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"confession*, written in this manner by the Indians: -To signify these words, I a sinner confess myself, they painted an Indian on his knees before a religious in "the act of one confessing; and then for this, To God almighty, they painted three faces adorned with crowns, representing the Trinity; and, To the glo"rious virgin Mary, they delineated the visage of our "Lady, with half a body, and the infant in her arms; "To St. Peter and St. Paul, two heads irradiated, "together with the keys and sword, &c.-In Peru I "have seen an Indian bring to the confessional a con❝fession of all his sins written in the same way, by pic"ture and characters; portraying every one of the ten "commandments after a certain manner +."

There is yet extant a very curious specimen of this American picture-writing, made by a Mexican author: and deciphered by him in that language, after the Spaniards had taught him letters; the explanation was afterwards translated into Spanish, and, from thence, into English. Purchas has given us this work engraved, and the explanations annexed. The manner of its coming into his

* Acosta's words are,y symbolo y la confession general; which Purchas has translated, and symbol or general confession of our faith. This is wrong by la confession general is meant a general confession of sins, a formulary very different from the creed.

+ Una de los de nuestra Compañia de Jesus, hombre muy platico y diestro, junto en la provincia de Mexico a los Ancianos de Tuseuco, y de Tulla, y de Mexico, y confirio mucho con ollos, y le monstraron sus Librerias, y sus Historias, y Kalendarios, cosa mucho de Ver. Porque tenian sur figuras, y Hieroglyficas con que pintauam los cosas en esta forma, que los cosas que tenian figuras, las ponian con sus proprias Ymagines, y para las cosas que no auia Ymagen própria tenian otros caracteres significatiuos de acquello, y con este modo figurauam quanto queriam-e yo he visto para satisfazerme en esta parte, las Oraciones del Pater Noster, y Ave Maria, y Symbolo, y la Confession general, en el modo dicho de Indios.Para significar Aquella palabra, Yo pecador me confiesso, pintan un Indio hincado de rodillas a los pies de un Religioso; como que se confiessa; y luego para aquella, A Dios todo poderoso, pintan tres caras con sus coronas, al modo de la Trinidad; y a la gloriosa Virgen Maria, pintan un rostro de nuestra Señora, y medio cuerpo con un Niño; y a San Pedro y a San Pablo, dos cabeças con coronas, y unas llaues, y una espada.--Por la misma forma de pinturas y caracteres vi en el Piru escrite la confession que de todos sus pecados un Indio traya para confessarse. Pindando cada uno de los diez mandamientos por cierto modo.-Lib. vi. cap. 7.


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A Mexican Picture History of the 51 years Reign of their Monarch Tenuch. From Purchas.

J. Mynde ft.

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facing png Vol. IV.


J. Mynde for

From Lafiteau.

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