Form and Thought in ProseWilfred Stone, Robert Hoopes Ronald Press Company, 1960 - Всего страниц: 686 |
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В этой книге найдено 22 стр., соответствующих запросу "Erich Fromm"
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Результаты 1 – 3 из 22
Introduction | 3 |
Writing and Reading | 48 |
Walker Gibson 70 བྲ བྲ བྱ | 70 |
Авторские права | |
Не показаны другие разделы: 21
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
abstraction American argument beauty become believe Buddhism C. S. Lewis called civilization clubs course criticism culture define definition emotional Erich Fromm essay Etienne Gilson evil example existence experience fact feeling football freedom give H. L. Mencken hand Harvard Hebraism Hebraism and Hellenism Hellenism highbrow human Huxley ideal ideas individual intellectual kind knowledge less live logical look man's mass matter means middlebrow mind Mitty mock reader modern Mollycoddle moral nature never objective opinion person philosophers Plato Pleb poetry political President Problems for Thought Professor question reason Red-blood religion religious Richard Altick Robert Gorham Davis scientific seems sense Smurch social society spirit statement syllogism things Thought and Writing tion Trout true truth universe W. H. Auden Walter Mitty Western words young