The Small House at Allington

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Oxford University Press, 1981 - Всего страниц: 674
Lily Dale is sublimely happy when she becomes engaged to Adolphus Crosbie, assistant secretary in a government agency. Lily is the niece of Squire Dale, an embittered old bachelor fixedly stuck in the "Great House" at Allington. Crosbie spends a weekend away from Lily, and becomes attracted to Lady Alexandrina De Courcy, Who is from a noble Family. He asks for her hand in marriage, jilting he former love, Lily. John Eames, a young government clerk, has loved Lily Dale for years. He tries to get Lily to notice him after she gets jilted, but she still loves Crosbie, and maintains her love for him despite his treachery. Crosbie, however, soon finds that his noble bride brings no money into the marriage, but continues to spend it as though she had. His "noble"marriage is a debacle from start to finish. All Lily's friends urge her toward Eames, but Lily stubbornly clings to her hopeless love.

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Об авторе (1981)

Anthony Trollope was born in London, England on April 24, 1815. In 1834, he became a junior clerk in the General Post Office, London. In 1841, he became a deputy postal surveyor in Banagher, Ireland. He was sent on many postal missions ending up as a surveyor general in the post office outside of London. His first novel, The Macdermots of Ballycloran, was published in 1847. His other works included Castle Richmond, The Last Chronicle of Barset, Lady Anna, The Two Heroines of Plumplington, and The Noble Jilt. He died after suffering from a paralytic stroke on December 6, 1882.

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