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NEBRASKA, Senators and Representatives in 41st
Congress. 2. 3; in 42d, 63, 64; Republican plat-
form of 1872, 166; apportionment of representa-
tion, population, and vote in Electoral College
under censuses of 1860 and 1870, 182; popular and
electoral vote at presidential election of 1868,
182; election in 1870, 182; votes upon the new
constitution of, 50; wealth, local debt, and tax-
ation in, 183; relative rank of, (note,) 183; man-
ufactures, 191.

MINNESOTA, Senators and Representatives in 41st |
Congress, 1-3; in 42d, 63-64; Republican and
Democratic platforms of 1872, 163-164; appor-
tionment of representation, population, and
vote in Electoral College under censuses of 1860
and 1870, 182; popular and electoral vote at
presidential election of 1868, 182; election in 1870,
182; in 1871, 182; wealth, local debt, and taxa-
tion in, 183; relative rank of, (note.) 183; manu-
factures. 191.
MINORITY REPRESENTATION, provision of new con-
stitution of State of Illinois, respecting,,46.
nual, from 1860 to 1871, 187; gross amount of,
from 1789 to 1871, 187-189; items of expenditures,
(note,) 190.

MISSISSIPPI, Senators and Representatives in 41st
Congress, 1-2; in 42d, 62-63; Republican and
Democratic platforms of 1872, 164; apportion-
ment of representation, population, and vote in
Electoral College under censuses of 1860 and 1870,
182; election in 1869, 182; wealth, local debt,
and taxation in, 183; relative rank of, (note,) 183;
manufactures, 191.

MISSOURI, Senators and Representatives in 41st
Congress, 1-2; in 42d, 63-64; Republican, Dem-
ocratic, and Liberal Republican platforms of
1872, 164-166; apportionment of representation,
population, and vote in Electoral College under
censuses of 1860 and 1870, 182; popular and elect-
oral vote at presidential election of 1868, 182;
election in 1870, 182; amendments to constitu-
tion of, 49-50; wealth, local debt, and taxation
in, 183; relative rank of, (note,) 183; manufac-
tures, 191.

MITCHELL, ALEXANDER, Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 64.

MIXED SCHOOLS, amendment respecting, 41; reso-
lutions relative to, and votes on, 123-124.
MONROE, JAMES, Representative in 42d Congress, 63.
MONTANA, population of, (note,) 182; wealth, local
debt, and taxation in, 183; manufactures, 191.
MOORE, ELIAKIM H., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2.

MOORE, JESSE H., Representative in 41st Congress,
2; in 42d, 64.

MOORE, WILLIAM, Representative in 41st Cou-
gress, 2.

MOREY, FRANK, Representative in 41st Congress, 2;
in 42d, 63.

MORGAN, GEORGE W., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2; in 42d, 63; constitutional amendment
proposed by, and votes on, 41; resolution on
taxation on tea, coffee, &c., and United States
bonds, 37.

MORPHIS, JOSEPH L., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2; in 42d, 63.

MORRILL, DANIEL J., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2.

MORRILL, JUSTIN S., Senator in 41st Congress, 1: in

42d, 62; motion to repeal the eight-hour law, 70;
motions respecting tariff legislation, 92.
MORRILL, LOT M., Senator in 41st Congress, 1; in
42d, 62.

MORRILL, SAMUEL P., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2.

MORRISSEY, JOHN, Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2.

MORTON. OLIVER P.. Senator in 41st Congress, 1; in
42d, 63; amendments to the Ku Klux bill, and
vote on, 88; amendment to amnesty bill, and
votes on. 77, 78, 79, 81.

MUNGEN, WILLIAM, Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2.

MYERS, LEONARD, Representative in 41st Congress,
2; in 424, 63.

NATIONAL CONVENTIONS, 203-213; Republican, 203-

205; Liberal Republican, 206-208; Democratic,
210 Labor Reform, 210-212; Colored, 212–213.
NATIONAL DEBT, from 1857 to 1872, and of each Ad-
ministration from Washington to Grant, 184.
NATIONAL PLATFORMS, of 1872, 203-213.
NATIONAL LOAN of 1870, vote of the House on method
of negotiating. 128.
NATURALIZED CITIZENS, proposed amendments on
eligibility of, for the Presidency, 39, 41-42; votes
thereon, 41-42.
in treaty of Washington relative to, 102.
1860 to 1871, inclusive, 187; gross amount of, from
1789 to 1871, 188; items of, (note,) 188.

NEGLEY, JAMES S., Representative in 41st Congress,
2; in 42d. 63.


NEVADA, Senators and Representatives in 41st Con-
gress, 1, 3; in 42d, 63, 64; apportionment of rep-
resentation, population, and vote in Electoral
College under censuses of 1860 and 1870, 182; popu-
lar and electoral vote at presidential election of
1868, 182: election in 1870, 182; wealth, local debt,
and taxation in, 183; relative rank of, (note,)
183; manufactures, 191.

NEW DEPARTURE PLATFORM, (note,) 143–144.
NEW HAMPSHIRE, Senators and Representatives in
41st Congress, 1-2: in 42d, 62-63; Republican
platform of 1871, 139; Republican of 1872, 166-167;
apportionment of representation, population,
and vote in Electoral College under censuses of
1860 and 1870, 182; popular and electoral vote at
presidential election of 1868, 182; election in
1870, 182; in 1871, 182; in 1872, 131; wealth, local
debt, and taxation in, 183: relative rank of,
(note,) 183; manufactures, 191.

NEW JERSEY, Senators and Representatives in 41st
Congress, 1-2; in 42d, 62-63; Republican and
Democratic platform of 1871, 139-140; Repub-
lican, Democratic, and Liberal Republican of
1872, 167-168; apportionment of representation,
population, and vote in Electoral College under
censuses of 1860 and 1870, 182; popular and elect-
oral vote at presidential election of 1868, 182;
election in 1870, 182: in 1871, 182; action of Legis-
lature of 1871 on XVth amendment, 130;
wealth, local debt, and taxation in, 183: relative
rank of, (note,) 183; manufactures, 191.

NEW MEXICO, population of, (note,) 182; wealth,
local debt, and taxation in, 183; manufactures,

ored,) 212-213.
NEWSHAM, JAMES P., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2.
NEW YORK, Senators and Representatives in 41st
Congress, 1-2; in 42d, 62-63: Republican and
Democratic platforms of 1871, 140-142; Repub-
lican, Democratic, colored people's of 1872,
168-170; apportionment of representation, pop-
ulation, and vote in Electoral College under
censuses of 1860 and 1870, 182; popular and elect-
oral vote at presidential election of 1868, 182;
election in 1870, 182; in 1871, 182; manufac-
tures, 191; action of Legislature of 1872 on fif-
teenth amendment, 129-130; wealth, local debt,
and taxation in, 183; relative rank of, (note,)

NIBLACK, WILLIAM E., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2; in 42d, 63; motion on supplementary
civil rights bill, and vote on, 84.

NORTH CAROLINA, Senators and Representatives in
41st Congress, 1-2; in 42d, 62-63; proposed amend-
ments to constitution of, 50-51: Republican and
Democratic platforms, of 1872, 170-171; appor-
tionment of representation, population, and
vote in Electoral College under censuses of 1860
and 1870, 182; popular and electoral vote at
presidential election of 1868, 182; election in
1870, 182; in 1871, 182; wealth, local debt, and
taxation in, 183; manufactures, 191; relative
rank of, (note,) 183; proposed amendments to
constitution of, 50-51.

NORTON, DANIEL S., Senator in 41st Congress, 1;
death of, (note,) 1.

NORWOOD, THOMAS M., Senator in 42d Congress, 62,
NOYES, E. F., bailot for Vice President at Phila-
1872, 203.

deAMES W., Senator in 41st Congress, 1; in


42d, 63.

OBLIGATION OF CONTRACTS, proposed amendments
to prohibit impairing the, 40, 42.
OFFICE, proposed rules for appointment to, 66-69.
OFFICERS, proposed amendments to secure election
of, 40, 42.

OFFICES, bills to repeal the act relating to the tenure
of civil, 34, 127.

OHIO, Senators and Representatives in 41st Con-
gress, 1-2; in 42d. 63; Republican, Democratic,
and "new departure" platforms of 1871, 142-145;
Republican, Democratic, and prohibition of 1872,
171-172; apportionment of representation, popu-
lation, and vote in Electoral College under cen-
suses of 1860 and 1870, 182; popular and electoral
vote at presidential election of 1868, 182; election
in 1870, 182; in 1871, 182; wealth, local debt, and
taxation in, 183; relative rank of, (note,) 183;
manufactures, 191; vote on proposed amendment
to constitution of, and on calling a constitutional
convention in, 130.

O'NEILL, CHARLES, Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2.

ONE-TERM AMENDMENTS, proposed, on the Presi-
dency, 39-40, 41.

OREGON, Senators and Representatives in 41st Con-
gress, 1, 3; in 42d, 63, 64; Republican and Demo-
cratic platforms of 1872, 172-173; apportionment
of representation, population, and vote in Elec-
toral College under census of 1860 and 1870, 182;
popular and electoral vote at presidential elec-
tion of 1868, 182; election in 1870, 182; wealth,
local debt, and taxation in, 183; relative rank
of, (note,) 183; manufactures, 191.

ORR, JACKSON, Representative in 42d Congress, 64.
ORTH, GODLOVE S., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2.

OSBORN, THOMAS W., Senator in 41st Congress, 1;
in 42d, 63.

PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, (Texas,) grant of lands
to the, and votes on, 34, 36.

PACKARD, JASPER, Representative in 41st Congress,
2; in 42d, 63.

PACKER, JOHN B., Representative in 41st Congress,
2; in 42d, 63.

PAINE. HALBERT E.. Representative in 41st Con-
gress. 2.

PAINE, WILLIAM W., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2.

PALMER, FRANK W., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2; in 42d, 64.

PALMER, JOHN M., ballot for Vice President, 206; for
the Presidency, 211.
PALMER, SIR ROUNDELL, counsel of Great Britain
at tribunal of arbitration, 106.

PARKER, HOSEA W., Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 63; resolution of, on tariff and taxa-
tion, 95

PARKER, ISAAC C., Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 64; constitutional amendment proposed
by, 42.

PARKER, JOEL, ballots for the Presidency and nom-
ination for Vice President, 210-211; declination
of, 212.

PATTERSON, JAMES W., Senator in 41st Congress, 1;
in 424, 62.

PECK, ERASMUS D., Representative in 41st Congress,
2; in 42d, 63.

PENDLETON, GEORGE H., motion on reconstruction
bill in 37th Congress, 132.
PENDLETON, JAMES M., Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 63.

PENNSYLVANIA, Senators and Representatives in

41st Congress, 1-2; in 42d, 62-63; Republican
and Democratic platforms of 1871, 145-146; Re-
publican, Democratic, and Labor Reform of
1872, 173-175; apportionment of representation,
population, and vote in Electoral College under
census of 1860 and 1870, 182; popular and elect-
oral vote at presidential election of 1868, 182;
election in 1870, 182; in 1871, 182; call for con-
stitutional convention in, 130-131; wealth, local
debt, and taxation in, 183: relative rank of,
(note,) 183; manufactures, 191.
PENSIONS, annual amount paid from 1860 to 1871,
inclusive, 187; gross amount of, from 1789 to
1871, 188; items of, (note,) 190.
PERCE, LEGRAND W., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2; in 42d, 63.
PERRY, AARON F., Representative in 42d Con-
gress. 63.

PERRY, ELI, Representative in 42d Congress, 63.
PETERS, JOHN A., Representative in 41st Congress,
2; in 42d, 63; resolution of, respecting validity
of the XIIIth, XIVth, and XVth amendments,
and votes on, 44, 45; bill to repeal the "test-
oath," 127.

PHELPS, DARWIN, Representative in 41st Congress, 2.

PHILLIPS, WENDELL, ballots for the Presidency, 211.


PIG IRON, resolution and vote on, 96.
PLATFORMS, STATE, of 1871 and 1872. (See State Plat-
PLATFORMS, NATIONAL. (See National Platforms.)
PLATT, JAMES H., jr., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2; in 42d, 63.
POLAND, LUKE P., Representative in 41st Congress,
2; in 42d, 63; proposed constitutional amend-
ment, 42; amendments to civil rights bill, and
votes on, 74-75; amendment to amnesty bill, and
vote on, 81; motion on extension of Ku Klux
act, and vote on, 90.

POLITICAL VOTES in third session of 41st Congress,

POLYGAMY, President Grant on, 26.
POMEROY, CHARLES, Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2.
POMEROY, SAMUEL C., Senator in 41st Congress, 1;
in 42d, 63; constitutional amendment proposed
by, 38: amendments on labor commission bill, 71.
POOL, JOHN, Senator in 41st Congress, 1; in 42d, 62.
POPULAR VOTE in 1868, 182; in 1869, (note,) 182.
censuses of 1860 and 1870, 182.

PORTER, CHARLES H., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2; in 42d, 63.

POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, statement of business of,
190, 191.

POTTER, CLARKSON N., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2; in 42d, 63; constitutional amendments
proposed by, 40, 41.

PRATT, DANIEL D., Senator in 41st Congress, 1; in
42d, 63; amendments to amnesty bill, and votes
on, 79, 80.

PREMIUMS on gold received and paid, amount of,
(note,) 187.

PRESIDENCY, proposed amendments respecting, 39,
40, 41, 42.

PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS of 1860, 1864, and 1868,
votes at, 182; see table and note.

PRICE, WILLIAM P., Representative in 41st Congress,
2; in 42d, 63.

PRINDLE, ELIZUR H., Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 63.

PRISONERS OF WAR, Mr. Shanks's joint resolution
relative to the treatment of, 127-128.
PRIVILEGES OF THE HOUSE, resolutions relative to,
and votes on, 128-129.

PRODUCTIONS. farming, &c., statistics of, 184.
tion to abolish, as to naturalized citizens in
Rhode Island, 51.
PROSSER, WILLIAM F., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2.
PUBLIC DEBT, from 1857 to June 30, 1872, 184; of each
Administration, from Washington to Grant, 184.
PUBLIC LANDS, proposed amendments respecting,

41, 42, and vote on, 41; resolution respecting,
128; statement showing lands sold, granted, and
remaining on hand, 185: quantity of, in each
State and Territory, 186; receipts from, from
1789 to 1871, 187.

RAILROADS, provisions in the new constitution of
Illinois respecting, 47: State of Michigan, 48-49;
quantity of land approved under grants to, and
actually granted to. 186.

RAINEY, JOSEPH H., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2: in 42d, 63.
RAMSEY, ALEXANDER, Senator in 41st Congress, 1;
in 42d, 63.

RANDALL, SAMUEL J., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2; in 42d, 63; amnesty bill, and vote on,
82-83; bill of, respecting tea and coffee, 91.
RANSOM, MATTHEW W., Senator in 42d Congress, 62.
RATIO, REPRESENTATIVE, under censuses of 1860 and
1870, (note,) 182, 183.

READ, WILLIAM B., Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 63.

RECEIPTS and Expenditures of the Government
from 1860 to 1871, inclusive, 187-191.
RECONSTRUCTION BILL reported in 37th Congress,

REDUCTIONS, REVENUE, tables showing, 185.
REEVES, HENRY A., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2.

REGISTRY TAX, proposition to abolish, in Rhode
Island, 51.
RELIGIOUS SCHOOLS, proposed amendments pro-
hibiting payments to, 39, 40.
REPRESENTATIVE, RATIO, 1860, 1870, (note,) 182–183;
apportionment, 182.

Liberal, 206-208.

REVELS, HIRAM R., Senator in 41st Congress, 1.
REVENUE, table showing reduction of, 185; annual
amount of internal, from 1863 to 1871, 187; gross
amount of, from 1863 to 1871, 187; table showing
changes customs and internal in 1872, 192-203.
from 1860 to 1871, inclusive, 187-191.
REVENUE REFORM, President Grant on, 20, 24, 25.
RHODE ISLAND, Senators and Representatives in
41st Congress, 1-2; in 42d, 62-63; apportion-
ment of representation, population, and vote in
Electoral College under censuses of 1860 and
1870, 182; popular and electoral vote at presiden-
tial election of 1868, 182; election in 1870, 182; in
1871, 182; in 1872, 131; proposed amendments to
constitution of, and votes on, 51-52; wealth,
local debt, and taxation in, 183; relative rank of,
(note,) 183; manufactures, 191.

RICE, BENJAMIN F., Senator in 41st Congress, 1; in
42d, 63.

RICE. EDWARD Y., Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 64.

RICE, JOHN M., Representative in 41st Congress, 2;
in 42d, 63.

RIDGWAY, ROBERT, Representative in 41st Congress,
2: death of, (note,) 2.

RITCHIE, JOHN, Representative in 42d Congress, 63.
ROBERTS. ELLIS H., Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 63.

ROBERTS, WILLIAM R., Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 63.

ROBERTSON, THOMAS J., Senator in 41st Congress, 1:
in 421, 62; constitutional amendment proposed
by, 38; motion on amnesty bill, and vote on, 80;
motion on labor commission bill, 72.
ROBESON, GEORGE M., Secretary of the Navy, 62.
ROBINSON, JAMES C., Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 64.

ROGERS, ANTHONY A. C., Representative in 41st
Congress, 2,

ROGERS, JOHN, Representative in 42d Congress, 63.
ROGERS, SION H., Representative in 42d Congress,

ROOSEVELT, ROBERT B., Representative in 421 Con-
gress, 63.

ROOTS, LOGAN H., Representative in 41st Congress, 2.
Ross, EDMUND G., Senator in 41st Congress, 1.
RUSK, JEREMIAH M., Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 64.

SALT, bill to place, on free list, and vote on, 94-95;
resolution on, 96; motion to place, on free list,
and vote on, 92.

SAN DOMINGO, resolution respecting, and votes on, 33;
President Grant's discussion of, in second an-
nual message, 17; his message transmitting report
of commissioners to, 29, 30.
SANFORD, STEPHEN, Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2.

SARGENT, AARON A.. Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2; in 421, 64.

SAULSBURY, ELI, Senator in 42d Congress, 62.
SAULSBURY, WILLARD, Senator in 41st Congress, 1.
SAWYER, FREDERICK A., Senator in 41st Congress. 1;
in 42d, 62: motion on labor commission bill, 71.
SAWYER, PHILETUS, Representative in 41st Congress,
2; in 42d, 64.
SCHENCK, ROBERT C., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2; resignation of, (note,) 2.
SCHOOLS, COMMON, proposed amendment to create,

39; bill to provide for the maintenance of, and
votes on, 122-124; MIXED, amendment respect-
ing, 41; resolutions relative to, and votes on,
SCHUMAKER, JOHN G., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2.

SCHURZ, CARL, Senator in 41st Congress, 1; in 42d, 63.
SCLOPIS, COUNT, member of tribunal of arbitra-
tion, 106.

SCOFIELD, GLENNI W., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2; in 421, 63; motion on St. Croix bill, and
vote on, 126-127.
SCOTT, JOHN, Senator in 41st Congress, 1; in 42d, 62;
amendment to bill to place tea and coffee on the
free list, 92; amendment to bill to repeal the
duties on salt, placing tea and coffee on the free
list, vote on, in Senate, 93.

SCOVEL, JAMES M., ballot for Vice President, 206.
SECESSION, RIGHT OF, resolution respecting, and
vote on, 36.

action of, in negotiating loan of 1870, 128.

stitution of Missouri respecting, 49.
SECTARIAN SCHOOLS, proposed amendment prohibit-
ing payments to, 40; proposition to prohibit
State aid to, in Rhode Island, 51.

SEELEY, JOHN E., Representative in 42d Congress, 63.
SENATE, resolution of the House respecting the
power of, to amend House bills, 128-12).
SENATORS, proposed amendment relative to, 42.
SESSIONS, WALTER L., Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 63.
SHANKS, JOHN P. C., Representative in 41st Congress,
2; in 42d, 63; joint resolution of, relative to
treatment of prisoners of war, 127-128.

SHELDON, LIONEL A., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2; in 42d, 63.
SHELDON, PORTER, Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2.

SHELLABARGER, SAMUEL, Representative in 42d
Congress, 63; Ku Klux bill, reported by, 85-87;
motion on Ku Klux bill, 87.
SHERMAN, JOHN, Senator in 41st Congress, 1; in 42d,
63; amendment to amnesty bill, and vote on,
80; new section respecting reimbursement for
damage inflicted by Ku Klux, moved to Ku
Klux bill, and vote on, 88, 89; motion, on eight-
hour law, 69.

SHERROD, WILLIAM C., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2.

SHERWOOD, HENRY, Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 63.

SHOBER, FRANCIS E., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2; in 42d, 63.

SHOEMAKER, LAZARUS D., Representative in 42d
Congress, 63.

SLATER, JAMES H. Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 64.

SLAVERY IN BRAZIL, President Grant on, 24.
SLOCUM, HENRY W., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2; in 42d, 63.

SLOSS. JOSEPH H., Representative in 42d Con-
gress. 63.

SMITH, HORACE BOARDMAN, Representative in 42d
Congress, 63.

SMITH, JOHN A., Representative in 41st Congress, 2;
in 42d, 63.

SMITH, JOSEPH S., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 3.

SMITH, WILLIAM J., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2.

SMITH, WORTHINGTON C., Representative in 41st Con-
gress. 2; in 42d, 63.

SNAPP, HENRY, Representative in 42d Congress, 64;
constitutional amendment proposed by, 42.
SNYDER, OLIVER P., Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 61.

SOUTH CAROLINA, Senators and Representatives in
41st Congress, 1-2; in 42d, 62-63; Republican and
Democratic platforms of 1872, 175-176; appor-
tionment of representation, population, and
vote in Electoral College under censuses of 1860
and 1870, 182; popular and electoral vote at
presidential election of 1868., 182; election in
1870, 182; President Grant's proclamations com-
manding dispersion of armed men in, &c., 12,
13, 14, 15; President Grant's message on law-
lessness in, 31; wealth, local debt, and taxation
in, 183; relative rank of. (note,) 183; manufac-
tures, 191.

SPEER, R. MILTON, Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 63.

SPEER, THOMAS J., Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 63.

SPENCER, GEORGE E., Senator in 41st Congress, 1;
in 421, 62; motion on amnesty bill, 72-73.
SPRAGUE, WILLIAM, Senator in 41st Congress, 1;
in 421, 62.

SPRAGUE, WILLIAM P., Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 63.
STAMPFLI, JACOB, member of tribunal of arbitra-
tion, 106.

STARKWEATHER, HENRY H., Representative in 41st
Congress, 2; in 42d, 63.

STATE CONSTITUTIONS, amendments to, proposed and
made, 46-53.

State and Territory for 1860 and 1870, 184.
and Territory in 1870, 184.

STATE ELECTIONS of 1870 and 1871, vote at, 182.
STATE PLATFORMS of 1871 and 1872, (named by States
in Table of Contents and indexed under name of
State,) 132-181.

STATE, wealth of each, and Territory, as shown by | TENTERDEN, LORD, agent of Great Britain at tri-
censuses of 1850, 1860, and 1870, 183; value of man-
ufactures, 191.

STATES, admission of, proposed amendment respect-
ing, 42.

on, 124-127.

STEARNS, OZORA P., Senator in 41st Congress, 1.
STATISTICAL TABLES. (See Table of Contents.)
STEVENS, AARON F.. Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2.

STEVENS, BRADFORD N., Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 64.

STEVENSON, JOB E.. Representative in 41st Con-
gress. 2; in 42d, 63: resolution of, respecting the
validity of the XIIIth, XIVth, and XVth
amendments, and vote on, 45.
STEVENSON, JOHN W.. Senator in 42d Congress, 63;
ballot for Vice President, 210.
STEWART, WILLIAM M., Senator in 41st Congress, 1;
in 42d, 63; constitutional amendment proposed
by, 39.

STILES, JOHN D., Representative in 41st Congress, 2.
ST. JOHN, CHARLES, Representative in 42d Con-
gress. 63.

STOCKTON, JOHN P., Senator in 41st Congress, 1; in
42d, 62.

STOKES, WILLIAM B., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2.

STONE, FREDERICK, Representative in 41st Con-
gress. 2.

STORM, JOHN B., Representative in 42d Congress, 63.
STOUGHTON, WILLIAM L., Representative in 41st
Congress, 2; in 42d, 64.

STOWELL, WILLIAM H. H., Representative in 42d
Congress, 63.

STRADER, PETER W., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2.

STRICKLAND, RANDOLPH, Representative in 41st
Congress, 2.

STRONG, JULIUS L., Representative in 41st Congress,
2: in 42d, 63.

STRONG, WILLIAM, JUSTICE, Opinion of, in "Legal-
Tender" case of 1871, 53-62.

SUBSIDIES, President Grant on, 22.
SUFFRAGE, proposed amendments respecting, 38, 40,

SUMNER. CHARLES, Senator in 41st Congress, 1; in
42d, 62; constitutional amendments proposed
by, 39; amendments to amnesty bills, and votes
on, 73; civil rights bills of, and votes on, 75-81.
SUPREME COURT, proposed amendment to enlarge
jurisdiction of, 42; legal-tender decision of, 53-62.
SUTHERLAND, JABEZ G., Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 64.

SWANN, THOMAS, Representative in 41st Congress, 2:
in 420, 63.

SWEENEY, WM. N., Representative in 41st Congress, 2.
SYNDICATE," vote of House on negotiations of

Secretary of Treasury with, respecting loan of
1870, 128.

SYPHER J. HALE, Representative in 41st Congress,
2; in 42d, 63.

TABLES, STATISTICAL. (See Table of Contents.)
TAFFE, JOHN, Representative in 41st Congress, 3; in
42d, 64.

TANNER, A DOLPHUS H., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2.

TARIFF AND TAXATION, President Grant on, 20, 24,
25; votes on bill, 93-94: resolutions on, 37, 92, 95,
96; table showing votes in House on general
tariff acts from 1812 to 1870, 186.
TARIFF OF 1870 AND 1872, tables showing rate of
duties in, 192-201.

TAXATION, State, county, town, and city, in each
State and Territory for 1860 and 1870, 183.
TAXES, DIRECT, amounts received from 1789 to
1871, 187.

TAYLOR, CALEB N., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2,

TEA AND COFFEE, bills to place on free list, 91, 92,
93; and votes in Senate and House, 91, 92, 93;
resolution respecting, in 41st Congress, 37.
TENNESSEE, Senators and Representatives in 41st
Congress, 1-2; in 42d, 63; Republican and Dem-
ocratic platforms of 1872, 176-177; apportionment
of representation, population, and vote in
Electoral College under census of 1860 and 1870.
182; popular and electoral vote at presidential
election of 1868, 182; election in 1870, 182; wealth,
local debt, and taxation in, 183; relative rank
of, (note,) 183; manufactures, 191.

bunal of arbitration, 106.

TENURE-OF-OFFICE ACT, bills to repeal the, 34, 127.
TERRITORIES, proposed amendment to give repre-
sentatives to, 42; population of, 1860 and 1870,
182; wealth, local debt, and taxation of, 183;
value of manufactures, 191.

TERRY. WILLIAM. Representative in 42d Congress, 63.
TEST-OATH, modification of the, 34; President Grant's
message respecting, 28, 29; bill of Mr. Peters to
repeal the, 127.

TEXAS, Senators and Representatives in 41st Con-
gress, 1-2; in 424, 63-64; Democratic platform of
1871, 146; Republican and Democratic of 1872,
177-178; apportionment of representation, popu-
lation, and vote in the Electoral College under
censuses of 1860 and 1870, 182; election in 1869, 182;
wealth, local debt, and taxation in, 183; relative
rank of, (note,) 183; manufactures, 191.

to the, and votes on, 34-36.
THAYER, JOHN M., Senator in 41st Congress, 2.
THIRTEENTH AMENDMENT, copy of, 43; votes on the
validity of, 44, 45.

THOMAS, CHARLES R., Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 63.
THURMAN, ALLEN G.. Senator in 41st Congress, 1:
in 420. 63; amendments to civil rights bill, 74.
TILLMAN, LEWIS, Representative in 41st Congress, 2.
TIPTON, THOMAS W., Senator in 41st Congress, 2;
in 42d, 63: ballots for Vice President, 206.
ToWNSEND. DWIGHT, Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 63.

TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, Representative in 41st
Congress, 2; in 42d, 63.

TREATIES, resolution on power of the House of
Representatives respecting, 128.

joint resolution relative to the, 127-128.
TREATY OF WASHINGTON, copy of, 97-105; and of
proposed supplemental article, 105-106; Presi-
dent Grant on, 23; and message transmitting to
Senate new article, 105; proceedings before Tri-
bunal, 106.
TREATY STIPULATIONS, votes on relation of House
to, 128.

TRIBUNAL, CONSTITUTIONAL, new proposition to
create, 39.

TRIBUNAL OF ARBITRATION, members of, 106; pro-
ceedings before, 106.

TRIMBLE, LAW. S., Representative in 41st Congress, 2.
TRUMBULL, LYMAN, Senator in 41st Congress, 1; in
42d, 63; motion respecting civil service com-
mission. 64; amendment to amnesty and civil
rights bill, and vote on, 77; amendment to Ku
Klux bill, and vote on, 88; amendment to bill
to place tea and coffee on the free list. 92: bal-
lots for President and Vice President, 206.
TURNER, BENJAMIN S., Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 63.

TUTHILL, JOSEPH H., Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 63.

TWICHELL. GINERY, Representative in 41st Congress,
2; in 42d, 63.

TYNER, JAMES N.. Representative in 41st Congress,
2; in 42d, 63.

UNITED STATES NOTES, proposed amendment re-
specting, 40.

UPSON, WILLIAM H.. Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2; in 42d, 63.

UTAH, population of, (note,) 182; Republican and
Democratic platforms of 1872, 178; wealth, local
debt, and taxation in, 183; woman suffrage in,
121; manufactures, 191.

VAN AUKEN, DANIEL M., Representative in 41st
Congress, 2.

VAN HORN, ROBERT T., Representative in 41st
Congress, 2.

VAN TRUMP, PHILADELPH, Representative in 41st
Congress, 2; in 424, 63.

VAN WYCK, CHARLES H., Representative in 41st
Congress, 2.

VAUGHAN, WILLIAM W., Representative in 42d
Congress, 63.

VERMONT, Senators and Representatives in 41st
Congress, 1-2: in 42d, 62-63; Republican plat-
form of 1872, 178-179; apportionment of repre-
sentation, population, and vote in Electoral
College under censuses of 1860 and 1870, 182; pop-
ular and electoral vote at presidential election
of 1868, 182; election in 1870, 182; wealth, local
debt, and taxation in, 183: relative rank of,
(note,) 183; manufactures, 191.

VICE PRESIDENCY, proposition to abolish, 39-40.
VICKERS, GEORGE, Senator in 41st Congress, 1; in
42d, 62; motion on Ku Klux bill, 89-90; amend-
ments to amnesty and civil rights bill, and votes
on, 77.
VIRGINIA, Senators and Representatives in 41st Con-
gress, 1-2; in 42d, 62-63; Republican platform
of 1871, 146-147; Republican and Democratic of
1872, 179-180; apportionment of representation,
population, and vote in Electoral College under
censuses of 1860 and 1870, 182; election in 1869,
182; wealth, local debt, and taxation in, 183; rela-
tive rank of. (note.) 183; manufactures, 191.
VOORHEES, DANIEL W., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2; in 42d, 63.

VOTE, popular and electoral, in 1860, (note,) 182; in
1868, 182; of States, 1870 and 1871, 182.
VOTING, act to enforce the right of, and votes on,
3-8; amendatory and vote on, 90-91.
WADDELL, ALFRED M., Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 63.

WAITE, MORRISON R., counsel for United States at
tribunal of arbitration, 106.

WAKEMAN. SETH. Representative in 42d Congress, 63.
WALDEN, MADISON M., Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 64.

WALDRON, HENRY, Representative in 42d Congress,

WALKER, GILBERT C., ballots for Vice President,

WALLACE, ALEXANDER S., Representative in 41st
Congress, 2; in 42d, 63.

WALLS, JOSIAH T., Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 64.

1860 to 1871, inclusive, 187; gross amount of, from
1789 to 1871, 188; items of, (note,) 188-190.
WARD, HAMILTON, Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2..

WARNER, WILLARD, Senator in 41st Congress, 1.
WARREN, JOSEPH M., Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 63.

WASHBURN, CADWALADER C., Representative in 41st
Congress, 2.

WASHBURN, WILLIAM B., Representative in 41st
Congress, 2; in 42d, resignation of, (note,) 63.
WASHINGTON TERRITORY, population of, (note,) 182;

Republican platform of 1872, 180; wealth, local
debt, and taxation in, 183: manufactures, 191.
WEALTH of each State and Territory as shown by
the censuses of 1850, 1860, 1870, 183.
WELKER, MARTIN, Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2.

WELLS, ERASTUS, Representative in 41st Congress,
2; in 42d, 64.

WEST. J. RODMAN, Senator in 42d Congress, 63.
WEST VIRGINIA, Senators and Representative in 41st

Congress, 1, 3; in 42d, 63, 64: Republican and
Democratic platforms of 1872, 180-181; appor-
tionment of representation, population, and
vote in Electoral College under censuses of 1860
and 1870, 182: popular and electoral vote at presi-
dential election of 1868, 182; election in 1870,
182; in 1871, 182; wealth, local debt, and taxa-
tion in, 183: relative rank of, (note.) 183; man-
ufactures, 191; amendment to constitution, and
proposed new constitution of, 52.

WHEELER, WILLIAM A., Representative in 41st
Congress, 2; in 42d, 63.

WHITELEY, RICHARD H., Representative in 41st
Congress, 2; in 42d, 63.

WHITMORE, GEORGE W., Representative in 41st
Congress, 2.

WHITTHORNE, WASHINGTON C., Representative in
42d Congress, 63.
WILKINSON, MORTON, S., Representative in 41st
Congress, 3.
WILLARD, CHARLES W.. Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2; in 42d, 63; bill relative to civil service,
and vote on, 65.

WILLEY, WAITMAN T.. Senator in 41st Congress, 1.
WILLIAMS, GEORGE H., Attorney General, 62; Sen-
ator in 41st Congress, 1.

WILLIAMS, WILLIAM, Indiana, Representative in
41st Congress, 2; in 42d, 63.

WILLIAMS, WILLIAM, New York, Representative in
42d Congress, 63.

WILSON, EUGENE M., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 3.

WILSON, HENRY, Senator in 41st Congress, 1; in 42d,
62; amendment to amnesty bill, and vote on, 79;
amendments to labor commission bill, 71, 72;
nomination of, for Vice President, 203; letter of
acceptance, 205-206.

WILSON, JEREMIAH M., Representative in 42d Con-
gress, 63; resolution respecting the validity of
XIIIth, XIVth, and XVth amendments, and
vote on, 44.

WILSON, JOHN T., Representative in 41st Congress,
2; in 42d, 63.

WINANS, JAMES J., Representative in 41st Congress, 2.
WINCHESTER, BOYD, Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2: in 42d, 63.

WINDOM, WILLIAM, Senator in 41st Congress, (note,)
1; in 42d, 63.

WISCONSIN, Senators and Representatives in 41st
Congress, 1-2; in 42d, 63-64; Republican and
Democratic platforms of 1871, 147-148; Repub-
lican and Democratic of 1872, 180-181; appor-
tionment of representation, population, and
vote in Electoral College under censuses of 1860
and 1870, 182; popular and electoral vote at
presidential election of 1868, 182; election in
1870, 182; in 1871, 182; amendments to consti-
tution of, 52-53; wealth, local debt, and taxation
in, 183; relative rank of, (note,) 183; manufac-
tures, 191.

WITCHER, JOHN S., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 3.

WOLF, WILLIAM P., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2.

WOMAN SUFFRAGE, reports of Judiciary Committee
of Senate and House on, 108-120; proposed
amendment to secure 40, 42-43; action on, in
Iowa, Maine, and Massachusetts, 120-121; posi-
tion of, in Wyoming and Utah, 121.
WOOD, FERNANDO, Representative in 41st Congress,
2; in 42d, 63.

WOODWARD, GEORGE W., Representative in 41st
Congress, 2.

WRIGHT, GEORGE G., Senator in 42d Congress, 63.
WYOMING, population of, (note,) 182; wealth, local
debt, and taxation in, 183; woman suffrage in,
121; manufactures, 191.

YATES, RICHARD, Senator in 41st Congress, 1; con-
stitutional amendment proposed by, 39.
YOUNG, PIERCE M. B., Representative in 41st Con-
gress, 2; in 42d, 63.

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