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[blocks in formation]

New York to Havre, B. B. Williams, Semi-monthly, in four
Williams, Semi-monthly, in four steamships of not


and associates.

less than two thousand tons each, built
in the best manner, suitable for, and
liable to be, converted into vessels of
war; and, within two years after com-
pletion of the first four, to build and
have in readiness a fifth steamship,
equal in all respects to the others, to
supply their places in case of accidents,
&c. Service to commence within eigh-
teen months from the consummation of
the contract, "subject to all the pro-
visos and restrictions, and enjoying all
the privileges contained in the existing
contract made between the Secretary
of the Navy and E. K. Collins, under
the act of February 15th, 1847. Con-
tract to be for ten years.

$299,000 per annum," in three equal payments."

New York to Marseilles, M. L. Ostrander, for self and associates.


Monthly, in three steamships of not less
than one thousand five hundred tons
each, to be built in the best manner,
suitable for, and liable, at the least
possible expense, to be converted into
war steamers. Service to commence
within eighteen months from consum-
mation of the contract; subject to the
provisions-both as to restrictions and
privileges of the subsisting contract
-between the Secretary of the Navy and
E. K. Collins.

Also, will, if required, deliver monthly
mails each way, at the Western Islands,
Cadiz, Tangiers and Gibralter.

tract to be for ten years.

$250,000 per annum, for
the service between
New York and Mar-
seilles; and $25,000
additional, if required
to deliver mails at the
intermediate points na-
med. Each in three
equal payments.


Charleston, S. C.

each way.

offer was subsequently withdrawn.

Charleston, S. C. via St. M. C. Mordecai, of In a "first rate steamship," once a month $60,000 per annum. This Augustine and Key West, Fla., and Havana, Cuba, to Chagres, New Grenada.

Charleston, S. C., via In-
dian Key, and Key
West to Havana, Cuba
Charleston, S. C. via
Key West, to Havana,

James M. Stocker, In a first rate steamship, of five hundred of Charleston, S. to seven hundred tons; once in two months, with the privilege of running once a month.


$60,000 per annum, for once in two months; $100,000 for once a month.

Madison Post, of "In a suitable vessel," once a month $2,450 per annum.

Key West., Fla.

M. C. Mordecai, of Charleston, S. C.

New York to Chagres, I. M. Woodward,
New Grenada.
of the city of
New York.

New York to St. Thomas, West Indies.

Aymar & Co., New
York city, by J.
D. Van Buren,
one of the firm.

each way.

Twice a month, in a steamship fully suit-
able for the mail service; but reserving
right in the months of August and
September, to send mail by sailing
ships. Service to commence 1st Sept.,

Or same service, in same kind of steam-
ship, to be built as soon as possible.

Once every two months, in a steamship of not less than six hundred tons.

[blocks in formation]

Once a month, in a steamer of not less $60,000 per annum. than eight hundred tons, and suitable

for a war steamer, &c.

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