The Victorian LadyGordon & Cremonesi, 1977 - Всего страниц: 164 |
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Результаты 1 – 0 из 0
Introduction | 9 |
The education of the Victorian lady | 16 |
Getting married | 26 |
Авторские права | |
Не показаны другие разделы: 8
Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
allowed Augustus Hare ball Becky Beeton birth breakfast Brontë Cecilia Parke Cecilia Ridley Charlotte Charlotte Brontë Charlotte Yonge child church classes clothes colours costume Countess Countess of Jersey dancing deal described diary dinner divorce doctors Dorothea dress dressmaker duties E. F. Benson England fact feelings Gaskell Gaskell's gentlemen George Eliot girls governess hair Henrietta Stanley Hippolyte Taine household husband Jane Carlyle Lady Frederick Cavendish Lady Stanley later letters lived London Collegiate School Lord Lucy Lyttelton magazine maid marriage married Mary Collier Middlemarch Miss mistress mother mourning nineteenth century North London Collegiate novelists novels nurse occasion party passion Perfect Lady piety played poor prostitute Queen Victoria remarked seems servants sexual Sir Matthew Ridley social society suggested Sunday took travelled Victoria's reign Victorian era Victorian lady Victorian women wedding wife woman writing wrote young lady