The Presence of the Word: Some Prolegomena for Cultural and Religious HistoryGlobal Academic Publishing, 2000 - Всего страниц: 393 The deed of gift declares that “the object of this foundation is not the promotion of scientific investigation and discovery, but rather the assimilation and interpretation of that which has been or shall be hereafter discovered, and its application to human welfare, especially by the building of the truths of science and philosophy into the structure of a broadened and purified religion. The founder believes that such a religion will greatly stimulate intelligent effort for the improvement of human conditions and the advancement of the race in strength and excellence of character. To this end it is desired that a series of lectures given by men eminent in their respective departments, on ethics, the history of civilization and religion, biblical research, all sciences and branches of knowledge which have an important bearing on the subject, all the great laws of nature, especially of evolution ... also such interpretations of literature and sociology as are in accord with the spirit of this foundation, to the end that the Christian spirit may be nurtured in the fullest light of the world’s knowledge and that mankind may be helped to attain its highest possible welfare and happiness upon this earth.” The present work constitutes the thirty-fourth volume published on this foundation. |
The Word and the Sensorium | 1 |
Transformations of the Word | 17 |
Word As Sound | 111 |
Sacred and Profane | 176 |
The Word and the Quest for Peace | 192 |
Mans Word and Gods Presence | 287 |
Readings | 325 |
345 | |
Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
actuality alphabet anal stage antiquity Aristotle auditory aware basically Bible Catholic century chirographic Christian classical antiquity commonplaces communication concept course Derrida dialectic dialogue earlier electronic epic existence fact Greek Hebrew hostility human individual interior kind kinesthesia kinesthetic knowledge language Latin less letters life-world literate man's life-world manuscript culture mass media means medieval ment Middle Ages modern objective old oral old oral-aural Ong's oral culture oral performance oral stage oral-aural culture oral-aural world oration person Peter Ramus physical polemic predicate present Press Protestant psychological psychosexual stages Quintilian Ramus relationship religion religious Renaissance rhetoric script Scriptures seen sense sensorium sight social society space spatial speech spoken word stage structures tactile taste technological things thought tion touch tradition Trans truth ture typical typographic Univ universe verbal vernaculars vision visual visualist voice world of sound writing and print written York