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thousand persons employed in the business season. In New York the amount is less, as the exportation is little. About nine thousand persons are employed in the entire States by ice, and it is computed that a capital of over six million dollars is invested in it.



The following is given as the official assessment of the value of the property in the city of Philadelphia, as assessed for city and State purposes:

[blocks in formation]

Money at interest, mortgages, stocks, &c.


[blocks in formation]

The real estate, as assessed in the various wards, the money at interest, &c., will be seen by the following table:

[blocks in formation]



No. II.*

II. THE AGRICULTURE OF THE GREEKS.-Revelation has taught us to offer up our prayers and thanksgivings for all benefits to the one omni-beneficent Creator and provider of the universe. The less enlightened ancients, whose religion was mythological, equally convinced with ourselves of the existence of some divine first cause and providence, like us offered up their votive petitions and hymns of praise, though the objects of their worship were as many as the benefits or the evils to which man is subject.

Agriculture was too important and too beneficial an art not to demand, and the Greeks and Romans were nations too polished and discerning not to afford to it, a very plentiful series of presiding deities. They attributed to Ceres-as their progenitors, the Egyptians, did to Isis-the invention of the arts of tilling the soil. Ceres is said to have imparted these to Triptolemus, of Eleusis, and to have sent him as her missionary round the world to teach mankind the best modes of ploughing, sowing, and reaping. In gratitude for this, the Greeks, about 1356 years before the Christian era, established, in honor of Ceres, the Eleusinian mysteries, by far the most celebrated and enduring of all their religious ceremonies; for they were not established at Rome till the close of the fourth century. Superstition is a prolific weakness; and, consequently, by degrees, every operation of agriculture, and every period of the growth of crops, obtained its presiding and tutelary deity. The goddess, Terra, was the guardian of the soil; Stercuius presided over the manures; Volutia guarded the crops whilst evolving their leaves; Flora received the still more watchful duty of sheltering their blossom; they passed to the guardianship of Lactantia when swelling with milky juices; Rubigo proteced them from blight; and they successively became the care of Hostilina, as they shot into ears; of Matura as they ripened; and of Tutelina when they were reaped. Such creations of polytheism are fables; but they are errors that should even now give rise to feelings of gratification rather than of contempt. They must please by their elegance; and much more when we reflect that it is the concurrent testimony of anterior nations, through thousands of years, that they detected and acknowledged a Great First Cause.

Unlike the arts of luxury, agriculture has never been subject to any retrograde revolutions; being an occupation necessary for the existence of mankind in any degree of comfort, it has always continued to receive their first attention; and no succeeding age has been more imperfect, but in general more expert, in the art than that which has precceded it The Grecks are not an exception to this rule; for their agriculture appears to have been much the same in the earliest brief notices we have of them, as it was with the nation of which they were an offsett; The early Grecians, like all new nations, were divided into but two classes: landed proprietors, and Helots, or slaves; and the estates of the former were little larger than were sufficient to supply their respective households with necessaries. We read of princes among them; and as we dwell upon the splendid details of the Trojan war, associate with such titles, unreflectingly, all the pageantry and luxury of modern potentates that are distinguished by similar titles. But in this we are decidedly wrong; for there was probably not a leader of the Greeks who did not, like the father of Ulysses, assist with his own hands in the farming operations.-(Homer's Odyss., 1, xxiv.) Hesiod is the earliest writer who gives us From Johnson's Farmer's Encyclopædia.

any detail of the Grecian agriculture. He appears to have been the contemporary of Homer, and, in that case, to have flourished about nine centuries before the Christian era. His practical statements, however, are very meager; we have, therefore, preferred taking Xenophon's Economics as our text, and introducing the statements of other authors, as they may occur, to supply deficiencies or to afford illustrations.

Xenophon died at the age of ninety, 359 years before the birth of Christ. The following narrative of the Greek agriculture is from his "Essay," if not otherwise specified.

In Xenophon's time the landed proprietor no longer labored upon his farm, but had a steward as a general superindendant, and numerous laborers, yet he always advises the master to attend to his own affairs. "My servant," he says, "leads my horse into the fields, and I walk thither for the sake of exercise in a purer air; and when arrived where my workmen are planting trees, tilling the ground, and the like, I observe how everything is performed, and study whether any of these operations may be improved." After his ride, his servant took his horse, and led him home, "taking with him," he adds, "to my house such things as are wanted, and I walk home, wash my hands, and dine off whatever is prepared for me moderately." "No man," he says, "can be a farmer, till he is taught by experience; observation and instruction may do much, but practice teaches many particulars which no master would ever have thought to remark upon. "Before we commence the cultivation of the soil," he observes, that, "we should notice what crops flourish best upon it; and we may even learn from the weeds it produces what it will best support."


Fallowing, or frequent ploughing in spring or summer," he observes, "is of great advantage ;" and Hesiod advises the farmer (Works and Days, 50) always to be provided with a spare plough, that no accident may interupt the operation. The same author directs the ploughman to be very careful in his work. “Let him," he says, "attend to his employment, and trace the furrows carefully in straight lines, not looking around him, having his mind intent upon what he is doing."-Ibid. 441-443.

Theophrastus evidently thought that the soil could not be ploughed and stirred about too much, or unseasonably; for the object is to let the earth feel the cold of winter and the sun of summer, to invert the soil, and render it free, light, and clear of all weeds, so that it can most easily afford nourishment.-(De Causis Plant. lib. iii. cap. 2, 6.)

Xenophon recommends green plants to be ploughed in, and even crops to be raised for the purpose; "for such," he says, "enrich the soil as much as dung." He also recommends earth that has been long under water to be put upon land to enrich it, upon a scientific principle which we shall explain under IRRIGATION. Theophrastus, who flourished in the fourth century B. C., is still more particular upon the subject of Manures. He states his conviction that a proper mixture of soils, as clay with sand, and the contrary, would produce crops as luxuriant as could be effected by the agency of manures. He describes the properties that render dungs beneficial to vegetation, and dwells upon composts.-(Hist. of Plants, ii. cap. 8) Xenophon recommends the stubble at reaping time to be left long, if the straw is abundant, "and this, if burned, will enrich the soil very much, or it may be cut and mixed with dung." "The time of sowing," says Xenophon, "must be regulated by the season; and it is best to allow seed enough."

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Weeds were carefuly eradicated from among their crops; "for, besides the hindrance they are to corn, or other profitable plants, they keep the ground from receiving the benefit of a free exposure to the sun and air.' Homer describes Laertes as hoeing, when found by his son Ulysses.-(Odyss, xxiv. 226.)

Water-courses and ditches were made to drain away the wet which is apt to do great damage to corn.

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Homer describes the mode of threshing corn by the tramping of oxen (Iliad, xx. lin. 495, &c.;) and to get the grain clear from the straw, Xenophon observes, "the men who have the care of the work take care to shake up the straw as they see occasion, flinging into the way of the cattle's fect such corn as they observe to remain in the straw." From Theophrastus and Xenophon combined, we can also very particularly make out that the Greeks separated the grain from the chaff by throwing it with a shovel against the wind.

III. THE AGRICULTURE OF THE ROMANS.-It is certain, that at a very early

age Italy received colonies from the Pelasgi and Arcadians; and that, conse-· quently, with them the arts of Greece were introduced; and we may conclude that there was then a similarity in the practice of agriculture in the two


About 753 years before the nativity of Christ, Romulus founded the city of Rome, whose inhabitants were destined to be the conquerors and the improvers of Europe The Roman eagle was triumphant in Egypt, Persia, Greece, Carthage, and Macedon; and the warriors who bore it on to victory, in those and other countries, being all possessors of land of a larger or smaller extent, naturally introduced, upon their return, any superior vegetable or improved mode of culture, which they observed in those highly civilized seats of their victories.

Thus the arts of Rome arrived at a degree of superiority that was the result of the accumulated improvements of other nations; and, finally, when Rome became in turn the conquered, the victors became acquainted with this accumulated knowledge and diffused over the other parts of Europe.

Of the agriculture of the early Romans we know but little; but of its state during the period of their greatest prosperity and improvement we, fortunately, have very full information. Cato in the second, and Varro in the first century before the Christian era, Virgil, at the period of that event, Columella and Pliny but few years subsequently, and Palladius in the second or fourth century, each wrote a work upon agriculture, which, with the exception of that by Columella, have come down to us entire.

From these various authorities we derive full information; and we are convinced that many of our readers will be surprised at the correct knowledge of the arts of cultivation possessed by that great nation.

1. Size of the Roman Farms.-When Romulus first partitioned the lands of the infant State among his followers, he assigned to no one more than he could cuttivate. This was a space of only two acres.-(Varro, i, 10; Pliny, xvii, 11.) Cincinnatus, Curius Dentatus, Fabricius, Regulus, and others distinguished as the most deserving of the Romans, had no larger estates than this. Cincinnatus, according to some authorities, possessed only four acres.-(Ibid.; Columella, i, 3, &c.) On these limited spaces they dwelt, and cultivated them with their own hands It was from the plough that Cincinnatus was summoned to be dictator, (Livy, iii, 26;) and the Samnian ambassadors found Curius Dentatus cooking his own repast of vegetables in an earthen vessel.(Plutarch, in vita Cato. Cens.)

Some of the noblest families in Rome derived their patronymic names from ancestors designated after some vegetable, in the cultivation of which they excelled, as in the examples of the Fabii, Pisones, Lentuli, Cicerones, and the like. (Pliny xvii, 1.) In those days, "when they praised a good man, they called him an agriculturist and a good husbandman; he was thought to be very greatly honored who was thus praised."-(Cato, in Præf.) As the limits of the empire extended, and its wealth increased, the estates of the Roman proprietors became very greatly enlarged; and, as we shall see more particularly mentioned in our historical notices of gardening, attained a value of 80,000l.—(Plutarch, in vit. Marius et Lucullus.) Such extensive proprietors let portions of their estates to other citizens, who, if they paid for them a certain rent, like our modern tenants, were called Coloni, (Columella, i. 7; Pliny, Epist., x, 24,) and Politores, or Partiarii, if they shared the produce in stated proportions with the proprietor.-(Pliny, Epist., vii., 30, and ix, 37, &c.) Leases were occasionally granted, which appear to have been of longer duration than five years.-(Ibid., ix, 37.) 2. Distinction of Soils.-Soils were characterized by six different qualities, and were described as rich or poor, free or stiff, wet or dry.-(Colum., ii, 2.)

The best soil they thought had a blackish color, was glutinous when wet, and friable when dry; exhaled an agreeable smell when ploughed, imbibed water readily, retaining a sufficiency and discharging what was superfluous; not injurious to the plough-irons by causing a salt rust; frequented by crows and rooks at the time of ploughing; and, when at rest, speedily covered with a rich turf.-(Virg. Georg., ii., 203, 217, 238, 348; Pliny, xvii, 5.)

Vines required a light soil, and corn a heavy, deep, and rich one.-(Virg. Georg., ii, 29; Cato, vi.)

3. Manures.-The dung of animals was particularly esteemed by the Romans for enriching their soil. "Study," says Cato, "to have a large dunghill.”— (Cato, v.) They assiduously collected it and stored it in covered pits, so as to check the escape of the drainage.-(Colum., i, 6; Pliny, xvii, 9, and xxiv, 19.)

They sowed pulverized pigeons' dung and the like over their crops, and mixed it with the surface soil by means of the sarcle or hoe.-(Colum., i, 16; Cato, xxxvi.) They were aware of the benefit of mixing together earth of opposite qualities, (Ibid.,) and of sowing lupines and ploughing them in while green.-Varro, i, 23.) They burnt the stubble upon the ground, and even collected shrubs, and the like, for the similar purpose of enriching the soil with their ashes.—(Virg. Georg,, i, 84; Pliny, xvii, 6, 25.)

Pliny also mentions that lime was employed as a fertilizer in Gaul, and marl in the same country and Britain; but we can only surmise, hence, that they were also probably employed by the Romans.-(Pliny, xvii, 8, and xvii, 5.)

4. Draining. The superfluous water of soils was carried off by means both of open and covered drains.-(Colum., ii, 2, 8; Pliny, xvii, c.; Virg. Geog., i, 109.) Cato is very particular in his directions for making them (Cate, xliii,


5. Crops.-They cultivated wheat, spelt, barley, oats, flax, beans, peas, lupines, kidney-beans, lentils, tares, sesame, turnips, vines, olives, willows, and the hike. To cite the authorities who mention each of these would be needless, for they are noticed by all the Roman writers upon agriculture. Of the relative importance or proportion in which the crops were profitable to the Romans we have this judgment of Cato: "If you can buy 100 acres of land in a very good situation, the vineyard is the first object if it yields much wine; in the second place, a well watered garden; in the third, a willow plantation; in the fourth, an olive ground; in the fifth, a meadow; in the sixth, corn ground; in the seventh, an underwood, a plantation yielding stout poles for training the vine; and in the ninth, a wood where mast grows."--(Cato, i.)

They made hay, and the process appears to have been the same as in modern times. After being cut it was turned with forks, piled into conical heaps, and finally into stacks or under cover. But the mowing was imperfectly performed; for, as soon as the hay was removed from the field, the mowers had to go over it again.-(Varro; Colum., ii, 22.)

6. Implements.-The plough consisted of several parts: the beam, to which the yoke of the oxen was fastened; the tail or handle terminated in a cross-bar, with which the ploughman guided the instrument; it had a ploughshare, the sharebeam to which it was fixed, and two mould-boards, a coulter, and a ploughstaff for cleaning the ploughshare.-(Ovid. Pont., i, 8, 57; Virg. G., i, 170; Pliny, xvii, 18, 19.) Some of their ploughs had wheels, and some were without coulters and earthboards. Besides this they had spades, rakes, hoes, with plain and with forked blades, harrows, mattocks, and similar implements.

7. Operations.-Ploughing was usually performed by two oxen, though three were sometimes employed. They were yoked abreast, and trained when young to the employment.-Cicero, in Verr., iii, 21; Col., vi, 10; Pliny, xviii, 18: Virg. G., iii. 163, &c.) They were usually yoked by the neck, but sometimes by the horns. (Pliny, viii, 45; Colum., ii, 2.) There was but one man to a plough, which he guided, and managed the oxen with a goad.—(Pliny, Epist., viii, 17.) They sometimes ploughed in ridges and sometimes not They did not take a circuit when they came to the end of the field, as is our practice, but returned close to the furrow. They were very particular in drawing straight and equal sized furrows.--(Pliny, xviii, 19, s. 49.)

They seem to have ploughed three times, always before they sowed, (Varro, i, 29;) and to stiff soils even as many as nine ploughings were given.-(Virg. G., i, 47; Pliny, xviii, 20; Pliny, Epist., v, 6.) The furrows in the first ploughing were usually nine inches deep. When the soil was only stirred about three inches it was called scarification (Pliny, xviii, 17-19.) They usually fallowed their land every other year.-(Virg. G., i, 71.)

Sowing was performed by hand from a basket; and that it might be performed regularly the hand moved with the steps.-(Colum., ii, 9; Pliny, xviii, 24.) The seed was either scattered upon the land and covered by means of rakes and harrows, or more commonly by sowing it upon a plain surface and covering by a shallow ploughing, which caused it to come up in rows, and facilitated the operation of hoeing.(Pliny, xviii, 20.) They were particular as to the time of sowing, the choice of seeds, and the quantity sown.—(Varro, i, 44; Pliny, xviii, 24, s. 55; Virg. G., 1, 193, &c.)

Weeding was performed by hoes, hooks, and by hand.

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