There are no acts of pardon past In the cold grave to which we haste; But darkness, death, and long despair Reign in eternal silence there.
HYMN 148.
Prayer for seriousness.
O GOD! mine inmost soul convert, And deeply on my thoughtful heart Eternal things impress; Give me to feel their solemn weight, And tremble on the brink of fate,
And wake to righteousness.
Before me place, in dread array, The pomp of that tremendous day,
When thou with clouds shalt come, To judge the nations at thy bar; And tell me, Lord, shall I be there, To meet a joyful doom?
Be this my one great business here, With serious industry and fear,
My future bliss to ensure: Thine utmost counsel to fulfil, And suffer all thy righteous will, And to the end endure.
Then, Saviour, then my soul receive, Transported from this vale, to live And reign with thee above : Where faith is sweetly lost in sight, And hope in full supreme delight, And everlasting love.
"Boast not thyself of to-morrow."
TO-MORROW, Lord, is thine, Lodg'd in thy sovereign hand; And if its sun arise and shine, It shines by thy command.
The present moment flies,
And bears our life away; O make thy servants truly wise, That we may live to-day !
Since on this winged hour
Eternity is hung,
Waken by thine almighty power
The aged and the young.
One thing demands our care; O be it still pursued! Lest, slighted once, the season fair Should never be renew'd.
To Jesus may we fly,
Swift as the morning light, Lest life's young golden beams should die In sudden, endless night.
Religion the only source of happiness.
1 'TIS religion that can give
Sweetest pleasures while we live; 'Tis religion must supply Solid comfort when we die.
After death its joys will be Lasting as eternity; Be the living God my friend, Then my bliss shall never end.
Necessity of renewing grace.
HOW helpless guilty nature lies, Unconscious of its load!
The heart unchang'd can never rise To happiness and God. Can aught beneath a power divine The stubborn will subdue? 'Tis thine, eternal Spirit, thine To form the heart anew.
'Tis thine the passions to recall, And upwards bid them rise; And make the scales of error fall From reason's darken'd eyes. To chase the shades of death away, And bid the sinner live;
A beam of heaven, a vital ray,
'Tis thine alone to give.
O change these sinful hearts of ours,
And give them life divine!
Then shall our passions and our powers,
Almighty Lord, be thine.
"How shall I put thee among the children?”
ALAS! by nature how deprav'd!
How prone to every ill! Our lives to Satan how enslav'd!
And can such sinners be restor'd, Such rebels reconcil'd? Can grace itself the means afford To make a foe a child?
Yes, grace has found the wondrous means, Which shall effectual prove To cleanse us from our countless sins, And teach our hearts to love.
Jesus for sinners undertakes,
And died that we may live; His blood a full atonement makes, And cries aloud, "Forgive."
"In that day there shall be a fountain opened for sin and for uncleanness."
HOW sad our state by nature is! Our sin, how deep it stains! And Satan binds our captive minds Fast in his slavish chains.
But there's a voice of sovereign grace Sounds from the sacred word, "Ho! ye despairing sinners, come, "And trust upon the Lord." O may we hear the almighty call, Ard run to this relief!
We would believe thy promise, Lord; O help our unbelief!
To the blest fountain of thy blood, Teach us, O Lord, to fly; There may we wash our sinful souls From crimes of deepest dye.
Poor, guilty, weak, and helpless worms, On thy kind arms we fall;
Be thou our strength and righteousness, Our Saviour, and our All.
"I am the Lord that healeth thec."
SWEET is the friendly voice that speaks The words of life and peace; Which bids the penitent rejoice, And sin and sorrow cease.
'Tis Christ that heals the troubled soul, With guilty fears opprest; 'Tis he who makes the wounded whole, And gives the weary rest.
O let thy presence, Lord, impart Peace to my anxious breast; Conduct me in the path that leads To everlasting rest.
HYMN 155
Praise to the Redeemer.
O FOR a thousand tongues to sing My great Redeemer's praise; The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of his grace! My gracious Master and my God, Assist me to proclaim,
And spread through all the earth abroad, The honours of thy name.
Jesus! the name that charms our fears, That bids our sorrows cease ; 'Tis music in the sinner's ears,
"Tis life, and health, and peace. He speaks; and listening to his voice, New life the dead receive; The mournful, broken hearts rejoice; The humble poor believe.
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