INDEX TO SENATE JOURNAL FOR THE YEAR 1859. [The figures at the close of each paragraph denotes the page of the printed Journal, where A. Appointment of committee to wait on the Governor, informing him of the meeting Adjournment of Senate, until what hour, 9. Attorney General, declaring election of, 18, 19, 32. Adjutant General, report of to Governor, 28, 31. Auditor of State, report of, 29, 158, 222. Asylum for Idiots, report of Trustees of, 29. Auditor of State, resolution instructing same to ascertain the number of acres of Adjournment sine die, report of committee on, 77. Auditor of State, report of, relative to Mr. Claypool, 110. Abstract of votes for State officers, 125, 126, 127, 128. Adjournment, sine die, resolutions relative thereto, 52, 53, 59, 69, 41, 195, 267, Asylum for the Blind, resolution relative to retaining Harriet Haldeman as pupil Asylum for the Blind, resolution relative to receiving Isaac Seigfreid, 411, 432, B. Benevolent Institutions, instructing committee on to authorize trustees of Asylum Board of Public Works, report of, 56, 206, 269, 400, 427. Banks, resolution relative to taxing same, and instructing Finance committees to Board of Public Works, instructions to, 70, 178. 63-SENATE JOUR. Buckland, R. P., calling Senate to order in absence of the President, 88. Beard, Jas. H., resolution relative to a picture, 106, 107, 115. Banking Companies, resolution requesting Auditor of State to ascertain amount set Board of Public Works, communication from, 296, 314 Banks of Cleveland and Seneca County, resolution relative to outstanding notes BILLS OF THE SENATE. 153. Conferring certain powers on, and prescribing certain duties of the Board 1. To provide for the sale or lease of estates tail in certain cases, 6, 277, 112. To amend an act entitled "an act to provide for the reorganization, super- 44. To repeal section 7, of an act therein named, 6, 87. 30 To amend the second section of the act of April 14, 1857, regulating the To amend an act entitled, "an act to provide for the punishment of cer- 123. To amend an act entitled, "an act to regulate railroad mortgages," 175. Mr. Schleich; Concerning bridges, 7, 14, 24, 258, 281, 282, 289, 308, 176. 177. 178. Mr. Cadwell; Supplementary to an act entitled, "an act providing for Mr. Miles; To amend section 14 of the act entitled, "an act to organize Mr. Canfield; To repeal an act entitled, "an act to amend the act en- 179. Mr. Schleich; Supplementary to an act entitled, "an act of the jurisdic- 180. Mr. Smith; to amend section 22 of an act passed March 7, 1831, en- 181. Mr. Westcott; To amend an act to provide for the semi-annual collection BILLS OF THE SENATE-Continued. 182. Mr. Miles; To amend section 310 of the act entitled, "an act to estab- 183. Mr. Hatch; Making partial appropriations for the year 1859, 10, 13, 131. To amend the act entitled, "an act to establish a code of civil procedure," 184. Mr. Taylor; Transferring certain appropriations for the Benevolent Insti- 185. Mr. Wescott; To amend sections 6 and 15 of the act entitled, "an act 186. Mr. Ashmun; Relating to taxes for school purposes, in the town of 187. Mr. Cadwell; To authorize county commissioners to reduce the width of 188. Mr. Shideler; To amend the act entitled, "an act to provide against the 189. Mr. Canfield; To amend section 36 of an act providing for the punish- 60. To provide for the collection of debts against railroad companies, 18. 190. Mr. Miles; To amend the 1st section of the act passed April 12, 1858, 191. Mr. Chapman; To amend the act entitled, "an act to prevent the run- 137. To repeal sections 1 and 2 of an act entitled, "an act securing to mar- 192. Mr. Taylor; Prescribing the time when the official term of judges of the 193. Mr. Westcott; To amend section 6 of an act entitled, "an act supple- BILLS OF THE SENATE-Continued. 194. Mr. Schleich; Re-enacting section one of an act entitled, "an act to pro- 195. Mr. Buckland; To amend section 2 of the act entitled, "an act to relieve 196. Mr. Buckland; To amend sections 231 and 239 of the code of civil pro- 197. Mr. Hatch; To provide for the removal and to regulate the final payment 118. To amend section 1 of the act entitled, "an act making provisions for 74. To amend the 4th section of an act entitled, "an act for the assessment 198. Mr. Shideler; To amend section 165 of an act entitled, an act of the 109. To amend section 10 of an act passed March 11, 1853, to provide for the 199. Mr. Shideler; Supplementary to the act entitled, "an act for the encour- 134. To amend an act entitled, "an act for the confinement of prisoners under 200. Mr. Safford; Supplementary to an act entitled, "an act for the mainte- 129. To repeal sections 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 of an act for the as- |