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sun, and stretched forth into the blue sky, and increased and increased till he felt that he himself and the child were in the midst of the glory. In the deep and purple centre of the brightness he saw the winged form of an angel, and no sooner had he discovered it than his heart leaped at hearing again, close to his side, the same mild and sweet voice calling him by name. He turned his head, and there stood before him a female of a stately form, and beauty not to be described. Her eyes had a pensive look, which told that sorrow and anxiety had once been her portion. Her dress was white as the newly-opened lily, and it trembled like a vapour in the heat of noon-tide. The old shepherd prostrated himself to the earth before the vision.

"Ben Hafiz (said the being of that golden eternity) thou hast done well in protecting the babe that was cast upon the waters: continue the good work, and follow strictly the instructions I am about to give thee. The ring thou must preserve constantly hung round the neck of Narina, or thine own; and whenever thou requirest instruction or guidance from heaven, thou hast need only, as upon the present occasion, to put it upon the forefinger of thy right hand, and immediately thy wants shall be supplied. The dagger must always be kept in thy bosom next to thy heart; and the silver-feathered shoes thou must desire thy wife Sherzaran to place every day at the foot of the little Narina's bed, and never remove them from that spot. things I charge thee (and here the voice of the spirit faltered with solemnity and earnestness), if a strange man with light golden hair, and straw-coloured beard, ever chance to seek the child in this place, allow him no communion with her,

But above all

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