Journal of the Senate of the ... General Assembly of the State of Ohio ..., Том 55 |
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Стр. 5
... introduce a bill to amend an act entitled " an act to provide for the semi - annual collection of taxes , " passed April 12 , 1858 . Mr. Safford gave notice , that , on to - morrow , or some subsequent day of the ses- sion , he would ...
... introduce a bill to amend an act entitled " an act to provide for the semi - annual collection of taxes , " passed April 12 , 1858 . Mr. Safford gave notice , that , on to - morrow , or some subsequent day of the ses- sion , he would ...
Стр. 7
... introduce a bill to amend the eighth section of the act entitled an act to provide against the evils resulting from the sale of intoxicating liquors , passed May 1 , 1857 . Mr. Schleich , on leave , introduced the following bill : S. B. ...
... introduce a bill to amend the eighth section of the act entitled an act to provide against the evils resulting from the sale of intoxicating liquors , passed May 1 , 1857 . Mr. Schleich , on leave , introduced the following bill : S. B. ...
Стр. 8
... bill was referred to the standing committee on Municipal Cor- porations . Mr. Winans offered for adoption the following resolution : Resolved , That Mr. Cadwell be added ... introduced the following bill 80 Tuesday , January 4 , 1859 .
... bill was referred to the standing committee on Municipal Cor- porations . Mr. Winans offered for adoption the following resolution : Resolved , That Mr. Cadwell be added ... introduced the following bill 80 Tuesday , January 4 , 1859 .
Стр. 9
Ohio. General Assembly. Senate. Mr. Canfield , on leave , introduced the following bill : S. B. No. 178 ; To repeal an act entitled " an act to amend the act entitled an act fixing the rates of interest , passed January 12 , 1821 , and ...
Ohio. General Assembly. Senate. Mr. Canfield , on leave , introduced the following bill : S. B. No. 178 ; To repeal an act entitled " an act to amend the act entitled an act fixing the rates of interest , passed January 12 , 1821 , and ...
Стр. 10
... introduced a bill : S. B. No. 181 ; To amend " an act to provide for the semi - annual collection of taxes , " passed April 12 , 1858 ; Which was read the first time . Mr. Miles , in pursuance of notice , introduced a bill : S. B. No ...
... introduced a bill : S. B. No. 181 ; To amend " an act to provide for the semi - annual collection of taxes , " passed April 12 , 1858 ; Which was read the first time . Mr. Miles , in pursuance of notice , introduced a bill : S. B. No ...
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
act entitled act to provide affirmative aforesaid agreed amend an act amend section April 12 Ashmun Attest bill pass Buckland Cadwell Canfield Cantwell Cass Chapman Clerk committee of one-Mr Company constitutional majority Corwine Coshocton county engrossed entitled an act following bill following resolution Gard Gatch Green Hamilton county Hatch Henkle Holloway House has passed House of Representatives introduced a bill JOHN JOHN W KEES Kincaid Langdon March 14 McCleary McKelly Message Messrs Miles Morrow motion Murdock nays were demanded nays were ordered negative offered for adoption ordering said bill paid in coin passed April 12 passed March 14 Perkey Perrill Perry county Phelps President Ques question read a third read the third received a constitutional Reid reported back H. B. resulted-yeas Safford Schleich select committee Senate is requested Shideler Slade Smith specie paying banks standing committee Supplementary taxes Taylor Thomas township Vanatta voted Westcott Winans yeas and nays
Популярные отрывки
Стр. 265 - SEC. 3. It is hereby made the duty of the prosecuting attorney of the county...
Стр. 6 - If the decision be in favor of the member called to order, he shall be at liberty to proceed ; if otherwise, he shall not be permitted to proceed, in case any member object, without leave of the House ; and if the case require it, he shall be liable to the censure of the House.
Стр. 440 - Resolved, by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the governor be and he is hereby authorized and...
Стр. 28 - When any member is about to speak in debate, or deliver any matter to the House, he shall rise from his seat, and respectfully address himself to "Mr. Speaker," and shall confine himself to the question under debate, and avoid personality, 21.
Стр. 94 - Representatives, appointed on the part of the Senate and on the part of the House of Representatives...
Стр. 31 - No motion or proposition on a subject different from that under consideration shall be admitted under color of amendment.
Стр. 5 - The previous question shall be in this form, " Shall the main question be now put ?'' It shall only be admitted when demanded by a majority of the members present, and...
Стр. 32 - All incidental questions of order arising after a motion is made for the previous question, and pending such motion, shall be decided, whether on appeal or otherwise, without debate.
Стр. 1 - He shall have the right to name any member to perform the duties of the chair, but such substitution shall not extend beyond an adjournment.
Стр. 7 - Every bill shall be introduced on the report of a committee, or by motion for leave. In the latter case, at least one day's notice shall be given of the motion...