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Examiner.-A. PAYNE, M. D.

1. What is the pathological condition of a liver affected with passive congestion, the microscopical appearance, and the causes and symptoms?

2. Describe the symptoms and course of a case of acute laryngitis. Mention the specific signs which you would regard as favorable and the contrary, and the method of treatment to be adopted in the several circumstances which you describe.

3. What are the ordinarily recognised causes of epilepsy? Describe the characters of an epileptic seizure and the variations to which it is subject under varying circumstances.

4. Mention the principal causes of jaundice, give indications from which you would conclude that one or other cause is present in a given case.


5. What is meant by embolism? In what manner are emboli supposed to arise? What are the consequences of emboli in the vessels respectively of the brain, lungs, and extremities?

6. What are the effects on the system and the symptoms of mercury taken to excess?

7. What are the symptoms of inflammation of a vein, the anatomical characters, the primary and secondary effects of it, and the treatment you would adopt on its occurrence?

8. What are the most common situations, the physical characters and the general symptoms of fœcal tumours?


Examiner.-A. PAYNE, M. D.

1. Give a short history of the employment of anæsthesia in midwifery, State the rules to be observed and the precautions which you consider necessary in using chloroform, and mention the circumstances which would deter you from its employment, with the particular danger to be apprehended in each case that you mention.

2. What are the indications of the death of the fœtus?

3. Describe the phenomena of convulsions in labour. State the grounds of prognosis and any symptoms which you would regard as premonitory of convulsions.

4. Mention the various methods of inducing premature labour, and state the principal circumstances which would lead to the operation.



5. In a case of pregnancy you are called upon pronounce upon the probable date of labour. How would you proceed to form an opinion. Include in your answer the principal sources of error in calculating, 6. What are the causes and symptoms of, and measures to be adopted in, rupture of the uterus.

7. Describe the anatomical characters and trace the formation of a corpus luteum, distinguishing it from other bodies for which it might be mistaken.


Examiner.-A. PAYNE, M. D.

1. What is meant by secondary uterine hæmorrhage? Give its recognized causes and appropriate treatment.

2. Describe the morbid consequences of undue lactation which are ordinarily met with.

3. Describe the diseased conditions to which the placenta is subject.

4. S. Y. had been in labour nearly sixty hours. The os uteri was thick, rigid, and imperfectly dilated. The head was squeezed firmly into the brim of the pelvis and an ear could not be felt. Ergot had been given at different times during the progress of the labour, and it was said to have increased the strength of the pains. Repeated attempts were then made to deliver with the forceps but without success. The scalp was tumid, the bones overriding, the vagina and external parts enormously swollen and inflamed. The abdomen was tense and painful on pressure, and the bladder filled with urine. The pulse was extremely rapid and feeble. There was incessant vomiting and complete exhaustion.


Examiner.-A. PAYNE, M. D.

1. Give in detail the views of Frerichs on the subject of fatty liver, its pathology, its structural characters and general anatomy, the conditions which influence

its development, or under which it is known to occur, and the manner in which the deposition of fat is supposed to be brought about in the several instances, the effects of the deposit on the functions of the liver and on the system generally, and the diagnostic symptoms.

2. What is understood by cardiac apnæa? Mention the several physical conditions with which it has been observed to be connected, detailing the specific signs from which you would conclude one or other of these conditions to be present. Give its differential diagnosis from other seizures more or less similar to it, and its absolute symptoms, preliminary and paroxysmal, its exciting causes and the treatment which you would adopt both in paroxysms and intervals.

M. D. Examination.


Examiner.-A. PAYNE, M. D.

1. Give an account of pigmentary degeneration and deposits including the chemical relations of pigments, and the circumstances which lead to their formation in the system. State the views now generally entertained regarding the pathological origin of pigmentary deposits, the evidence of their presence during life, their anatomical situation in the viscera which contain them, and the organs in which, in India, they are most frequently found.

2. To what disease does the following description apply? Give an analysis of the several symptoms. With what diseases might it be confounded? Mention the points of difference. Give the probable results of such an illness, the treatment you would adopt, and the postmortem appearances you would anticipate in the event of a fatal issue.

"The precursory symptoms present nothing characteristic, usually they resemble the symptoms of an acute gastro-enteric catarrh. The patient gets out of sorts, complains of dulness and headache, the tongue is coated and the bowels irregular, sometimes relaxed, at others confined, the abdomen is tender, the pulse increased in frequency, sooner or later, sometimes not until after the lapse of several weeks a slight jaundiced tint of the skin supervenes upon these derangements.

"The symptoms usually commence with vomiting, by which there are thrown up, first the contents of the stomach, then grey mucus and lastly blood, in the form of dirty brown, or ultimately black coffee-ground masses. At the same time severe pains in the head come on which, as a general rule, soon pass into delirium. In most cases this delirium is noisy; the раtients scream out and beat themselves, try to leave their beds, and are with difficulty restrained. In other instances they are quieter and can be roused for a short time by loud shouting. The delirium is usually succeeded by convulsions, which extend over most of the voluntary muscles, or are confined to certain localities, such as the muscles of the face and neck; now and then also they appear in the form of trismus and in

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