The New Leader, Том 78New Leader Pub. Association, 1995 |
the subject of our cover feature In the interim of course Amer | 1 |
Her biggest environmental problem now Cleaver told us Haiti Against the OddsCAROLE CLEAVER 5 | 5 |
only halfjokingly during a telephone conversation is having Israels Peace ProblemELIAHU SALPETER 8 | 8 |
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275 Seventh Avenue American Arab Bill called cent century Chechnya Christopher Clausen Chung Churchill Clinton Communist Connie Chung conservative Conversos critical culture DANIEL SCHORR democracy Democratic economic election Federal force foreign French German Gingrich Gush Emunim Hottelet House Israel Israeli issue Jewish Jews John Labor Leader less liberal Likud live look major ment million never Newt Gingrich nomic Party Pater peace PHOEBE PETTINGELL play poet political President Prime Minister Rabin religious religious Zionism Republican REUVEN FRANK Roger Draper role Russian seems Seventh Avenue Shimon Peres sion social Soviet Soviet Union STEFAN KANFER story television Theater thing tion Tito tive told Tory Union United University vote Walter Goodman West words writing York young Zionist