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which would exclude a part of the word of God from universal inspection and perusal, we feel insuperable objections nor are we disposed to ascribe to any des

and the greatest splendour and magnificence in the design. The imbecility of man appears in the littleness of his ends, which he accomplishes, for the most part, by complicated and laborious opera-cription of men whatever, that control tions. Omnipotence, on the contrary, places opulence in the end, and parsimony in the means. While our pride is mortified by perceiving how little we can effect by the greatest efforts, the Almighty touches a secret spring, known only to himself, and impresses a single motion, which propagates itself in circles continually extending, till it reaches the extremity of the universe, and diffuses order and happiness through regions most remote from its origin, and most unconscious of its cause.

Of so similar a character is the Bible Society, and so analagons to the movements of divine power, that, it appears to me, it would be impious not to acknowledge the agency of the Spirit in its first conception, as much as the superintendence of Providence in its support. To fix upon a course of action, which gives scope to every virtuous energy, while it stands perfectly aloof from the spirit of party; which draws towards itself the best propensities of our common nature, and unites the pious of every nation and profession in one harmonious family, is not the work of a mortal: it bespeaks the finger of God. Its direct benefits are too obvious to escape the most careless observation but the indirect influence it exerts, in harmonizing the spirits, and conciliating the affections of such as had long been alienated from each other, is so remarkable, as to make it doubtful, whether its instruments or its objects, whether those who share, or those who dispense its munificence, are the greatest gainers.

The utility of this admirable institution, however, has been called in question, its constitution censured, and its operations arraigned. To give the Bible to all classes and descriptions, without note or comment, is represented by some as a dangerous experiment, adapted to perplex and mislead uncultivated minds. Excellent as the Scriptures are allowed to be, some preparation, it is asserted, is necessary, ere they are communicated in their full extent; and that the best use that can be immediately made of them, is to compose and distribute such selections and abridgments as seem best calculated for popular instruction.

That some portions of the sacred volume are of more universal interest than others; that the New Testament, for example, has a more immediate relation to our prospects and duties than the Old, is freely conceded; just as one star differs from another star in glory, though they are all placed in the same firmament, and are the work of the same hand. But to this restrictive system, this jealous policy,

over divine communications which such a measure implies. We are persuaded that no man possesses a right to curtail the gifts of God, or to deal out with a sparing hand what was intended for universal patrimony. If the manner in which revelation was imparted, be such as makes it manifest that it was originally designed for the benefit of all, we are at a loss to conceive how any man can have a right, by his interference, to render it inaccessible.

The question itself, whether it was designed to be communicated to mankind at large, without distinction, or to a particular class, with a discretionary power of communicating it, at such times and in such proportions as they might deem fit, can only be determined by itself. If it bear decisive indications of its being intended for private custody; if it be found to affirm, or even to insinuate, that it is not meant for universal circulation; we must submit to hold it at the discretion of its legitimate guardians, and to accept with becoming gratitude such portions as they are pleased to bestow. From the word of God there can be no appeal; it must decide its own character, and determine its own pretensions. Thus much we must be allowed to assume; that if it was originally given to mankind indiscriminately, no power upon earth is entitled to restrict it; because, on the supposition which we are now making, since every man's original right in it was equal, that right can be cancelled by no authority but that which bestowed it. If it was at first promulgated under the character of an universal standard of faith and practice, we are bound to recognize it in that character; and every attempt to alter it, to convert into private what was originally public property, or to make a monopoly of an uni❤ versal grant, is an act of extreme presumption and impiety. It is to assume a superiority over revelation itself.

Let us see, then, how the matter stands. Let us ascend to its original, and examine in what shape it was first communicated.

Though we are accustomed to speak of the Bible as one book, it is in truth a collection of many, composed at different periods and by different writers, as holy men of God were moved by the Holy Ghost.

To speak first of the Old Testament. The Old Testament was distributed by the Jews into three parts; the Pentateuch, the earlier and later Prophets, including some historical compositions, and the Hagiographs, or Holy Writings, consisting chiefly of the Book of Job, the Proverbs, and the Psalms.


With respect to the Pentateuch, it is a matter of notoriety, that it was delivered with the utmost publicity, and was neither more nor less than the public and municipal law of the Jewish commonwealth, which every king, on his ascending the throne, was commanded to copy with his own hand, as the perpetual rule of his government; and every head of a family, to teach and inculcate on his children, when he sat in his house, and when he walked by the way. It was first proclaimed from the top of Mount Sinai, with ineffable splendour, in the hearing of the whole nation, pre faced with the remarkable words, Hear, O Israel." There is surely no pretence for representing it as a deposit committed to a particular class, when an accurate acquaintance with it was requisite, in order to regulate the private as well as public life of every Israelite. Though, in process of time, its interpretation gave birth to a particular profession, whose followers are styled scribes, in the New Testament, nothing was further from their thoughts than the assumption of a right to withhold it from public perusal their employment was, partly, by an accurate transcription, to preserve the purity of the copies, and, partly to elucidate its obscurities.

that, when they were about to leave certain countries where they had been employed for a considerable time in disseminating the gospel, the inhabitants of those districts were anxious to possess a permanent record of the principal facts in which they had been instructed, that, by reading them at their leisure, they might, in the absence of their teachers, impress them on their memory. The Gospels of Mark and Luke are affirmed, by the earliest historians, to have been composed from the preaching of St. Peter and St. Paul, and not to have been pub. lished until they had received the entire approbation of those Apostles. This part of Scripture, then, supplies no pretence or apology for the practice of restricted distribution.

The Epistles next come in order; and these, as is evident from their inscriptions, were addressed to the whole assemblies of the faithful; in which, rich and poor, learned and unlearned, Jew and Gentile, were incorporated on terms of religious equality. They were also read publicly, every Lord's-day; in the devotional exercises of which the recitation of the Scriptures, after the manner of the ancient synagogue, occupied a conspicuous place. We find St. Paul strongly ad If we descend to the Prophets, we juring one of the societies to which he shall find them addressing their instruc-wrote, to take care that his Epistle was tions, and announcing their predictions, read to "all the holy brethren." in the most public manner, to all descrip- There is one extraordinary book, of a tions of persons; to princes, to nobles, character totally distinct from the rest, to the populace, in crowded assemblies, which closes the canon of inspiration. in places of the most public resort. Such The book to which 1 refer, you are was the manner in which Jeremiah pro-aware, is the Revelation of St. John; a phesied :-"I am full," saith he, "of composition distinguished above all others the fury of the Lord; I am weary with by a profusion of obscure, figurative holding in; I will pour it upon the chil- diction; delineating, by a sort of hierodren abroad, and upon the assembly of glyphics, the principal revolutions des young men together." Jer. vi. 11. When tined to befal the Christian church from strong political reasons seemed to dictate the earliest times till the consummation a different proceeding, when he was of all things. This portion of Scripture violently importuned by his sovereign to is a fertile mine of erroneous, extravagant conceal his predictions, lest he should conjecture, and supplies, by its injudicious weaken the hands of the people, and en- interpretation, more gratification to a courage their enemies, he remained in heated imagination, to a taste for the flexible, and continued to divulge the marvellous and incredible, than the whole suggestions of inspiration, with the same of the New Testament beside; insomuch, publicity as before. Yet, it is the pro- that few have been found capable of phetic part of Scripture, which is the preserving a perfect sobriety and commost obscure, and most liable to be per-posure in the midst of its stupendous verted to the purposes of popular delusion. Of the Hagiographs little need be said. As they consist chiefly of maxims of civil prudence, sentiments of devotion, and sublime descriptions of the Deity and his works, it is probable none will contend

for their restricted circulation.

Let us take a rapid glance at the New Testament. Here, the Gospels will claim our first attention; and, with respect to these, if we are to credit the earliest eoclesiastical writers, they are a mere abstract of the preaching of the respective Apostles and Evangelists whose names they bear. We are informed

scenery, where the curtain rises and falls
so often, where new creations so rapidly
succeed each other, accompanied by
myriads of the angelic order, and the
sound of trumpets, and of voices, and
thunderings, and lightnings. Yet it
is sufficiently remarkable, that this is
the only book, to the perusal of which
an express benediction is attached:
"Blessed is he that readeth, and they
that hear the words of this prophecy.
Its integrity is also guarded and secured
by a fearful measure denounced against
such as shall presume to alter it in the
minutest tittle, by adding to or taking

away from its words. The Holy Spirit, | foreseeing what actually ensued, that the peculiar features of this prophecy would excite the prejudices of some, and in others, its obscurity induce neglect, judged it necessary to employ a special precaution against its falling into contempt, or oblivion.


towards the poor savages, that the moment they saw me, they poured out such a volley of abuse upon ine, in consequence of my attachment to the Indians, that I was obliged to travel the whole night through the woods, which brought on a fever for several days. I have also to observe that many of the dissipated Indians who cannot be prevailed on to work, appear as inveterate against me, and the good Indian Chief, and his people, as any of the

Thus it appears, from a rapid induction of particulars, that the Bible is common property, over which there is no control; that, as all Scripture is given by inspi-whites, and would injure us were it in ration of God," so it is all "profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished for every good word and work."

(To be concluded in our next.)

their power, as they have an idea that they ought to partake of the provisions and other supplies given to the more industrious Indians. This reminds me of the words of the great apostle of the Gentiles, "In perils by mine own countrymen, in perils by the heathen, in perils in the wilderness, &c." and surely this

BRITISH AND FOREIGN SCHOOL should serve to animate me to greater


We last month laid before our readers, interesting Extracts of two letters received from Captain Bromley, who is bending all his efforts to establish a colony of Indians in our British settlements in Canada, (See our Magazine, p. 284, &c.) and we have just received a still more recent communication from the same Gentleman, which we have much pleasure in subjoining.

Halifax, Nova Scotia,
August 18, 1817.


As I wish to avail myself of every opportunity of writing, I shall endeavour to forward this by a Midshipman of the name of Latouch, the nephew of an eminent Lady of that name in the City of Dublin.

Since my last, some changes have taken place in our plans and operations in the propagation of the Gospel, which are rather interesting.

I availed myself of a fortnights vacation to pay a visit to my Indian friends, who have really done wonders, and notwithstanding the prevalent opinion of the whites, that the Indians are too degenerate to become useful members of Society, yet I am perfectly satisfied that if the necessary aid shall be afforded me, either by the government or private individuals, an extraordinary work under Divine Providence will speedily take place among these people.--They have exceeded our sanguine expectations, in the cultivation of this land since the last winter, and their crops of potatoes, &c. really appear equal, if not superior to many of the whites, and the influence of the Romish Priest is evidently decreasing.-As I was under the necessity of walking to the Indian settlement, a distance of 50 miles (instead of 45 as I before stated) I was under the necessity of calling for refreshment at a tavern at midnight, but such was the cruel animosity of the people

fortitude, but without Christ I know I I waited on the Earl of Dalhousie, who can do nothing. On my return to Halifax received me with great kindness, and who shewed me a Letter received from Mr. Stonard, which he observed he thought very discouraging. I however told His Lordship that I was of a different opinion, and added that the Society for the propagation of the Gospel could not be supposed to favour the interference of a Romish Priest;" indeed I could not think of acting as an agent for the Society under such circumstances. I am however happy to say that the Indian Chief and his people appear resolved to act under my directions in opposition to the repeated Bulls and threats of the Priests, who are constantly thundering out their Anathemas against us, and I have the fullest conviction that the means which God has been graciously pleased to put into our hands will eventually loosen the double yoke of popery and paganism among the Indians, who are however so far enlightened as to perceive that the advice I have given them is according to truth, and profitable to themselves; indeed the Indian Chief has been repeatedly heard to say that God surely sent me to this country for the benefit of poor Indians, and although he has not shook off the popish yoke, yet his conversation is at times evangelical, and his moral conduct eminently exemplary. You may recollect that this was the case with my dear friend the Priest Marcelino in Spain, who wrote to the Bible Society--Pray have you heard any thing more of him? I trust if he is spared, he will become another Luther in that country, yet I have serious fears at times that he has found his way into the Inquisition; if so may Daniel's God be his keeper and preserver! I hope our friends of the Bible Society who considered a time of war an unseasonable opportunity for the circulation of the gospel on the Peninsula, are now of a different opinion, for my part

have thereby contracted among the Colo.
nists have ruined their morals; and the
remarkable fondness of the parents
shewn towards their children has induced
them to return to their wild habits.-Will
you have the goodness to mention to Mr.
Stonard that there is about £60. re-
maining out of the money voted by the
Society, with which we intend to con
tinue the supply of the provisions to the
Indians. When that sum is expended, I
shall of course render a correct state-
ment to the Secretary.

I remain yours most truly,

I always thought that God had some wise end in view in permitting the sword to be unsheathed in that country, and I sincerely hope that the seed already sown in consequence of the war will bring forth fruit abundantly.-But I am digressing. I must return to the Earl who acceeded to my wishes in allowing £25. to be laid out of the Provincial Treasury in addition to the sum voted by the House of Assembly, for the extension of a road to the Indian Settlement, and he also requested me to draw out an estimate of the sum required for the purchase of winter grain for about 20 or 25 acres of land which the Indians are preparing to receive. I am therefore of opinion that should the Societies at home condescend to grant a further supply, that in 2 or 3 years the Indians will be entirely inde- Paradise Chapel, Paradise Walk, Chelpendent of the whites, and will no lon- sea; having undergone some repairs, was ger rely on the chase for a scanty suste-re-opened for public worship on Wednesnance, which has hitherto had the effect day, the 24th September, 1817, for the of keeping them in the most brutal igno- use of the Baptist Congregation lately rance, and totally precluded the possi-assembling in Sloane-place Knightsbridge. bility of introducing the use of letters among them, as their wives and children always accompany them in their exeursions, and the system hitherto adopted by the Society of taking the children from their parents at an early age, and binding them out as apprentices to the white people, has generally proved a curse instead of a blessing, as the vices they


Three Sermons were preached on the occasion; that in the Morning, by Mr. Ivimey of Eagle street, in the Afternoon by Mr. Pritchard of Keppel-street, and that in the Evening, by Mr. Chin of Walworth. Messrs. Bunce, Morrison, Dunn, Elvey, Shepherd, and Clarke, engaged in

the devotional exercises.

Original Poetry.

Translations from Latin Poems in Dr. Watts's Lyrics.



Go, my Brother, speed thee well,
Bravely plough the azure plain,
Boldly let thy canvass swell,
Safe may'st thou return again!

May no winds with furious sweep,
Wreck thy bark in wanton play;
May no monster of the deep,
Make thy corpse his savage prey.
O'er th' inhospitable sea,
Through the liquid chaos strait,
Gallant vessel, hold thy way,
Half my soul is now thy freight.

Cautious turn thy steady prow,
From the quicksand's hidden snare;
Where the rock's tremendous brow
Darkly rises, O beware!

Fearless do thou spread thy sails,
When the gentle breezes sport,
Let the Zephyr's balmy gales
Waft thee to a quiet port.

Thou whom Ocean's waves obey,
Who the raging wind dost chain,
O direct my Brother's way!
O`return him home again!


How long my soul wilt thou delay
In this vile tenement of clay,

Nor burst thy prison-door?
Why dost thou thus refuse the flight,
Nor pant to climb th' etherial height
And tread thy Father's floor?

Born from this flesh a thousand foes
Conspire to rob thee of repose

Aud ceaseless tumult bring:
Sorrow and fear fly round thy heart
And Sin essays her utmost art

To plunge her venom'd sting.

No pleasures on this earth appear,
Thy dearest friend, he is not here,
Thy Jesus, far away:

Bright angels guard his flaming car,
As round he visits ev'ry star,

And pours celestial day.

Then prune thy wings and stretch them wide,
Wings are not now to man deni'd,

But he may cleave the sky-
To heav'n's eternal summit soar,
Nor fear the thunder's angry roar,
For God invites thee nigh.

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