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THOUGHTS FOR THE OCCASION, ANNIVERSARY AND RELIGIOUS. Edited by Franklin Noble, D.D. Editor of The Treasury Magazine.

Pastors, Sunday-school teachers, and members of the Young People's Religious Societies will find this extremely helpful in suggesting themes, and in outlining addresses for the observance of timely occasions and special days indicated by our Christian year.

Attention is given to the following special services: New Year's, Fast Day, Lenten Season, Easter Day, Children's Day, Old Home Week, Communion, Dedication, Rallying-Day, Harvest Home, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, Closing Year, Corner-Stone Laying, Installation, and Young

People's Services.

Concerning each of these services there is a page or two of historical data and facts, several sermons by representative men of all denominations of the Church Militant to-day, and many apt quotations from philosopher and poet.

It has been wisely edited, the quotations chosen being of an unusually high order from a literary standpoint for this sort of volume, and it will surely fill a long-felt want. (E. B. Treat & Co., 214-243 West 23d St., New York. Price, $2.00.)


Mr. Roberts's stories of the wild and of animal life are so well known that a new one is always welcome.

Whether he draws a little more from imagination than the evidence warrants is a question for the higher critics perhaps, but for the ordinary reader these little sketches, charmingly illustrated by Charles Livingston Bull, are a delight. Away into the depths of the wild with the "Haunters of the Silences:" into the mystic gloom and the incalculable cold of the long Arctic night; down into the circular hollows in the clean, bright gravel of the river-bar; out on the broad expanse of open plain; down into the transparent bluegreen depths of the tropic seas; out on the great waste of ocean in the shimmering path of the moonlight; away on the swollen flood of the river; boiling and seething with the springtime freshets, when the air is laden with the breath of willows catkin and sprouting grass and the first shy bloom on the open edges of the upland; along the edge of the woodland, where the young green turf of pasture grows close and soft; into the heart of the thickets, where down through the leafy tangle the sunlight falls in little irregular splotches, flecking its ruddy brown floor; out into the radiant and pregnant luxuriance of wide, treeless, meadowislands, the heavy grass standing still uncut where the air quivers softly and hums with the murmur of foraging flies and bees, glad in its heat; into seacaves and even into the great silences of the ancient wild, the deep of the lake, the dark heart of the cedar swamp, and the silence of the upper air, high above the splintered peak of the mountain; - and the people of these places, the polar bear, salmon, cow-moose, heron, and even the deep-sea monsters become for the time as our brothers, and their joys

and dangers even as our own. (L. C. Page & Co., Boston. Price, $2.00.)


This is a compact, clever little book. The most difficult thing in photography is usually the exposure. It is also the most essential thing, because when correct exposure is given success is practically assured.

The little book not only gives a clear explanation of the principles underlying correct exposure, simple way by providing a mechanical calculator but puts its precepts into practice in a delightfully

which indicates correct exposure by turning one scale once.

The book is a compact compendium of photographic information, and is the constant companion of many of the most distinguished and successful photographers of to-day. In addition, it provides a pocket note-book, a diary, and ruled pages for systematically recording exposures in the field or at home.

Here are two specimens of what photographers think of it:

"I am quite a beginner at photography, but am so delighted with the results I have obtained through using your Exposure Calculator in your 'Exposure Record and Diary' that I am writing these few lines to express my gratitude for same. I have used all the exposure-meters there are to be had, but for simplicity and accuracy yours is by far the best, and I will certainly advise all the amateurs I am in touch with to use it."

"I have photographed for over twenty years, and tried many schemes, but yours is quite the best. Last year I spent my holidays in Scotland, taking two cameras and many plates and films, but did not lose a single picture through wrong exposure when I timed by your meter."


This is a beautiful little field-book for boys and girls which they will thoroughly enjoy turning to as a guide when they become interested in

"the little books of bloom
Whose pages, printed in perfume,
Hold lyrics in a language known
To bees and butterflies alone."

In these pages the children are told when and where to look for each of fifty widely distributed, common flowering-plants and how they get their names. The drawings from these flowers by Mr. Beecroft are so accurate that they are perfect for purposes of identification from nature, and the decorative effect is charming. Each of these flowers has a page of botanical description in addition to a fanciful little story and some well-known appropriate poem. With its twelve full-page colored plates and fifty text-illustrations from nature, it is most attractive and the best fieldbook for children yet published. (Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., Boston. Price, $1.50.)

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are out-door days, and an effectual, pure soap is more
than ever needed by holiday makers or home-stayers.


is equally necessary at sea-shore or mountains. Take
it along 'twill quickly remove play-stains and make
the vacation child presentable. Grass-stains and the
"smear of the fishing and clamming vanish before it.







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