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Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of New York.

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Rector of Trinity Church, in the City of New-York, and Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of New-York.

BENJAMIN MOORE, D. D. rector of Trinity church, in the city of New-York, and bishop of the protestant episcopal church in the state of New-York, was born in Newtown, LongIsland, on the 16th of October 1748, was ordained deacon on the 24th of June, 1774, by doctor Terrick, bishop of London, and priest on the 29th of the same month. He was elected bishop of the protestant episcopal church in the state of New-York, by the convention of the said church, in the month of September 1801, and consecrated to this sacred office on the 11th of the same month, in the city of Trenton, New-Jersey, by the right reverend bishop White, of Pennsylvania, presiding bishop; the right reverend bishop Clagget of Maryland, and the right reverend bishop Jarvis of Connecticut being present and assisting.

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The Cape, island of Hayti, November, 1805.

His august majesty the newly created emperor made his first visit to the Cape about the fifteenth of October. A few days after his arrival, he summoned the inhabitants of the town male and female, but particularly the people of colour, to assemble on an appointed day upon one of the public squares. This notification created among the mulattoes a considerable degree of alarm, for ever since the establishment of the new government, a jealousy arising from difference of colour, had been gradually insinuating itself between them and the blacks, and they were apprehensive that as their common enemies the whites were no longer present to keep alive their united hatred of that people, the vengeance of the negroes might be turned against them as participating of the French blood of their fathers. To remove all uneasiness upon this head was an important desideratum with the emperor, for upon the union of all his subjects rested the stability and tranquillity of his empire. When the body of inhabitants, which was very numerous, had assembled, his majesty mounted a stage, and surrounded by many of the grand dignitaries of the empire, addressed them in the style of a plain blunt man who only knew how to " speak right on." He stated that the object of his assembling them, was to impress upon their minds the necessity of cultivating unity and harmony among one another as children of the same family, whatever might be the shade of difference in their complexion. In the course of his oration, he very modestly reproached some of the coloured fair sex for their too great fondness for the whites. It was expressed nearly in the following style and language. "Women of colour, why do you wrangle so much with one another? Why do you entertain so great a partiality for the whites? As soon as an American vessel arrives, many of you run to the wharves to see the captain and supercargo, and you immediately begin to quarrel about the choice of sweet-hearts. Of what consequence is colour? I have wives in all parts of my dominions, of every shade, black, yellow, and white, and to me they are all alike; I love them equally well." This harangue was delivered in the very coar's

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