations, Banks and


and Loan Associations, City Passenger Railways, Elections, Exposition Affairs, Judicial Apportionment, Judiciary General, Municipal Affairs (Chairman), Public Printing, Public Supply of Light, Heat and Water, Railroads. SCHANTZ, Agriculture, Appropriations, (Chairman), Congressional Apportionment, Education, Elections, Judicial Apportionment, Judiciary General, Law and Order, Legislative Apportionment, Municipal Affairs, Public Roads and Highways, Railroads. SISSON, Agriculture (Chairman), Appropriations, Congressional Apportionment, Corporations, Education, Finance, Game and Fisheries, Judiciary General, Judiciary Special, Legislative Apportionment, Mines and Mining, Municipal Affairs, Public Health and Sanitation, Public Roads and Highways. SMITH, Appropriations, Banks and Building and Loan Associations, Congressional Apportionment, Corporations, Elections, Finance, Forestry, Judiciary Special, Municipal Affairs, Public Grounds and Buildings, Public Health and Sanitation (Chairman), Public Printing, Railroads.



SNYDER, Agriculture, Appropriations, Banks and Building and Loan Associations, Congressional Apportionment, Education, Federal Relations, Law and Order (Chairman), Library, Public Health and Sanitation, Public Roads and Highways, Public Supply of Light, Heat and Water.

SONES, Appropriations, Banks and Building and Loan Associations, Congressional Apportionment, Corporations, Elections, Finance, Forestry, Game and Fisheries, Judiciary Special, Mines and Mining, Municipal Affairs, Public Health and Sanitation, Public Roads and Highways, Railroads.

SPROWLS, Agriculture, Congressional Apportionment, Exposition Affairs, Forestry, Game and Fisheries, Library, Mines and Mining, Pensions and Gratuities, Public Grounds and Buildings, Public Supply of Light, Heat and Water.

STEELE, Banks and Building and Loan Associations, Corporations, Education, Exposition Affairs, Forestry, Game and Fisheries, New Counties and County Seats, Public Grounds and Buildings, Public Printing, Public Roads and Highways.

STINEMAN, Appropriations, Banks and Building and Loan Associations, Canals and Inland Navigation, Congressional Apportionment, Ex

position Affairs, Forestry (Chairman), Game and Fisheries, Judicial Apportionment, Mines and Mining, Municipal Affairs, New Counties and County Seats, Public Roads and Highways, Public Supply of Light, Heat and Water.

STITES, Appropriations, Banks and Building and Loan Associations, Corporations, Education, Insurance, Judiciary General, Judiciary Special, Law and Order, Public Health and Sanitation, Public Roads and Highways.

VARE, Appropriations, City Passenger Railways, Congressional Apportionment, Corporations, Elections, Finance, Insurance, Law and Order, Municipal Affairs, Public Roads and Highways, Railroads (Chairman).

WEAVER, Appropriations, Congressional Apportionment, Corporations, Education, Exposition Affairs, Insurance, Judiciary General (Chairman), Judiciary Special, Legislative Apportionment, Military Affairs, Pensions and Gratuities, Public Roads and Highways. WOODWARD, Appropriations, Elections, Exposition Affairs, Forestry, Judicial Apportionment, Judiciary General, Municipal Affairs, Pensions and Gratuities (Chairman), Public Grounds and Buildings, Public Health and Sanitation, Public Supply of Light, Heat and Water.




1st District-1st and 39th wards-THOMAS F. MCGOWAN, R., 2330 South Tenth Street MRS. MARTHA G. SPEISER, R., 521 Taske Street.

2d District-2d ward-CHARLES C. A. BALDI, Jr., R., 1341 Ellsworth Street. 3d District-3d, 4th and 5th wards—ARNOLD M. BLUMBERG, R., 430 Pine Street; HEN RY R. NOLTE, R., 827 South Thirteenth Street.

4th District-6th, 8th and 9th wards-JAMES V. LAFFERTY, R., 915 Spruce Street. 5th District-26th, 36th and 48th wards-ALFRED F. ALLMAN, R., 1639 South Twentysecond Street; C. WALTER GLASGOW, R., 1834 South Eighteenth Street; JOHN J. GUERIN, R., 2214 South Broad Street. 6th District-7th ward-ANDREW F. STEVENS, R.. 1345 Lombard Street.

7th District-30th ward-JOHN C. ASBURY, R., 1710 Christian Street. 8th District-10th,

13th and 14th wardsJOSHUA EVANS, R., 148 North Fifteenth Street; JEFFERSON W. SMITH, R., 706 Green Street.

9th District-11th and 12th wards-HERMAN DILSHEIMER, Sr., R., 534 North Fourth

[blocks in formation]

11th District-17th and 18th wards-PHILIP M. MYERS, R., 1345 East Eyre Street 12th District-19th ward-(Vacancy) *; HARRY KEENE, R., 144 West Cumberland Street. 13th District-16th and 20th wards-JOSEPH MARCUS, R., 1445 North Eighth Street; CLINTON A. SOWERS, R., 1225 North Eleventh Street.

14th District-21st ward-WALLACE BROMLEY, R., 126 Sumac Street.

15th District-22d and 42d wards-FRANKLIN SPENCER EDMONDS, R., 133 South Twelfth Street; HOWARD SMITH, R., 1129 East Chelten Avenue.

16th District-23d, 35th and 41st wardsJAMES A. DUNN, R., 5131 Milnor Street, Frankford.

17th District-24th, 34th and 44th wardsMRS. ROSA S. de YOUNG, R., 5990 Woodbine Avenue; BENJAMIN H. FIELDS, R., 4110 Brown Street; JAMES J. HEFFERNAN, R., 324 North Fifty-second Street. 18th District-25th and 45th wards-HARRY GREEBY, R., 3849 Frankford Avenue; SAMUEL J. PERRY, R., 3014 Salmon Street. 19th District-28th and 37th wards-EDWARD HAWS, R., 1240 West Hazzard Street; (Vacancy).†

20th District-29th and 47th wards-PATRICK CONNER, R., 2807 Oxford Street; JOHN H. DRINKHOUSE, R., 2002 Oxford Street. 21st District-27th, 40th and 46th wardsJACOB MATHAY, R., 1131 South Fiftyfirst Street; MRS. LILLIE H. PITTS, R., 4842 Larchwood Avenue.

*Vacancy caused by death of John E. Arthur, October 19, 1923.

Vacancy caused by resignation of Samuel Lucas, July 31, 1923.

22d District-32 ward-BENJAMIN M. GOLDER, R., 2011 North Thirty-third Street.

3d District-38th ward-ALBERT S. C. MILLAR, R., 216 Franklin Building.

24th District-33d ward-CHRISTIAN SAUTTER, R., 3040 North Fourth Street. 25th District-43d ward-THOMAS BLUETT, R., 728 West Erie Avenue.

26th District-31st ward-PHILIP STERLING, R., 2176 East York Street.


GROVER C. MYERS, D., Gardners.


1st District-JOSEPH R. LYNCH, R., 315 Dinwiddie Street, Pittsburgh; JOSEPH C. MARCUS, R., 615 Berger Building, Pittsburgh. 2d District-WILLIAM J. McCAIG, R., 3617 Butler Street, Pittsburgh; WILLIAM F. McCANN, R., 2219 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh. 3rd District-JAMES J. COYNE, R., 236 McKee Place, Pittsburgh. 4th District-EDWARD B. GOEHRING, R., 1412 Berger Building, Pittsburgh.

5th District-WILLIAM I. GOSS, R., 1018 Blackadore Street, Pittsburgh.

6th District-WILLIAM T. BELL, R., 2956 Sacramento Street, Pittsburgh; WILLIAM J. MANGAN, R., 106 South Eleventh Street, Bittsburgh; GEORGE H. SOFFEL, R., 55 Wyoming Street, Pittsburgh.

7th District-DANIEL A. MALIE, R., 605 Sandusky Street, Pittsburgh; JAMES WETTACH, R., 1545 Spring Garden Avenue, North Side, Pittsburgh.

8th District-HARRY A. LITTLE, R., 504 Allegheny Avenue, Pittsburgh; WILLIAM WIRT STONER, R., 3573 Shadeland Avenue, Pittsburgh.

9th District-CLIFTON L. KELLY, R., 704 Jenny Lind Street, McKeesport.

10th District-JAMES H. McCLURE, R., 216 Monongahela Avenue, Glassport; SAMUEL J. McKIM, R., 2541 Waverly Avenue, Swissvale; BENJAMIN H. PATTERSON, R., 655 Trenton Avenue, Wilkinsburg; ARTHUR STORER, R., Elizabeth.

11th District-CORNELIUS J. MCBRIDE, R., Homer Avenue, Lincoln Place; JERRY M. WILLIAMS, R., 22 North Second Street, Duquesne.

12th District-MISS HELEN GRIMES, R., 335 Rochelle Street, Mt. Oliver Branch, Pittsburgh; FRANK H. KENNEDY, R., Oakdale; GWILYM A. PRICE, R., 17 Union Avenue, Crafton; JOSEPH G. STEEDLE, R., 1037 Chartiers Avenue, McKees Rocks.

13th District-NELSON MCVICAR, R., 1127 Park Street, Tarentum; JOHN W. VICKERMAN, R., 734 Clinton Place, Bellevue.

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