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TRUST me, they are no idle hours

That Love determines dear!
Ah, when Misfortune rudely lours,

How kind is Woman's tear!

And what, when Pleasure wildly charms,
O! what is half so sweet,
As, clasp'd in Woman's faithful arms,
Her thrilling kiss to meet?

My love for her all love transcends !
I love her kindred, love her friends;
And when I lift my soul above,
My heart for her is full of love!

The place, wherever she reside,
Forms, once her residence, my pride:
If she but approbation glance,

Her look can any thing enhance;

If she an absent one defend,
That instant I become the friend.
I could not be to her severe;
Her very faults, to me, are dear!

I WONDER if her heart be still
The same that once I fondly met!
Will she her plighted faith forget?
Or she my dearest hopes fulfill?

I fear to pen the wish'd request,
To ask if all within be so ?

I almost dread the truth to know; So changeful seems the human breast!

I SEE that purchas'd smiles can grace The monied Driveller's cold embrace; I see it with averted eye,

And o'er the wretched victim sigh!

I mourn, that Impotence should press The youthful couch of Loveliness, While generous Manhood's flame divine Ascends in vain at Beauty's shrine !

How say you, to my kindling cheek
When the heart's vital current started,
'I never yet my love imparted !—
Have only words the power to speak?

When in your lips such life I found,
A hive to me all sweets excelling,
Unsated on their treasures dwelling,
Had lips no language but of sound?

SINCE seal'd are Emma's watchful eyes,
Now, Dearest! turn again to me;
Now shall no curious friend surprise
The kisses I reserv'd for thee!

Emma! ideal transport hold

Thy charmed thoughts in deep employ ; Whilst we each other safe enfold,

And sweetly thrill with real joy.

And, Emma, if such vigils thou
Appointed art with us to keep,
Feign not to see; or else, as now,

That we may wake-in kindness sleep!

CONFIDE, beloved Maid!
To him thou long hast tried,
Uninjur'd, unbetray'd,

To him, at length confide
Thy love, thy life, sweet Maid!

Thy heart already mine,

Thy wishes and thy tears! What hast thou to resign?

Peace to thy trembling fears;

I yet am fondly thine.

Think, who like me shall feel;

Nor ever love thee less?

GOD only knows the zeal

With which, in each caress, This fatal truth I seal!

WHY doubt my truth? Be you the same

That now so warmly I admire;

I cannot feel a wavering flame,

Whilst you, unchang'd, my heart inspire.

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