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Esth. 3:


Neh. 1:-4:



ried contrary to the law of Moses.

After this, he continued in authority during several years, of which there is no history


\A M.IB.C.

Mordecai, refusing to bow in adoration to Haman, the Agagite; Haman, in revenge, plots the destruction of all the Jews, throughout the whole kingdom of Persia And obtains from Ahasuerus a decree for that purpose This project is defeated by means of Esther, and ends in the destruction of Haman and his family, and of the enemies of the Jews; in Mordecai's advancement to the highest authority under the king, and in the great prosperity of the Jews; in remembrance of which, the feast of Purim is instituted, which is observed by the Jews to this day Nehemiah is sent governor to Jerusalem, with extensivel

3548 456

3550 454

3551 453

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Alexander the Great is born in Macedonia.

3648 356

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3559 445

powers, and a commission to build the walls of the city; which he immediately attempts, and effects notwithstanding great opposition. He proceeds prosperously to execute his commission; to repeople Jerusalem; and to reform both the civil and ecclesiastical state of the nation. He goes to the Persian court But returning, as it is supposed, with a renewed commission, he finds that many corruptions had crept in during his absence; and proceeds zealously to enforce reformation; in effecting which he banished the grandson of Eliashib, the high priest, who had married the daughter of Sanballat, the Heronite; who in consequence excited Sanballat and the Samaritans to build a temple on mount Gerizim, in opposition to that at Jerusalem; which augmented and perpetuated the enmity between the Jews and the Samaritans Some, however, place this last act of Nehemiah much later. -In the time of Nehemiah, it is recorded, that Ezra prepared and set forth a correct edition of the scriptures, as extant at that time. Being himself an inspired writer, he no doubt did this under a special superintendency of the Holy Spirit: and it is evident, that our Lord and his apostles sanctioned the sacred volume, which was edited at this! time, as "the oracles of God;" with no other variation, as far as it can now be found, than the insertion of the book of Nehemiah, and the prophecy of Malachi, after Ezra's decease. Some think, that Malachi prophesied towards the end of the time, during which Nehemiah was governor; others think that he was raised up, soon after his removal. Plato the celebrated philosopher is dorn Artaxerxes dies, and, after some bloody contests, Darius Nothus succeeds to the throne of Persia

3960 444 3571 433

3572 432

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victory over Darius, at Arbela 3673 331 Soon after, Darius is slain; and the Medo-Persian empire is terminated, and succeeded by the Grecian, or Macedonian;] as denoted by the belly and thighs of brass, in Nebuchadnezzar's dream; (Dan. 2:3239.) the leopard in Daniel's first vision, (Dan. 7:6.) and the he-goat in his second, (Dan. 8:5-8.) 3674 330 Alexander the Great dies at Babylon; whose vast dominions and conquests, after many dreadful conflicts between his captains, form four kingdoms, Macedonia, Thrace, Syria, and Egypt Ptolemy, afterwards called Soter, gains possession of Jerusalem, and carries a great number of Jews into Egypt,| where they form a colony a Alexandria

This year, Jaddua, the high-
priest dies, (Neh. 12:22.) and
is succeeded by Onias
Ouias dies, and is succeeded by
Simon the just.
About the same time Seleucus

3681 323

3684 3.0

370-11 300

1A MIB. C.

3694 310

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301 Seleucus Philopater dies, and is succeeded by
his brother, Antiochus Epiphanes
Jason buys of him the high priesthood, and sup-
plants his brother Onias

builds Antioch in Syria, (Acts 9:19-26. 13:1.) 3704 300 Epicurus begins to teach his profligate philosophy. The dominions of Alexander are formed into four kingdoms; Egypt, under Ptolemy Soter;| Macedonia, under Cassander; Thrace, under Lysimachus; and Syria, with all the east, 3703 under Seleucus. Thus Daniel's visions were exactly fulfilled. (Note, Dan. 7:5. 8:8.)-The Jews, however, had little concern, except with the kingdoms of Egypt and Syria; between which their country was situated. At this time they formed a part of Ptolemy's dominior. Seleucus, king of Syria, builds Seleucia, on the Tigris, which tended greatly to depopulate Babylon

Simon the just dies, and is succeeded, in the high priesthood, by his brother Eleazar.. The light-house, or watch-tower, of Pharos, near Alexandria, one of the wonders of the world, is finished by Ptolemy Soter

In the same year Ptolemy Soter dies, and is succeeded by his son, Ptolemy Philadelphus Seleucus, king of Syria, is slain, and succeeded by his son, Antiochus Soter

A multitude of emigrated Gauls, after many defeats and disasters, pass over out of Greece into Asia Minor; and there obtain a settlement, in the country afterwards called Gala

About this time, the Hebrew scriptures began to
be translated into Greek; for the benefit of
the dispersed Jews, who spake that language;
which opened the way for learned heathens to
become acquainted with them

Antiochus Soter, of Syria, dies, and is succeeded
by his son, Antiochus Theus
Manasseh, the high priest, who had succeeded
Simon the just, dies; and is succeeded by Oni-
as, the son of Simon.

3833 171

Menelaus, Jason's brother supplants him, by buying the high priesthood of Antiochus 3832 172 Onias, the elder brother of Jason and Menelaus, is put to death at Antioch: and Lysimachus, 3711 293 Menelaus's deputy, is slain in a tumult at Jerusalem 3713 291 Antiochus Epiphanes begins to persecute the Jews; putting a stop to the daily sacrifice, and the worship at the temple; and building a fortress on mount Acra, to curb the inhabitants of Jerusalem

3720 284

But Mattathias, and his sons, take arms against

3836 168

3725 279 The Romans, having conquered Perseus, the
king of Macedon, terminate the kingdom, .3837 167
Seven brethren, and their mother after them, are
most cruelly martyred, because they refused
to commit idolatry, or violate the law of Mo-
ses, at the command of Antiochus; and the
persecution is carried on with great vehe-

3727 277

3753 251

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3743 261 Judas vanquishes Lysias, Antiochus's deputy,
recovers Jerusalem, and restores the daily
sacrifice, and the worship at the temple..
Antiochus Epiphanes dies, and is succeeded by
his son, Antiochus Eupator ...
Judas, after several other successes against the
surrounding enemies of the Jews, vanquishes
Lysias a second time; and compels him to
terms of peace

Ptolemy Philadelphus, king of Egypt, dies, and
is succeeded by his son, Ptolemy Euergetes 3757
Antiochus Theus, king of Syria, is poisoned by
his wife Laodice, and succeeded by his son,
Seleucus Ceraunicus

Seleucus Callinicus is vanquished, and taken
prisoner by the Parthians'


3758 246

3774 230

He dies in Parthia, and is succeeded by his son,
Seleucus Ceraunus,

Who is poisoned by his attendants,

3779 225
3781 223

And is succeeded by his brother Antiochus, af-
terwards surnamed the great.
Ptolemy Euergetes, king of Egypt, dies, and is
succeeded by his son, Ptolemy Philopater,
Who, having obtained a great victory over An-
tiochus king of Syria, obtains possession of
Judea; and coming to Jerusalem, attempts to
enter the holy of holies, in the temple; but is
opposed by the high priest, and retires with
horror of mind, but with implacable hatred of
the Jews.

3783 221

3728 216

3800 204

Having made peace with Antiochus, he attempts
to destroy all the Jews at Alexandria; but
fails of his purpose
Ptolemy Philopater, king of Egypt, dies, and is
succeeded by his son, Ptolemy Epiphanes,
being only five years of age
Antiochus, of Syria, combining with Philip of
Macedonia, to divide Ptolemy Epiphanes's
dominions between them; the Egyptians crave
the assistance of the Romans for their infant-
king, who take him under their protection. 3302
This seems to have been the first entrance of
the Romans, (the fourth kingdom, ia Daniel's
prophecies,) into the dominion of the Macedo-
nian, or Grecian empire, which was the third

The Romans send M. Emilius Lepidus into
Egypt, to protect Ptolemy
Simon, the high priest, dies, and is succeeded by
his son, Onias III..

Antiochus the Great passes over into Europe, to
join Philip, king of Macedou, against the Ro-

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Menelaus, the usurping high priest, is slain, and
succeeded by Alcimus

Demetrius, the son of Seleucus Philopater, slays
Antiochus Eupator, and succeeds to the throne!
of Syria
Nicanor, sent by Demetrius against the Jews, is
slain with all his army. Bacchides, sent to
avenge this blow, slays Judas, and grievously
oppresses the Jews.-Judas is succeeded by
his brother, Jonathan .

3838 166

3839 165

3940 164

3841 163

13842 162

3843 161

3846 158

3851 153

3854 150

3855 149

Alcimus, the high-priest, dies, and Bacchides leaving Jerusalem, the Jews enjoy peace.. 13845 159 Bacchides, returning into Judea. is routed by Jonathan, and Simon his brother; and makes peace with the Jews 3787 217 Jonathan, the brother of Judas Maccabeus, is made high priest, by Alexander Balas, who claimed the kingdom of Syria against Demetrius: and whom Jonathan greatly assisted From this period, the high priesthood continued in the Asmodean, or Maccabean family, till the time of Herod the Great. Demetrius is vanquished and slain by Alexander Balas, who succeeds him. . Onias, the son of Onias, who had been high priest, builds a temple in Egypt, like that at Jerusalem. Jonathan, after various successes, in support of the son of Alexander Balas, against his competitor Demetrius, the son of him who was slain by Alexander Balas, is treacherously murdered by Tryphon: and is succeeded in the high priesthood by his brother, Sin.on;} who, declaring for Demetrius, is made als sovereign ruler of Judea. 3809 195 He takes the fortress, which Antiochus Epiph anes had erected to curb Jerusalem, demolishes it, and levels the hill on which it stood 3862; 142| 3812 192 The sovereignty of Judea is confirmed to Simon, 3813 191


3803 201

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his son John, surnamed Hyrcanus. John Hyrcanus asserts his independency against the Syrians; and destroys the temple on

mount Gerizim He conquers the Idumæans, or Edomites, and, compelling them to be circumcised, incorporates them among the Jews. From this time the name of Idumaans is scarcely mentioned in history. Aristobolus and Antigonus, sons of John Hyr-| canus, lay siege to Samaria Antiochus Cyricenus, at that time king of Syria,

(that kingdom being enfeebled by perpetual conflicts with the Ptolemies, kings of Egypt, by incessant internal contests and revolutions, and by the overwhelming power of the Romans,) in vain attempts to relieve Samaria, which falls into the hands of Hyrcanus, with all Galilee. Hyrcanus, hitherto supported by the sect of the Pharisees, recently formed among the Jews; forsakes them, and joins the Sadducees, their opponents


He dies, and is succeeded by Aristobulus, his
eldest son; who first took the insignia and
name of king
Aristobulus, having conquered Iturea, and killed
his brother Antigonus, dies, and is succeeded
by Alexander Jannæus, his brother
Pompey and Cicero, celebrated Romans, are
born in the same year
Alexander Jannæus, after various transactions,
some successful, and others unsuccessful, is
opposed by a mutiny of the Jews at the tem-
ple, during the feast of tabernacles; of whom
he slays 600 men

A.M. B. C.
3869 135


dictator, the empire of the Cæsars commences.
Antipater, by permission from the Romans, re-
builds the walls of Jerusalem..
130 Julius Cæsar is assassinated in the senate.
Antipater is poisoned: but his sons, Phasael and
Herod, revenge his death by that of the

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3875 129
3894 110 The Parthians, having obtained many advan-
tages against the Romans, slay Phasael, make
Hyrcanus prisoner, and appoint Antigonus
king of Judea; but Herod, fleeing to Rome,
is there constituted king by the ruling party 3064
Herod besieges Jerusalem

3895 109



3897 107

After many losses, and successes, he takes the
city, and is established in the Royal authority,
being by birth an Edomite, and a Jew only
as proselyted.

Herod makes Anamelus, an obscure person,
high priest instead of Antigonus, which occa-
sions disturbances
Deposing him, he appoints Aristobulus, brother
of Mariamne his wife to the high priesthood.
The succession belonged to him, but he was
no more than 17 years of age. Herod not
long after murdered him

3898 106 Being in danger of a capital punishment for this
murder, he appeases Mark Anthony, or rath-
er Cleopatra, his infamous paramour, with
large presents


He subdues the inhabitants of Gilead and the
Having ill success, in a war against Obodas, an
Arabian king, the Jews make war against
him. This war continued six years. . . . . 3913
Alexander Jannæus dies, after many successes
and cruelties, and is succeeded in the regal
authority by his wife Alexandra, wno, concil-
iating the Pharisees, reigns peaceably to the
end of her life.

She makes her eldest son, Hyrcanus, high

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The Pharisees, managing the affairs of Alex-
andra, grievously oppress their opponents. 3927
The Romans greatly extend their conquests,
both in Asia and Africa, and reduce many
regions into the form of provinces

Herod the Great is born.


Alexandra dies. Hyrcanus seizes the kingdom:
but is soon deprived of it by Aristobulus, his
younger brother
Pompey the Great, an eminent Roman com-
mander, after many conquests, reduces Syria
into the form of a province: thus terminating
the Macedonian or Grecian kingdom, and es-
tablishing that of the Romans, the fourth great
monarchy in Daniel's prophecies
Pompey, appealed to by Hyrcanus and Aristo-
bulus, and promising to arbitrate between
them, discovers that Aristobulus is preparing
for war; and in consequence marches against
Jerusalem, and takes it, after a siege of three
months, and restores Hyrcanus.-At this time
he enters into the temple, and into the holy of
holies, and many have remarked, that he
never after prospered in any undertaking.
From this period, the Jews became dependent
on the Romans; after having been, for a long
time, independent, by reason of the weakness
of the Syrian and Egyptian kinys.-In the
same year Augustus Cæsar is born
Aristobulus, and Alexander his son, raise dis-
turbances in Judea, but are vanquished by
Gabinius, a Roman commander.
Crassus, the Roman general, plunders the tem-j
ple at Jerusalem

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3975 3976



3978 56

3979 25

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76 Augustus Cæsar acquires absolute dominion
over the whole Roman Empire.
In the same year, Herod completes for himself
a stately palace on Mount Zion




70 He builds Herodium.


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3935 19

65 After two years' preparation, he enters on the


3987 17

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He puts to death the two sons, whom he had by
Mariamne, on a frivolous accusation of trea-


In this year, the angel Gabriel promised to
Zacharias a son, by his wife Elizabeth, whom
he must call John.

The same angel shews the Virgin Mary, that
the Messiah should be born of her.
The census, or register of estates and families
throughout Judea, was made at this time: but
the taxes were not imposed or collected till
some years after. (Note, Luke 22.)
57 Christ is born at Bethlehem . .





He is vanquished and slain by the Parthians 3951
Julius Caesar prevails against Pompey, at Phar-
salia: Pompey flees to Egypt, and is there
treacherously murdered



Antipater, an Edomite, by the favour of Caesar,
whom he had assisted in Egypt, is placed ru-
ler over Judea, nominally under Hyrcanus,
but in fact, as superseding him. He consti-
tutes his son Herod governor of Galilee
Julius Cæsar at this time being made perpetuali

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3957 47

In the same year, Herod in vain attempts to
murder the infant Savior, but cruelly massa-
cred the male children near Bethlehem. He
puts his son Antipater to death, on an accusa-
tion of treason and parricide, and five days
after dies himself in the most dreadful man-


Archelaus succeeds Herod his father, in Judea,
Idumæa, and Samaria; Herod Antipas in
Galilee and Petræa; and Philip, in Auronitis.
Trachonitis, Paneas, and Balanaa.-Joseph
and Mary, with the child Jesus, returning cut




of Egypt, settle at Nazareth in Galilee.. The Christian Era begins, 4 years after the real time at which our Lord was born Archelaus, the son of Herod, having been convicted of mal-administration in his government, is deposed, and banished into Gaul: and Judea is made a province of the Roman empire, by Quirinius, or Cyrenius, governor of Syria, who first levied the taxes, according to the census, or register, before made; and Coponius is placed over it. Thus the sceptre was departing from Judah, for Shiloh was come, though not manifested.

In this year, Jesus went up to Jerusalem, and at the temple sat in the midst of the teachers of the law, both hearing them and asking them questions..

Marcus Ambivius succeeds Coponius, as procu

rator of Judea

Tiberius is admitted to share the authority with

A.M. B. C.





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Otho murders himself, and is succeeded by Vi-| tellius, .

4074 70



Who is speedily cut off, and succeeded by Vespasian;

In the beginning of whose reign Jerusalem is taken by the Romans, under Titus, the son of Vespasian, and all the awful predictions of our Lord, as well as those of the ancient prophets, are exactly accomplished.-The city is desolated; the temple destroyed, so that not one stone was left on another; 1100,000 persons perished miserably in the siege; and the remnant of the Jews are scattered into al cations, and dispersed among them.

Vespasian dies, and is succeeded by his son Ti-|

4014 10

Augustus, whence his 15 years


(Laike 3:1.)

4016 12

Annius Rufus succeeds Marcus Ambivius
Augustus Cæsar dies, and is succeeded by Tibe-
rius, his adopted son;
Who appoints Valerius Gratus, procurator of

4017 13

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4019 15

Valerius Gratus removes Annas, the high priest, and substitutes Ismael, the son of Fabus Eleazar, the son of Annas, is made high priest instead of Ismael

Titus dics, and is succeeded by Domitian, his brother

4083 79

4085 81

4027 23

4100 96

4028 24

Simon, the son of Camith, is made high priest, in the place of Eleazar.

4023 25 4030 26

Joseph, surnamed Caiaphas, the son of Annas, is made high priest, instead of Simon. Pontius Pilate is made procurator of Judea; and in the same year John begins his ministry.. 4031 27 Not long after, our Lord is baptized by John,

and after his temptation in the wilderness, begins to exercise his public ministry, being 30 years of age. (Luke 3.23. John 1:2951.)

4037 33 4041 37

Christ is crucified, under Pontius Pilate, when Tiberius was the Roman emperor. Tiberius dies, and is succeeded by Caligula Caligula makes Herod Agrippa, grandson of king Herod by his son Aristobulus, and nephew to Herod Antipas, who beheaded John the Baptist, and brother to Herodias, and father to king Agrippa, tetrarch, or king, of Galilee. 4042 38 4045 41 Caligula dies, and is succeeded by Claudius Claudius makes Herod Agrippa king of Judea, in addition to his former territories Herod puts James the brother of John to death, and purposes to kill Peter also, who is miraculously preserved: and soon after Herod, smit

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• ..

Domitian is slain, and succeeded by Nerva Nerva dies, and is succeeded by Trajan ... 14102 98 Trajan dies, and is succeeded by Adrian 4121 117 N. B. This carries on the chronology of the Roman emperors considerably beyond the termination of the New Testament: and therefore it is here closed.-It may be observed by the reader, that the author has not attempted to arrange into a table, either the date of our Lord's discourses and miracles, &c., or the history contained in the Acts of the apostles. In fact, he is not competent to add any thing to what has been already advanced in the notes: a table on these particulars must have assumed an appearance of certainty, or at least satisfaction, as to the date of the several events, which he does not possess: those to whom such matters appear important, will find this already done by many writers, according to their several computations, with sufficient exactness: and after all, to the generality of readers, the precise time when this or that sermon was preached, or miracle wrought, or epistle written, is not a matter of very great consequence. At least, the author, probably for want of the proper turn of mind, or ability, must be permitted to devolve this service on others; as incapable of performing it to his own satisfaction.




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