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Resolution relative to annual session of the Legislature.

Referred to the standing committee on the Judiciary.

Also S. B. No. 1; To provide for the sale or lease of estates tail in certain


Referred to the standing committee on the Judiciary.

S. J. R. No. 36; Relative to the claims of J. W. Allen.

Referred to the standing committee on Claims:

S. B. No. 112; To amend an act entitled "an act to provide for the reorganization, supervision and maintenance of common schools," passed March 14,


Referred to the standing committee on Common Schools.

S. B. No. 44; "To repeal section seven of an act therein named.

Referred to the standing committee on Municipal Corporations.

H. B. No. 77; To provide for holding additional terms of the Court of Common Pleas of Miami county, to be held at the city of Piqua, for the trial of certain causes therein provided.

Referred to the standing committee on the Judiciary.

H. B. No. 138; To reinstate the contractors to the several contracts made by the Board of Public Works, on the 13th of Nov, 1855, and to authorize the Attorney General to institute legal proceedings against the same, and to repeal so much of the act entitled "an act making appropriation for the Public Works for 1857," passed April 15, 1867, as is inconsistent with this act.

On motion of Mr. Scleich,

Said bill was indefinitely postponed.

H. J. R. No. 50; Relative to furnishing stands in New State House.
Referred to the standing committee on State Buildings.

H. B. No. 107; Regulating the mode of administering assignments in trust for the benefit of creditors.

Referred to the standing committee on the Judiciary.

The petition of the citizens of Jamestown asking that the said village may be made a separate road district.

Referred to the standing committee on Municipal Corporations.

S. B. No. 87; To amend the second section of the act of April 14, 1857, "regulating the publication of the Ohio Reports."

Referred to the standing committee on Public Printing.

S. B. No. 30; To amend an act entitled "an act to provide for the punishment of certain offences therein named," passed March 17, 1857.

Referred to the standing committee on the Judiciary.

S. B. No. 123; To amend an act entitled "an act to regulate Railroad Mortgages," passed Feb. 9, 1858.

Referred to the standing committee on Railroads.

On motion of Mr. Reid,

The Senate adjourned.

C. W. BLAIR, Clerk.


Prayer by the Rev. G. W. Goudy.

Mr. McKelly presented the petition of the probate judge and other officers of Wyandot county, praying for the admission of Jane Koss into the Central Ohio Lunatic Asylum.

Referred to a select committee of one-Mr. McKelly.

Mr. McKelly, from the special committee, to whom was referred the above petition, reported the following joint resolution:

Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the officers of the Central Lunatic Asylum be and are hereby authorized to admit Mrs. Jane Ross, wife of George Ross, of Crawford county, as an inmate of said institution, and that she be allowed to remain therein so long as the trustees, in their judgment, shall deem necessary and proper.

On motion of Mr. Gard,

Said resolution was referred to the standing committee on Public Benevolent Institutions.

Mr. Miles gave notice that he would, on to-morrow, or some subsequent day of the session, introduce a bill to amend sec. 310 of the act entitled an act to establish a code of civil procedure, so as to permit parties from being examined as witnesses in their own behalf.

Mr. Shideler gave notice, that, on to-morrow, or some subsequent day of the session, he would introduce a bill to amend the eighth section of the act entitled an act to provide against the evils resulting from the sale of intoxicating liquors, passed May 1, 1857.

Mr. Schleich, on leave, introduced the following bill:
S. B. No. 175, Concerning Bridges;

Which was read the first time.

Mr. Cadwell, on leave, introduced the following bill:

S. B. No. 176; Supplementary to an act entitled "an act providing for the punishment of crimes," passed March 7, 1855;

Which was read the first time.

Mr. Miles, on leave, introduced the following bill:

S. B. No. 177; To amend section 14 of the act entitled an act to organize and discipline the Militia and Volunteer Militia, passed March 30, 1857;

Which was read the first time.

Mr. Phelps offered for adoption the following joint resolution:

Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That two thousand copies of the report of the Comptroller of the Treasury be printed for the use of this General Assembly.

On motion, said resolution was referred to the standing committee on Public Printing.

Mr. Phelps offered for adoption the following resolution, which was agreed to; Resolved, That Mr. Smith be added to the committees on Common Schools and School Lands, and Public Lands and Public Works.

Mr. Shideler offered for adoption the following resolution, which was agreed to:

Resolved, That the Senate now proceed to elect one Engrossing and one Enrolling Clerk.

The Senate then proceeded to the election of an Enrolling Clerk.

Mr. Schleich nominated Mr. J. C. Jeffries, of Fairfield county.

Mr. Miles nominated Mr. J. A. Goble of Morrow county.

Those who voted for Mr. Jeffries were

Messrs. Cantwell, Chapman, Corwine, Hatch, Kincaid, Langdon, McKelly, Morrow, Murdock, Perkey, Phelps, Reid, Shideler, Schleich, Smith, Vanatta and Westcott.-17.

Those who voted for Mr. Goble were

Messrs. Ashmun, Buckland, Cadwell, Canfield, Gard, Gatch, Green, McCleary, Miles and Winans-10.

So Mr. Jeffries having received a constitutional majority was declared duly elected Enrolling Clerk.

The Senate then proceeded to the election of an Engrossing Clerk.

Mr. Shideler nominated Geo. M. Marshall, of Montgomery county.

Mr. Winans nominated J. G. McWhirk, of Greene county.

Those who voted for Mr. Marshall were

Messrs. Cantwell, Chapman, Corwine, Hatch, Kincaid, Langdon, McKelley, McCleary, Morrow, Murdock, Perkey, Phelps, Reid, Shideler, Schleich, Smith, Vanatta and Westcott-18.

Those who voted for Mr. McWhirk were

Messrs. Ashmun, Buckland, Cadwell, Gard, Gatch, Miles and Winans--8.
Mr. Canfield voted blank.

So Mr. Marshall having received a constitutional majority, was declared duly elected engrossing clerk, and having taken the oath of office, entered upon the discharge of his duties.

On motion of Mr. Westcott,

The Senate resolved itself into committee of the whole, on the orders of the day, Mr. Westcott in the chair, and after some time spent therein rose and reported back

H. B. No. 127; To repeal an act supplementary to an act to provide for the organization of cities and incorporated villages, passed May 3, 1852, and which was passed April 3, 1857, and

On motion, said bill was referred to the standing committee on Municipal Corporations.

Mr. Winans offered for adoption the following resolution :

Resolved, That Mr. Cadwell be added to the standing committee on Public Works, and Mr. Gatch to the standing committee on Common Schools and School Lands.

Mr. Green moved to amend said resolution by striking out the name of Mr. Gatch, and inserting that of Mr. Winans, giving as a reason that Mr. Gatch was already upon said committee, which was agreed to.

Said resolution, as amended, was then agreed to.

Mr. Canfield, on leave, introduced the following bill:

S. B. No. 178; To repeal an act entitled "an act to amend the act entitled an act fixing the rates of interest, passed January 12, 1821, and all other laws on that subject, passed March 14, 1850;

Which was read the first time.

Message from the House of Representatives.

Mr. President:

The House has passed the following bill, in which the concurrence of the Senate is requested :

H. B. No. 270; To amend the second section of an' act passed April 12th, 1858, entitled, "an act to amend an act entitled an act providing for the election of Coroners and Sheriffs, and fixing their term of office," passed March 8th, JOHN W. KEES, Clerk.



Which was read the first time.

On motion of Mr. Phelps,

The constitutional rule was suspended, so as to allow said bill to be read the second time now.

Said bill was then read the second time, and referred to the standing committee on the Judiciary.

Mr. Green asked and obtained leave to record his vote on the election for engrossing clerk, and being called, voted for Mr. McWhirk.

Mr. Schleich, on leave, introduced the following bill:

S. B. No. 179; Supplementary to an act entitled "an act of the jurisdiction. and procedure before justices of the peace, and of the duties of constables in civil courts," passed March 14th, 1853;

Which was read the first time.

Mr. Phelps presented the following communication to the Senate:

To the President of the Senate:

I hereby resign my place as messenger boy of the Senate.

January 4, 1859.

On motion of Mr. Langdon,

Said resignation was accepted.


Mr. Langdon offered for adoption the following resolution, which was agreed to: Resolved, That hereafter, when the Senate adjourns, it shall be until 10 o'clock,

A. M.

On motion of Mr. Miles,

The Senate took a recess.



Mr. Ashmun from the standing committee on Public Printing, made the following report:

The standing committee on Public Printing, to whom was referred

S. J. R. No. 46; In regard to printing two thousand copies of the Report of the Comptroller of the Treasury, have had the same under consideration, and report the same back without amendment, and recommend its passage.

Said resolution was then agreed to.

Mr. Smith, on leave, introduced a bill:

S. B. No. 180; To amend section twenty-two of an act passed March 7, 1831, entitled an act directing the mode of trial in criminal cases;

Which was read the first time.

On motion of Mr. Schleich,

The Senate adjourned.


C. W. BLAIR, Clerk.


Prayer by the Rev. G. W. Goudy.

Mr. Jeffries the newly elected enrolling clerk appeared within the bar of the Senate, received the oath of office and entered upon the discharge of his duties. Mr. Westcott, in pursuance of notice, introduced a bill:

S. B. No. 181; To amend "an act to provide for the semi-annual collection of taxes," passed April 12, 1858;

Which was read the first time.

Mr. Miles, in pursuance of notice, introduced a bill:

S. B. No. 182; To amend section 310 of the act entitled "an act to establish a code of civil proceedure," passed March 11, 1853, and to prevent persons from becoming witnesses in their own behalf;

Which was read the first time.

'Mr. Hatch, on leave, from the standing committee on Finance, introduced the following bill:

8. B. No. 183; Making partial appropriations for the year 1859;

Which was read the first time.

Mr. Kincaid offered for adoption the following resolution:
Resolved, That the Senate now proceed to elect a reporting clerk.
Which was agreed to.

The Senate then proceeded to the election of a reporting clerk.
Mr. Schleich nominated James B. Marshall, of Franklin county.

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