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sally; it has suffered toc much. At | characters are necessary to sustain last the gravedigger comes with executioners, a coffin, and they sing before ner a funeral dirge:

"Duchess. Farewell, Cariola.

I pray thee, look thou giv'st my little boy
Some syrup for his cold, and let the girl
Say her prayers ere she sleep.-Now, what
you please:

What death?

these terrible dramas. All these per sonages are ready for extreme acts, their resolves break forth like blows of a sword; we follow, meet at every change of scene their glowing eyes, wan lips, the starting of their muscles, the tension of their whole frame. Their powerful will contracts their violent

Bosola. Strangling; here are your execu- hands, and their accumulated passion


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breaks out in th inder-bolts, which tear
their own hearts.
and ravage all around them, and in
We know them, the
heroes of this tragic population, Iago,
Richard III., Lady Macbeth, Othello,
Coriolanus, Hotspur, full of genius,

After the mistress the maid; the latter courage, desire, generally mad or crim

cries and struggles:

"Cariola. I will not die; I must not;


To a young gentleman.

I am

inal, always self-driven to the tomb. There are as many around Shakspeare as in his own works. Let me exhibit one character more, written by the No one,

1st Executioner. Here's your wedding- same dramatist, Webster. ring.

C. If you kill me now,

I am damn'd, I have not been at confession
This two years.

B. When?t

C. I am quick with child." +

They strangle her also, and the two
children of the duchess. Antonio is
assassinated; the cardinal and his mis-
tress, the duke and his confidant, are
poisoned or butchered; and the solemn
words of the dying, in the midst of this
butchery, utter, as from funereal trum-
pets, a general curse upon existence :
"We are only like dead walls or vaulted graves,
That, ruin'd yield no echo. Fare you well...
O, this gloomy world!
In what a shadow, or deep pit of darkness,
Doth womanish and fearful mankind live! "§

In all our quest of greatness,
Like wanton boys, whose pastime is their


We follow after bubbles blown in the air.

Pleasure of life, what is't? only the good

except Shakspeare, has seen further into the depths of diabolical and unchained nature. The "White Devil' is the name which he gives to his heroine. His Vittoria Corombona receives as her lover the Duke of Brachiano, and at the first interview dreams of the issue:

"To pass away the time, I'll tell your grace A dream I had last night."

It is certainly well related, and still bet ter chosen, of deep meaning and very clear import. Her brother Flaminio says, aside:

"Excellent devil! she hath taught him in a dream

To make away his duchess and her hus band."

So, her husband, Camillo, is strangled, the Duchess poisoned, and Vittoria, before the tribunal. Step by step, like accused of the two crimes, is brought a soldier brought to bay with his back Whether we fall by ambition, biood, or lust, futing and defying judges and advo against a wall, she defends herself, re


Of an ague; merely a preparative to rest,
To endure vexation....

Like diamonds, we are cut with our own


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cates incapable of blenching or quailinsults and proofs, even menaced with ing, clear in mind, ready in word, amid death on the scaffold. The advocate

begins to speak in Latin.

"Vittoria. Pray my lord, let him speak his usual tongue;

I'll make no answer else.

* Vittoria Corombona, i. a·

Francis de Medicis. Why, you under- | she will not weep. She goes off erect

stand Latin.

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bitter and more haughty than ever :
"I will not weep;

No, I do scorn to call up one poor tear
To fawn on your injustice: bear me hence
Unto this house of--, what's your mitigating

Mont. Of convertites.

V. It shall not be a house of convertites; My mind shall make it honester to me Than the Pope's palace, and more peaceab Than thy soul, though thou art a cardinal.' Against her furious lover, who accuses her of unfaithfulness, she is as strong as against her judges; she copes with him, casts in his teeth the death of his duchess, forces him to beg pardon, to marry her; she will play the comedy to the end, at the pistol's mouth, with the shamelessness and courage of a courtesan and an empress ; † snared at last, she will be just as brave and more insulting when the dagger's point threatens her:

"Yes, I shall welcome death As princes do some great ambassadors; I'll meet thy weapon half way. . . . 'Twas i manly blow;

The next thou giv'st, murder some sucking infant;

And then thou wilt be famous." ‡

When a woman unsexes herself, her actions transcend man's, and there is nothing which she will not suffer or dare.


Opposed to this band of tragic characters, with their distorted features, brazen fronts, combative attitudes, is a troop of sweet and timid figures, pre eminently tender-hearted, the most graceful and loveworthy, whom it has been given to man to depict. In Shakspeare you will meet them in Miranda, Juliet, Desdemona, Virgilia, Ophelia

They condemn her to be shut up in a Cordelia, Imogen; but they abound

house of convertites:

V. A house of convertites! What's that? Monticelso. A house of penitent whores. V. Do the noblemen in Rome

Erect it for their wives, that I am sent

To lodge there?" †

also in the others; and it is a character istic of the race to have furnished them, as it is of the drama to have ret resented them. By a singular coin cidence, the women are more of women, the men more of men, here than else

The sarcasm comes home like a sword-where. The two natures go each to thrust; then another behind it; then cries and curses. She will not bend,

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* Ibid. p. 24.

† Compare Mme. Marneffe in Balzac's La Cousine Bette.

Vittoria Corombona, v ast scene, pp


ts extreme in the one to boldness, the | room.* Domestic life and obedience spirit of enterprise and resistance, the are more easy to them. More pliant warlike, imperious, and unpolished and more sedentary, they are at the character; in the other to sweetness, same time more concentrated and in devotion, patience, inextinguishable af- trospective, more disposed to follow fection, a thing unknown in distant the noble dream called duty, which is lands, in France especially so: a wo- hardly generated in mankind but by man in England gives herself without silence of the senses. They are not Irawing back, and places her glory and tempted by the voluptuous sweetress duty in obedience, forgiveness, adora- which in southern countries is breath. ion, wishing and professing only to be ed out in the climate, in the sky a melted and absorbed daily deeper and the general spectacle of things; which deeper in him whom she has freely and dissolves every obstacle, which causes forever chosen.† It is this, an old privation to be looked upon as a snare German instinct, which these great and virtue as a theory. They can rest painters of instinct diffuse here, one content with dull sensations, dispense and all: Penthea, Dorothea, in Ford with excitement, endure weariness; and and Greene; Isabella and the Duchess in this monotony of a regulated exist of Malfi, in Webster; Bianca, Ordella, ence, fall back upon themselves, obey Arethusa, Juliana, Euphrasia, Amoret, a pure idea, employ all the strength and others, in Beaumont and Fletcher of their hearts in maintaining their there are a score of them who, under moral dignity. Thus supported by inthe severest tests and the strongest nocence and conscience, they introduce temptations, display this wonderful into love a profound and upright senpower of self-abandonment and devo- timent, abj coquetry, vanity, and tion. The soul, in this race, is at flirtation: tney do not lie nor simper. once primitive and serious. Women When they love, they are not tasting keep their purity longer than elsewhere. a forbidden fruit, but are binding them They lose respect less quickly; weigh selves for their whole life. Thus unworth and characters less suddenly: derstood, love becomes almost a holy they are less apt to think evil, and to thing; the spectator no longer wishes take the measure of their husbands. to be spiteful or to jest; women do not To this day, a great lady, accustomed think of their own happiness, but of to company, blushes in the presence of that of the loved ones; they aim no! an unknown man, and feels bashful at pleasure, but at devotion. Euphralike a little girl: the blue eyes are sia, relating her history to Philaster., dropt, and a child-like shame flies to says: her rosy cheeks. English women have not the smartness, the boldness of ideas, the assurance of bearing, the precocity, which with the French make of a young girl, in six months, a woman of intrigue and the queen of a drawing

Hence the happiness and strength of the narriage tie. In France it is but an association two comrades, tolerably alike and tolerably equal, which gives se to endless disturbance ind bickering.

+ See the representation of this character hroughout English and German literature. Steudhal, an acute observer, saturated with Italian and French morals and ideas, is astonished at this phenomenon. He understands nothing of this kind of devotion, "this slavery which English husbands have had the wit to impose on their wives under the name of duty." These are "the manners of a seraglio." See also Corinne, by Madame de Staël.

"My father oft would speak
Your worth and virtue; and, as I did grow
More and more apprehensive, I did thirst
To see the man so prais'd; but yet all this
Was but a maiden longing, to be lost
As soon as found; till sitting in my window.
Printing my thoughts in lawn, I saw a god,
I thought, (but it was you) enter our gates.
My blood flew out, and back again as fast,
As I had puff'd it forth and suck'd it in
Like breath: Then was I call'd away

To entertain you. Never was a man,
Heav'd from a sheep-cote to a sceptre, rais'd
So high in thoughts as I: You left a kiss
Upon these lips then, which I mean to keep
From you for ever. I did hear you talk,
Far above singing! After you were gc,
I grew acquainted with my heart, and

What stirr'd t so: Alas! I found it love;

*See, by way of contrast, all Molière's ! Louison.

A perfect woman already: meek and pa- women, so French; even Agnes and little



Yet far from lust; for could I but have liv'd | There is no diference twixt your birth and In presence of you I had had my end."

She had disguised herself as a page, followed him, was his servant; what greater happiness for a woman than to serve on her knees the man she loves? She let him scold her, threaten her with death, wound her.

"Blest be that hand!

It meant me well. Again, for pity's sake!" Do what he will, nothing but words of tenderness and adoration can proceed from this heart, these wan lips. Moreover, she takes upon herself a crime of which he is accused, contradicts him when he asserts his guilt, is ready to die in his place. Still more, she is of use to him with the Princess Arethusa, whom he loves; she justifies her rival, brings about their marriage, and asks no other thanks but that she may serve them both. And strange to say, the princess is not jealous.


Euphrasia. Never, Sir, will I Marry; it is a thing within my vow:

But if I may have leave to serve the princess,

To see the virtues of her lord and her,
I shall have hope to live.
Come, live with me;
Live free as I do. She that loves my lord,
Curst be the wife that hates her!"S

What notion of love have they in this country? Whence happens it that all selfishness, all vanity, all rancor, every little feeling, either personal or base, flees at its approach? How comes it that the soul is given up wholly, without hesitation, without reserve, and only dreams thenceforth of prostrating and annihilating itself, as in the presence of a god? Biancha, thinking Cesario ruined, offers herself to him as his wife; and learning that he is not so, gives him up straightway,

without a murmur :

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Not much 'twixt our estates (if any be,
The advantage is on my side) I come willingly
To tender you the first-fruits of my heart,
for my husband
And am content t' accept you
Now when you are at lowest.
Why, Biancha,
Report has cozen'd thee; I am not fallen
From my expected honours or possessions,
Tho' from the hope of birth-right.

Are you not?

B. Then I am lost again! I have a suit too; You'll grant it, if Pray do not talk of aught what I have d be a good man.... you t'ye..


Pity me; I'll pray for But never love me more! ... That you may have a virtuous wife, a fair one; And when I'm dead C. Fy, fy! B.


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Think on me sometimes,

With mercy

At parting, as at coming! B. This I hav: for this trespass! C. Let us kist As a free dower to a virgin's grave, All goodness dwell with you!"* Isabella, Brachiano's duchess is be trayed, insulted by her faithless hus band; to shield him from the ven geance of her family, she takes upon herself the blame of the rupture, pur posely plays the shrew, and leaving him at peace with his courtesan, dies embracing his picture. Arethusa allows herself to be wounded by Philaster, stays the people who would hold back the murderer's arm, declares that he has done nothing, that it is not he, prays for him, loves him in spite of all even to the end, as though all his acts were sacred, as if he had power of life and death over her. Ordella devotes herself, that the king, her husband, may have children;t she offers her self for a sacrifice, simply, without grand words, with her whole heart:

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But, hark you; What may that woman merit, makes this bless ing?

0. Only her duty, sir. T. 'Tis terrible! O. 'Tis so much the more noble. T. 'Tis full of fearful shadows sleep sir,

0. Sc

Or anything that's merely ours, and mortal; We were begotten gods else: but those fears Feeling but once the fires of nobler thoughts, Fly, like the shapes of clouds we form, to noth ing.

Beaumont and Fletcher, The Fair Maia

* Beaumont and Fletcher, Works, ed. G.Col- of the Inn, iv. man, 3 vols., 1811, Philaster, v. + Like Kaled in Byron's Lara. 1 Philaster, iv.

Philaster, v.

↑ Beaumont and Fletcher, Thierry and Theodoret, The Maid's Tragedy, Philaster See also he part of Tucina in Valentinian,

T. Suppose it death! endless parting

With all we can call ours, with all our sweetness,

With youth, strength, pleasure, people, time,

nay reason!

0. I do. T. And | from duty or submission, allow thein selves to be married, while their heart belongs to another. They are not re signed, do not recover, like Pauline in Polyeucte. They are crushed to death. Penthea, in Ford's Broken Heart, is as upright, but not so strong, as Pauline; she is the English wife, not the Roma::. stoical and calm.* She despairs, sweetly, silently, and pines to death In her innermost heart she holds herself married to him to whom she has

For in the silent grave, no conversation,
No oyful tread of friends, no voice of lovers,
No careful father's counsel, nothing's heard,
Nor nothing is, but all oblivion,

Dust and an endless darkness and dare you,


Desire this place? O. 'Tis of all sleeps the


Children begin it to us, strong men seek it, And kings from height of all their painted glories Fall, like spent exhalations, to this centre.... T. Then you can suffer? O. As willingly as say it.

T. Martell, a wonder!

Here is a woman that dares die.-Yet, tell me, Are you a wife? O. I am, sir. T. And have children?

She sighs and weeps! O. Oh, none, sir. T. Dare you venture

For a poor barren praise you ne'er shall hear, To part with these sweet hopes? O. With all but Heaven."*

Is not this prodigious? Can you understand how one human being can thus be separated from herself, forget and lose herself in another? They do so lose themselves, as in an abyss. When they love in vain and without hope, neither reason nor life resist; they languish, grow mad, die like Ophelia. Aspasia, forlorn,

"Walks discontented, with her watry eyes

Bent on the earth. The unfrequented woods
Are her delight; and when she sees a bank
Stuck full of flowers, she with a sigh will tell
Her servants what a pretty place it were
To bury lovers in; and make her maids
Pluck 'em, and strew her over like a corse.
She carries with her an infectious grief,
That strikes all her beholders; she will sing
The mournful'st things that ever ear hath

Ar 1 sigh and sing again; and when the rest
Of our young ladies, in their wanton blood,
Tell mirthful tales in course, that fill the

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pledged her soul: it is the marriage of the heart which in her eyes is alone genuine; the other is only disguised adultery. In marrying Bassanes she fidelity is worse than legal infidelity, has sinned against Orgilus; moral in

and thenceforth she is fallen in her own eyes. She says to her brother : "Pray, kill me. . . .

Kill, me, pray; nay, will ye?

Ithocles. How does thy lord esteem thee?
P. Such an one

As only you have made me; a faith-breaker,
A spotted whore; forgive me, I am one-
In act, not in desires, the gods must wit

ness. ...

For she that's wife to Orgilus, and lives
In known adultery with Bassanes,

Is, at the best, a whore. Wilt kill me now?

The handmaid to the wages

Of country toil, drinks the untroubled streams With leaping kids, and with the bleating lambs,

And so allays her thirst secure; whiles I Quench my hot sighs with fleetings of my tears."t

With tragic greatness, from the height of her incurable grief, she throws her gaze on life:

"My glass of life, sweet princess, hath few minutes

Remaining to run down; the sands are spent ;

For by an inward messenger I feel

*Pauline says, in Corneille's Polyeucte (iii

Avant qu'abandonner mon âme à mes dou

Il me fant essayer la force de mes pleurs;
En qualité de femme ou de fille, j'espère
Qu'ils vaincront un époux, ou fléchiront uns

Que si sur l'un et l'autre ils manquent de pouvoir,

Je ne prendrai conseil que de mon désespoir. Apprends-moi cependant ce qu'ils ont fait av temple."

We could not find a more reasonable and rea. soning woman. So with Eliant, and Henrietta

• Thierry and Theodoret, iv. I. Beaumont and Fletcher, The Maid's Trag in Molière. dy, i

↑ Ford's Broken Heart, iii 2.

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