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5. In forming a Moral decision respecting our conduct in any particular instance, what conditions are requisite before the absence of any feeling of guilt can be considered a sufficient proof of innocence?

6. Mention some of the Final Causes of our having been endowed with a capacity for forming Moral habits?

7. Determine the rank which Self-love is entitled to hold among the Active Principles of our nature.— In what circumstances may Self-love be justly considered as an ultimate Rule of conduct?

8. What circumstances plainly indicate that the Law of Benevolence is a Law of our nature?

1. No act of Reasoning can take place without the employment of Language:

Prove the truth of this assertion (1st) from the nature of the process involved in reasoning; (2nd) from certain facts of experience.

2. Denote by the usual Symbols the quantity and quality of the following propositions :—

(a) All men are not just,

(b) Few intemperate men live long.

(c) One may be happy without being rich.
(d) A good man cannot betray his trust.

(e) Where there is no law, there is no transgres


3. State the relation that exists between Belief, Disbelief, and Doubt.

4. In one point of view, the Predicate of any proposition is a Whole and contains the Subject as a Part; in another point of view, the Subject is a Whole

and contains the Predicate as a Part-explain and illustrate this statement.

5. Distinguish between Information and Instruction. 6. Express the following Arguments in Syllogistic form;-mention to which of the figures each of them seems most naturally to belong :

(a) Since the structure of the human body exhibits manifest and accurate adaptation, it must be the result of design.

(b) The Ancient Germans were acquainted with the use of Metals; now, no Savages have such acquaintance.

(c) Universal belief of a doctrine does not prove its truth; for, at one time, men universally believed that the earth was stationary and the sun in perpetual motion around it.

7. Explain the nature of the Fallacy involved in the following apparent Arguments :

(a) It is true that my neighbour is a poor man and in great distress, but then he owes me a certain sum; and, as every one has a right to what is his own, surely I am right in insisting on the immediate payment of the debt.

(b) If the British Constitution were perfect, we should enjoy liberty; now, we do enjoy liberty; it seems to follow then that the British Constitution is perfect.

(c) Human bodies, as they grow old, decay; we may infer, therefore, that Political bodies, as they grow old, will also decay.


Examiner.-F. N. MACNAMARA, M. D.

1. Describe the course of the great Antarctic current and of the other oceanic currents connected with it. To what physical causes do these currents owe their origin and direction?

2. What is meant by the term Isotherms? What are the chief causes of the deviation of the isothermal lines from the parallels of latitude? Mention any regions under the same parallels of latitude which greatly differ as regards their mean annual temperature.

3. By what processes does a heated body return to its ordinary temperature? Mention some of the conditions which would affect its rate of cooling.

4. Enumerate the elementary bodies which are found in nature in the gaseous state; give their symbols and combining numbers and the characteristic properties of each.

5. Give a short account of the processes employed in reducing iron from clay-iron stone and of the chemical changes which occur during the reduction.

6. Write in symbols the changes which occur during the preparation of the following bodies;Carbonic acid,

Carbonic oxide,

Sulphurous acid,



Chloride of silver.


Examiner.-S. B. PARTRIDGE.

1. Give a brief general sketch of the plan of construction of the body of a Vertebrate Animal.

2. Compare the Circulation of a Frog with that of an Adjutant.

3. Describe the Heart of a Mammal and point out the functions of its several parts.

4. Of what parts does a Kidney consist, and what is the use of the organ?

5. What structures, accessory to the Organ of Vision in Man, serve to protect it from external injury and to maintain its surface brilliant and efficient?

6. What is the meaning of the term water-shed? 7. From what sources do Rivers mainly derive their supply? and what influences do the amount and coustancy of that supply exercise upon the countries they traverse and upon the inhabitants?

M. A. Degree and Honor Examinations.


Examiner.-J. SUTCLIFFE, M. A.

1. Define the locus of an indeterminate equation containing two variables x and y; and prove that the locus of the equation y = mx + c is a straight line.

2. Find the expression for the distance of a given point from a straight line whose equation is given.

The distance of a point (x, y1) from each of two given straight lines, which pass through the origin of coordinates is d; prove that the two lines are represented by the equation.

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3. Find the equation to the chord of intersection of the circles

ax2 + ay2 + bx + cy + e − 0.

a1 x2 + a 1 y2 + b1 x + c1 y + е1 = 0.


4. Investigate the equations to the tangent and normal at any point of a parabola, and reduce the equation to the normal to the form

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5. From the definition determine the polar equations of a conic section referred to focus as pole. If ABC be a triangle inscribed in a conic section, so that the focus S is the centre of the circle inscribed in

[blocks in formation]

where SL is the semi-latus rectum.

6. Find the equation to the chord of contact of tangents drawn from a given external point to the

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7. S and H are the foci of an ellipse and P is a point on the curve, prove that the locus of the centre of the circle inscribed in the triangle SPH is an ellipse.

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