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Even if, by the Lord's choice of us, and his grace given to us, we have, on the whole, been made and found faithful to him; and if his covenant have been ratified to us with all its precious promises; we shall not only have cause to adore him for these inestimable mercies, and for his Son Jesus Christ, and redemption by his atoning blood, as the foundation of them all; but we shall, upon every review, see cause to admire his present patience and gentleness, and to lament our ingratitude and disobedience. We have been delivered from a far worse oppression than that of the Egyptian tyrant; and, by a far more wonderful exertion of Almighty power and love. We are guided by a superior light, sheltered by a more glorious protection, and favoured with stronger consolations, than Israel of old. We feed upon "the Bread of life", which came down from heaven, to give life unto the world; we drink the waters, which flow from the "Rock of Ages", who was smitten for us: we are clothed with the robe of righteousness and salvation; our "feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace"; and the good Spirit of God is not only our condescending instructor and sanctifier, but our Comforter also, who deigns to make our hearts his temple; and we possess the hope and earnests of everlasting glory. But, while we rejoice in the Lord's great goodness to us, what requital do we make? We are, perhaps, kept from habitual and gross disobedience; but we are conscious how often we are setting up our idols, and in heart returning to our bondage; how

often we forget him, grieve his Holy Spirit, and neglect his service; and how often we are kept from still greater revolts, by no higher motives than the terror of his judgments, and the anguish of his salutary chastisements; which yet we soon forget, when he has mercifully removed them. Were he not slow to anger, and ready to pardon, he would have cast us off long ago. But our heavenly Advocate still pleads, and we are spared; and His mercies, and our privileges, are continued to us!


It is in the next place worthy of observation, that this friend of mankind, in the exercise of his beneficence, not only contributed his money (which often is done to very little purpose), but he devoted his time and thoughts very much to the same object: doing good was the great business of his life: and may more properly be said to have been his occupation, than even his mercantile engagements, which were uniformly considered as subservient to that nobler design.

To form and execute plans of usefulness; to superintend, arrange, and improve upon those plans; to lay aside such as did not answer, and to substitute others in their place; to form acquaintances, and collect intelligence for this purpose; to select proper agents, and to carry on correspondence, in order to

ascertain that his bounties were well applied; these, and similar concerns, were the hourly occupations of his life, and the ends of living, which he proposed to himself: nor did he think that any part of his time was spent either happily or innocently, if it were not in some way instrumental, directly or indirectly, to the furtherance of useful designs. Admitting, therefore, that this was his plan of life, (which is, in fact, indisputable,) and that the means he used were Scriptural and proper; it must follow, that the sum total of good which he did to mankind, by persevering in these habits, during many years, must exceed all computation, and can only be ascertained at the Great Day of account and retribution.

As a proof how much his business was rendered subservient to his beneficence, it may be remarked, that he not only made the gains of his commerce, in a great degree, a fund for the support of his charity; but his commerce itself was often an introduction to the knowledge of the wants, calamities, and deplorable condition of mankind in distant regions of the earth; and a medium, through which to communicate to their necessities, and to circulate among them the word of God, and other means of instruction, for the benefit of their immortal souls.

To support such numerous and expensive designs of usefulness, without embarrassing his affairs, or interfering with the real interests of his family, he observed a strict frugality in his expenses. It was not for him to live in that style, which those


that are distinguished by titles, or high offices, deem requisite to their rank and character; and he had no relish for parade and magnificence: thus his very hospitable, but simple manner of life, left a large surplus out of his income, the chief part of which constantly flowed into the channel of his beneficence: and having tasted the delight of doing good, and finding it "more blessed to give than to receive," or to expend in any other way, he abounded in it with increasing satisfaction. At the same time, the God of truth verified to him His word, which saith, There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; for, so far from being impoverished by his extraordinary liberality, his estate was considerably augmented, with the fairest character for integrity and probity.

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I HAVE been in the habit, during a great many years, of considering the USES of the Sabbath, and observing its ABUSES. The abuses are chiefly manifested in labour and dissipation. The use, medically speaking, is that of a Day of Rest. In a theological sense, it is a Holy Rest; providing for the introduction of new and sublimer ideas into the mind of man, preparing him for his future state.

As a day of rest, I view it as a day of compensation for the inadequate restorative power of the body under continued labour and excitement. A physician always has respect to the preservation of the restorative power; because, if once this be lost, his healing office is at an end. If I show you, from the physio logical view of the question, that there are provisions in the laws of nature which correspond with the Divine commandment, you will see, from the analogy, that the Sabbath was made for man, as a necessary

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