UNITED STATES REPORTS VOLUME 358 CASES ADJUDGED IN THE SUPREME COURT AT AUGUST SPECIAL TERM, 1958 AND OCTOBER TERM, 1958 OPINIONS AND DECISIONS PER CURIAM AUGUST 28, 1958, THROUGH FEBRUARY 24, 1959 WALTER WYATT REPORTER OF DECISIONS UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1959 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office KF ERRATUM. 352 U. S. 863-864, No. 285: The citation to the decision below DEPOSITED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA JUSTICES OF THE SUPREME COURT DURING THE TIME OF THESE REPORTS. EARL WARREN, CHIEF JUSTICE. FELIX FRANKFURTER, ASSOCIATE JUSTICE. JOHN M. HARLAN, ASSOCIATE JUSTICE. RETIRED STANLEY REED, AssOCIATE JUSTICE.3 SHERMAN MINTON, ASSOCIATE JUSTICE. WILLIAM P. ROGERS, ATTORNEY GENERAL. WALTER WYATT, REPORTER OF DECISIONS. HELEN NEWMAN, LIBRARIAN. Notes on p. IV. III NOTES. 1 MR. JUSTICE BURTON retired effective October 13, 1958. See post, p. vii. By order entered January 26, 1959, he was designated and assigned to perform judicial duties in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. See post, p. 943. 2 THE HONORABLE POTTER STEWART, formerly a Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, was appointed an Associate Justice of this Court by President Eisenhower, a recess appointment, on October 14, 1958. He took the oaths and his seat on the same day. See post, p. xIII. He was nominated by President Eisenhower on January 17, 1959; the nomination was confirmed by the Senate on May 5, 1959; he was given a new commission on May 7, 1959; and he again took the oaths on May 15, 1959, 3 MR. JUSTICE REED (retired) was designated and assigned to perform judicial duties in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (see post, p. 860) and the United States Court of Claims (see post, p. 870). Mr. James R. Browning was appointed Clerk of the Court effective August 15, 1958. See 357 U. S. pp. vii, 915. |