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Reader, Mrs. A.

Reiss, Mrs. C. E.

Richey, Miss Daisy A.
Richey, Mrs. Sarah E.
Richards, Mrs. Dan. E
Rife, Mrs. Mary B..
Rhoads, Mrs. Wm.
Rhoads, Miss Vivian..
Rockey, Mrs. C. J..
Russell, Mark.

Russell, Mrs. W. S.
Russell, Mary W.

Saltzgaber, Mrs. G. V. H
Sands, Mrs. Geo..
Sampson, Mrs. B. F.
Schille, Alice...

Scott, Annie.

Scott, Miss Hulda.

Seipel, Francis H...
Seligue, Miss Florence..
Seligue, Miss Mary.
Shauweker, Mrs. F. S..
Shafer, Alma.
Shook, Mrs. Belle.
Shotwell, Karl R..

Shrann, Mrs. Theobald..

Sibley, Ferol.
Slater, Mrs. C. C..

Smith, Miss Rachel M.

Sorman, Mrs. Golda.
Spangler, Mrs. F. F.
Springer, Carl..

Stewart, Mary.

Stewart, H. E.

Stilwell, Mrs. Marjorie.

Stratton, Mrs. Jennie.

Taylor, Mrs. F. D.
Titsworth, Mrs. Guy.
Todhunter, Bessie H.
Vance, Fred N.
Voll, Harriet..
Vorhies, Miss Alice.
Wagganan, Mrs. L. A..
Walter, Mary E..........
Washburn, Grace.
Warman, Miss L. P.
Waters, R. Kinsman..
Weaver, Mrs. E. E.
Weihr, Clara....
Welch, Mrs. Wm.
White, Mrs. C. D.
Wilders, Mrs. W. E.
Wolff, Mrs. W. B.
Wrinkle, Mrs. J. S
Young, Grace E.
Young, Mrs. S. R..

703 Felton Ave., Columbus, Ohio

-87 12th Ave., Columbus, Ohio 1495 E. Main St., Columbus, Ohio 1495 E. Main St., Columbus, Ohio 1373 Eastwood Ave., Columbus, Ohio 337 12th Ave., Columbus, Ohio 179 Chittenden Ave., Columbus, Ohio 179 Chittenden Ave., Columbus, Ohio Mt. Vernon, Ohio

1087 S. High St., Columbus, Ohio 485 Allyn St., Akron, Ohio

441 E. Grand Ave., Springfield, Ohio Van Wert, Ohio Kokomo, Ind

-1103 Pennsylvania Ave., Columbus, Ohio 1166 Bryden Road, Columbus, Ohio 1274 Summit St., Columbus, Ohio Kenton, Ohio

-453 S. Ohio Ave., Columbus, Ohio
Mt. Vernon, Ohio
Mt. Vernon, Ohio
Coshocton, Ohio
Cambridge, Ohio
-Kenton, Ohio

1713 12th Ave., Columbus, Ohio 1299 Summit St., Columbus, Ohio

103 W. Patterson Ave., Columbus, Ohio

Mechanicsburg, Ohio

Trinway, Ohio

-Kokomo, Ind

211 W. 5th Ave., Columbus, Ohio Sta. A, Columbus, Ohio Jacksontown, Ohio Thornville, Ohio

634 Oak St., Columbus, Ohio 181 S. 6th St., Columbus, Ohio -604 W. State St., Chicago, Ill Sedalia, Mo

-1731 Summit St., Columbus, Ohio

Crawfordsville, Ind
Circleville, Ohio
Delaware, Ohio
...Kokomo, Ind
Lancaster, Ohio

-291 E. 16th Ave., Columbus, Ohio 2727 Harris Ave., Norwood, Ohio Sta. A, Columbus, Ohio 835 Atchison, Columbus, Ohio Athens, Ohio

2339 Broadway, Indianapolis, Ind

Orient, Ohio

771 N. High, Columbus, Ohio Mansfield, Ohio

1257 E. Long St., Columbus, Ohio -850 Oak St., Columbus, Ohio Kenton, Ohio


A. P. SANDLES, President

Official Report on

Commercial Fertilizers

and Agricultural Lime

Licensed, Inspected and Analyzed
During the Year




This report contains facts governing the inspection and analysis of commercial fertilizers and agricultural lime sold in Ohio during the year 1913.

Buyers now recognize value of these reports; not only from a standpoint of commercialism, but from one of inherent worth and actual results obtained.

Chemist's findings on the different brands of agricultural lime shown for the first time herein. This is most essential, for not until recently were buyers given protection in the purchase of such products.

Co-operation is more prevalent today than ever before. With a better understanding of goods purchased, one intelligently orders with a view of increasing crop yield and supplying lacking elements of which the soil is in need of, and thereby helps fulfill object for which the Division of Agriculture has long been striving.

The purchase of high grade goods in lieu of the cheaper brands calls for less tonnage and less freight charge. This means less labor in handling the goods, with a resultant saving in both time and money.

A.P. Jandles





The judicious use of commercial fertilizers is a big problem when considered in all its bearings. The Experiment Stations of the country have added much knowledge applicable to its scientific use, for they have established certain practices that are helpful through crop rotation.

Ohio expends annually three and a half million dollars for the purchase of commercial fertilizers. Most of this is well spent, but it can be better spent in a more careful selection of goods, by adapting the fertilizer to the needs of the crop and the soil upon which it is grown, and by buying on basis of plant food only, rather than by seeking goods that sells for a low price per ton. Only in the purchase of high grade goods can we hope for results exceeding our expectations.

Our present Fertilizer Law became effective December 1, 1911.

It was passed in the interest of the farmer, for prior to that date law permitted lee-way of 6.00% in total money value before evidence of fraudulent intent was presumed.

All companies now required to give one hundred cents on the dollar. Chemist's findings of goods sold in Ohio during 1913 and listed in the annual report should conform thereto.

The demand for good fertilizer increases.

Much of the tillable soil in Ohio is in need of some fertilizing elements.

Farmers should give this subject attention and inquire of the Experiment Station, Wooster, or farmers' institute lecturers concerning


Inspectors visit every section of the state in order to secure samples of fertilizers exposed for sale.

Analysis of the different brands of fertilizers found by Inspectors on the open market are published from time to time in the Official Bulletin.

Users of fertilizers not required to wait till the end of the year before learning chemist's findings.

The publicity given in the Offiical Bulletin to brands of fertilizers falling below guarantee has been conducive of good results.

Chemist at Ohio State University, recommended by President W. O. Thompson, makes official analyses.

Farmers should make sure that fertilizer companies are of good standing and licensed in Ohio before purchasing.

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