LIBRA. A 266892 MARCH 1930 JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF COLUMBUS, MONDAY, January 3, 1859. 1959.} In pursuance of a previous adjournment, the Senate met in its Chamber, and was opened with prayer by the Rev. J. W. Haven. On motion, a call of the Senate was had, and twenty-three Senators answered to their names. Messrs. Thomas, Slade, Perrill, Holloway, Gatch and Henkle, were severally granted leave of absence. Message from the House of Representatives. Mr. President: The House is now in session, and ready to proceed to business. Attest: On motion of Mr. Hatch, JOHN W. KEES, Clerk. A message was sent to the House informing that body that the Senate was now in session, and ready for the transaction of business. On motion, the rules were suspended so as to allow Mr. Smith to offer a resolution. Mr. Smith then offered the following resolution: Resolved, That a committee, consisting of two on the part of the Senate, and on the part of the House, be appointed, to wait on the Governor and inform him that the two Houses are assembled in pursuance of the resolution of recess, and ready to receive any communication which he may think proper to make. Which was agreed to, and Messrs. Smith and Green were appointed said committee on the part of the Senate. Mr. Winans presented the petition of A. Heveling and 118 others of Greene county, for chain gangs to punish petit larceny. Referred to the standing committee on the Judiciary. Message from the House of Representatives. Mr. President: The House has passed the following joint resolution, and requests the concurrence of the Senate in the same: House joint resolution, relative to informing the Governor that the two Houses were in session, and ready to receive any communication he might see proper to make. Attest: JOHN W. KEES, Clerk. On motion of Mr. Langdon, The blank in the resolution was filled by inserting the word "two." Said resolution was then agreed to, and Messrs. Smith and Green were appointed said committee on the part of the Senate. H. B. No. 251, for the relief of the holders of the bank notes of the Seneca County Bank, was read the second time, and Referred to the standing committee on Currency. H. B. No. 260, to amend the seventh section of the act entitled “an act for the prevention of gaming," passed March 12, 1831, as amended by the act of April 17, 1857, entitled "an act to amend an act entitled an act more effectually to prevent gaming," passed January 17, 1846, was read the second time, and Referred to the standing committee on Municipal Corporations. S. B. No. 153, conferring certain powers on, and prescribing certain duties of the Board of Public Works, was read the second time, and Referred to the standing committee on Public Works. Message from the House of Representatives. Mr. President: The House has concurred in S. J. R. No. 43, relative to appointment of committee to wait on the Governor, and has appointed Messrs. West of Logan, Van Vorhes and Hughes of Butler, as the committee on the part of the House. Attest: JOHN W. KEES, Clerk. Mr. Smith, from the joint committee appointed to wait upon the Governor, reported that the committee had performed the duty assigned them, and that the Governor would immediately communicate his message in writing to the two branches of the Legislature. A communication from the Governor was then received by the hands of A. M. Gangewer, Esq., his Private Secretary, containing his annual message, which was read at the Clerk's desk. On motion of Mr. Hatch, The message was laid on the table and ordered to be printed. On motion of Mr. Langdon, The various portions of the Governor's message was referred to the several standing committees. The following message was received from the Governor, by the hands of his Private Secretary, A. M. Gangewer, Esq. : To the General Assembly: STATE OF OHIO, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, COLUMBUS, January 3, 1859. In compliance with the requirements of the law, I herewith transmit the several Reports of the State officers, Boards, and Officers of Public Institutions and Build ings, which have been received by me and printed in conformity with the statute regulating that subject, namely, the Reports of Secretary of State; Treasurer of State; Directors of Penitentiary; Trustees and Officers of the Southern Lunatic Asylum; Trustees and Officers of the Northern Lunatic Asylum; Trustees and Superintendent of the Institution for the Blind; Trustees and Superintendent of the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb; and Quarter Master General. There have been received and placed in the hands of the public printer, but not yet delivered at this office in printed form, the following Reports, namely, of the Auditor of State; Board of Public Works; Trustees of the Asylum for Idiots; Trustees and Officers of the Central Ohio Lunatic Asylum; Commissioner of the State House and Commissioner of Reform Schools. The report of the Commissioner of the State Library has been received but has not yet been sent to the State printer. No reports have, as yet, been received from the Attorney General, Commissioner of Common Schools, or Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, nor from the Auditor of State, giving a detailed statement of receipts and expenditures of the public money. There being no provision of law relating to the printing of the report of the Comptroller of the Treasury, I transmit it, in manuscript. But one copy having been furnished to me, it is sent to the Senate. S. P. CHASE. The several reports above communicated to the Senate with the exception of the Comptroller's report, were laid on the table and ordered to be printed. Mr. Westcott gave notice, that, on to-morrow, or some subsequent day of the session, he would introduce a bill to amend an act entitled "an act to provide for the semi-annual collection of taxes," passed April 12, 1858. Mr. Safford gave notice, that, on to-morrow, or some subsequent day of the session, he would introduce a bill to establish the boundary line between the counties of Pike and Ross. Mr. Safford offered the following joint resolution: Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the Secretary of State be, and is hereby directed to ascertain from the respective county Audiors. of the State, the average number of State documents and laws which annually remain in their offices uncalled for, and that he report the same to the General Assembly. Which was agreed to. On motion of Mr. Langdon, The special orders of the day were then taken up, and the following resolutions, bills and petitions were then severally referred as follows: |