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constituted independently of the commission of the act abetted.

6. A. concerts with B. a plan for murdering Z. and himself carries the plan into execution by stabbing. Previously thereto B. explains the plan to C. and C. agrees in furtherance of the plan to procure poison for A. of whose name he remains ignorant. He procures and delivers it to B. who afterwards learns that Z. has been stabbed. What offence, if any, has C. committed? Give your reasons.

7. When is an abettor liable for the actual result of an act abetted which differs from the intended result?

8. Wherein does the offence of "being a member of an unlawful assembly" differ from that of "rioting?" In the first case what increase of punishment does the being armed with a deadly weapon involve? What duty is assigned to the person or occupier for whose benefit a riot is likely to be committed ?

9. What offence has A. committed and to what punishment is he liable in each of the following cases.

(d.) A., a public servant, falsely pretends that his influence obtained promotion for Z., and in consequence obtains a reward from Z.

(i.) A. by falsely pretending to be a public servant induces Z. to let him have goods on credit.

10. Distinguish between "hurt" and "grievous hurt."

11. Define "criminal force." Give some illustrations.

12. Under what circumstances do injurious im


putations cease to be defamatory? Is A. guilty of defamations in each of the following instances for saying

(1.) "Z. is an honest man, he never stole B.'s


(2.) "I do not believe what Z. asserted at that time, for I know him to be a man without veracity." (3.) "Z.'s book is indecent, he must be of impure


13. Define criminal breach of trust.


Examiner.-H. COWELL.

1. How do you distinguish between evidence and proof? What are "instruments of evidence?" Give examples.

2. Distinguish between necessary and probable presumption.

3. What is secondary evidence? How is a case made for its "admission ?"

4. In what cases does the English Law disqualify husbands and wives to give evidence for or against

each other?

5. On what grounds, personal and public, can a witness be relieved from the obligation to answer the questions put to him? How is the obligation enforced?

6. State some of the leading maxims with respect to the construction of documents. When is oral

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evidence admissible to explain a written document, and
when to vary it?

7. What is the object of cross-examination? When
are leading questions inadmissible for the purpose?

8. What are the three classes of estoppels? What is their nature and effect, and whom do they bind ? Examiner.-W. A. MONTRIOU.

9. How is the subject matter of an action, in our Courts, put into a shape (i. e., brought to issue) for trial or argument?

10. How may a decree for a money demand be executed?

11. Distinguish a Regular Appeal to the High Court from a Special Appeal.

12. What special provision is there, in the Procedure Act, to meet the case of mâl-land being seized in execution of a decree?

L. M. and S. First. Examination.

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Examiner.-T. ANDERSON, M. D.

1. What is the meaning of 2-5ths, applied to Phyllotaxis?

2. In what plants do we meet with a polycotyledonous embryo?

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3. In what Natural Order does the fruit called Hesperidium occur? Describe the structure of that kind of fruit.

4. What is the difference between Pinnatelytrifoliate and Digitately-trifoliate? Give examples of



Examiner.-T. ANDERSON, M. D.

1. Describe the stipules of Rubiaceæ, Cucurbi

taceæ and Ficus.

2. To what Natural Order does a monocotyledonous plant with 6 divisions of the perianth, 3 extrorse stamens, 3 stigmas, an inferior ovary and a 3-celled loculicidal capsule belong?

3. What is the relation between the hilum, the chalaza and the micropyle in an Anatropal Ovule?

4. Give the Linnæan Class and Order, Natural Order, Suborder and Genus of plant No. 1. Give the Linnæan Class and Order, Natural Class, Sub-class and Natural Order of plants Nos. 2 and 3.


Examiner.-T. Anderson, M. D.

1. Enumerate the officinal salts of Soda and state

the uses and doses of each

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2. Describe the mode of preparing Tartar-emetic, the tests of the purity of the drug, and its effects and


3. How is Sulphate of Quinine prepared? and with what substances is it commonly adulterated?

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Examiner.-T. ANDERSON, M. D.

1. Enumerate the principal Diaphoretics and mention the precautions to be observed in their administration to ensure their effects.

2. Which are the officinal plants of the Umbelliferæ and what articles of the Materia Medica are yielded by each species? State the Physiological and Therapeutic actions of each drug obtained from this Natural Order.

3. Mention the doses of the following drugs :Corrosive sublimate:-Ext. Belladonna :-Ext. Hyoscyami-Strychnia :-Elaterium:-Potassii Iodidum: -Tinct. Ferri Sesquichlor :-Liq. Potassæ Arsenitis : -Hydr. Biniodidum :-Plumbi Acetas.


Examiner.-F. N. MACNAMARA, M. D.

1. Explain the term Chemical Equivalent-How may the equivalents of Hydrogen, Chlorine and Copper be determined?

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