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lieve? Why will you not join those happy worshippers whom you have seen to-night? Many of them, perhaps, were once as ignorant as you, but God has enlightened them. Now they know that which they adore (John, iv. 22). They have the infallible testimony of the Church of Christ to the truth of their belief. The Church of Christ, from the very first, believed this blessed doctrine. All England believed it three hundred years ago, and had believed it ever since it became a Christian nation. The Catholic Church all over the world believes it to this day. Jesus will also teach you the true faith, if you will ask Him. Oh, then, before you leave this holy place, beg Him to give you grace to know His will and to do it.



If we search through the motley mass of religious opinions, or rather of opinions on re ligion, which prevail in this country, we shall find one, and probably one only, in which the majority of Protestants agree; and it is this, that religion is something altogether personal and inward, “between Almighty God and a man's own conscience," and in no way necessa rily bound up with this or that particular form, nor belonging to this or that particular denomination of Christians rather than any other. "To me," says Milner, the approved Protestant Church historian, "it seems an unhappy prejudice to look on any of the forms as of Divine right;" and certainly such is the general opinion. Wherein this "inward, personal, vital religion" consists, persons may widely disa gree; many, both of the Establishment and of

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