of the court or probate judge shall not be required to issue such certificate until after the final order of the court in the premises, or until the cost bills shall have been made up on the execution docket. Mr. Langdon moved to indefinitely postpone said bill; which was not agreed to. The question then being on agreeing to said amendment, The yeas and nays were demanded, and being ordered, resulted-yeas 10, nays 14, as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Buckland, Cantwell, Cass, Chapman, Gatch, Miles, Reid, Shideler, Smith and Winans-10. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Ashmun, Canfield, Corwine, Gard, Langdon, McCleary, Morrow, Murdock, Phelps, Safford, Taylor, Thomas, Vanatta and Westcott-14. So said amendment did not prevail. The question then being, "Shall the bill pass?" The yeas and nays were ordered, and resulted-yeas 10, nays 16, as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Buckland, Cantwell, Cass, Chapman, Gatch, Miles, Morrow, Reid, Smith and Winans-10. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Ashmun, Canfield, Corwine, Gard, Hatch, Langdon, McCleary, Murdock, Perrill, Phelps, Safford, Shideler, Taylor, Thomas, Vanatta and Westcott-16. So said bill, not having received afconstitutional majority, was lost. Mr. Reid offered for adoption the following resolution: Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the Trustees of the Ohio Institution for the Blind, be and are hereby authorized to receive and retain for a period of one year, Isaac Seigfried, as a State patient in said institution. On motion, said resolution was referred to the standing committee on Public Benevolent Institutions. Mr. Shideler moved to take from the table H. J. R. No. 93; Relative to the claim of Peter Snider; which was agreed to. The question then being on the adoption of the resolution, Mr. Schleich moved to amend by adding the following proviso: Provided, that if any damages shall be allowed by the Board of Public Works, the same shall not exceed in amount the sum agreed to be paid by said Peter Snider, as water rent, for one year. On which amendment, the yeas and nays were demanded, and being ordered, resulted-yeas 8, nays 20, as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative were— Messrs. Henkle, Miles, Morrow, Perrill, Schleich, Taylor, Thomas and Winans-8. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs Ashmun, Canfield, Cantwell, Cass, Chapman, Corwine, Gatch, Green, Hatch, Kincaid, Langdon, McCleary, McKelly, Phelps, Reid, Safford, Shideler, Smith, Vanatta and Westcott-20. So said amendment was not agreed to. The question then being on the adoption of the resolution, The yeas and nays were demanded, and being ordered, resulted-yeas 15, nays 14, as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Ashmun, Cantwell, Cass, Chapman, Corwine, Green, Hatch, Kincaid, Phelps, Reid, Safford, Shideler, Smith, Vanatta and Westcott-15. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Buckland, Canfield, Gard, Gatch, Henkle, Langdon, McCleary, McKelly, Morrow, Perrill, Schleich, Taylor, Thomas and Winans--14. So said resolution was agreed to. The preamble of the resolution was then agreed to. Message from the House of Representatives. Mr. President : The House has passed the following bill, in which the concurrence of the Senate is requested: H. B. No. 42; To provide for the election of an additional judge of the court of common pleas for the first sub-division of the second judicial district. Attest: Said bill was read the first time. JOHN W. KEES, Clerk. Mr. Reid, from the standing committee on Privileges and Elections, reported back H. B. No. 467; To amend the sixth section of an act entitled an act further to amend the act to preserve the purity of elections, passed April 15, 1857. The question then being on ordering said bill to be read the third time, the same was agreed to. Said bill was then ordered to be read a third time now. Said bill was then read a third time, and the question being, "Shall the bill pass ?" The yeas and nays were ordered, and resulted-yeas 6, nays 21, as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Miles, Perrill, Reid, Safford, Schleich and Thomas-6. Those who voted in the negative were— Messrs. Ashmun, Canfield, Cantwell, Cass, Chapman, Corwine, Gard, Gatch, Green, Hatch, Kincaid, Langdon, McCleary, Morrow, Phelps, Shideler, Smith, Taylor, Vanatta, Westcott and Winans-21. So said bill not having received a constitutional majority was lost. Mr. Schleich, from the standing committee on Public Works, reported back H. J. R. No. 95; Relative to adjustment of claims against the State, with one amendment, which was agreed to. The question then being on the adoption of the above resolution, Mr. Canfield moved to adjourn, which was lost. On motion of Mr. Phelps, The Senate took a recess until 7 o'clock P. M. HALF PAST SEVEN O'CLOCK. The President directed a call of Senate, which was had, and 30 Senators answered to their names. On motion, all further proceedings under the call were dispensed with. Mr. Green, by unanimous consent of the Senate, presented the memorial of Joseph E. Hall, praying for compensation for storage of public arms of the State. Referred to the standing committee on Claims. The question then being on the adoption of H. J. R. No. 95; Relative to the adjustment of claims against the State, Mr. Green, moved to amend by striking out the word, "rescindation," and inserting in lieu thereof "rescission," which was agreed to. The question then being on the adoption of the resolution, The yeas and nays were demanded, and being ordered, resulted-yeas 21, nays 11, as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Cantwell, Cass, Chapman, Corwine, Hatch, Henkle, Kincaid, Langdon, McKelly, Morrow, Perkey, Perrill, Phelps, Reid, Safford, Shideler, Schleich, Smith, Thomas, Vanatta and Westcott-21. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Ashmun, Buckland, Canfield, Gard, Gatch Green, McCleary, Miles, Slade, Taylor and Winans-11. So said resolution was agreed to. Message from the House of Representatives. Mr. President: The Speaker of the House of Representatives has signed the following enrolled bills and joint resolutions, which are now ready for the signature of the President of the Senate: S. B. No 261; To limit the operation of the act entitled "an act to repeal the ten per cent. law, passed March 14, 1850," passed February 25, 1859. S. B. No. 299; Directing the sale of certain lands in Union and Summit counties. H. B. No. 284; To amend section two of the act entitled "an act to relieve the district court, and to give greater efficiency to the judicial system of the State," passed April 12, 1858, and supplementary to said act. S. B. No. 306; To authorize the commissioners of Belmont county to loan money. H. B. No. 498; To authorize the trustees or directors of Aurora Lodge No. 48, Mt. Vernon; Chapter No. 23; Solomon Council No. 5; Calvary Encampment No. 13, in the city of Portsmouth, and State of Ohio, to borrow money. S. B. No. 109; To amend section two of an act passed March 11, 1853, to provide for the publication of the general laws in newspapers, and to repeal an act entitled "an act to provide for an early publication of the laws, and for other pur poses," passed March 23, 1850. S. B. No. 298; Relating to the Lewistown Reservoir. S. J. R. No. 89; Relative to removing patients from lunatic asylums. S. J. R. No. 88; Relative to printing report of investigating committee in Ger man. H. J. R. No. 83; Relative to repairing the crib of the dam at McConnelsville, in Morgan county. H. B. No. 474; Supplementary to the act relating to juries, passed February 9, 1831, and to amend the 9th section of said act. Attest: JOHN W. KAES, Clerk. The President then signed the foregoing bills and resolutions, as required by the constitution, in the presence of the Senate. Message from the House of Representatives. Mr. President: The House has agreed to Senate amendments to H. B. No. 456; To authorize associations of persons for carrying freight on any of the navigable waters of the State of Ohio, and the lakes and navigable rivers bordering thereon. Attest: Message from the House of Representatives. Mr. President: JOHN W. KEES, Clerk. The House has acceded to the request of the Senate for a committee of conference on the disagreement between the two houses, on H. B. No. 326; Defining the jurisdiction of probate courts in criminal cases in the counties of Pike, Portage, Jackson, Clermont, Carroll, Gallia, Butler, Lucas, Hocking, Defiance and Columbiana, and has appointed Messrs. Green, Sangster and Haymaker as said committee on the part of the House. Attest: JOHN W. KEES, Clerk. The President appointed Messrs. Canfield and Cass said committee on the part of the Senate. Mr. Phelps, from the Judiciary committee, reported back S. B. No. 308; To amend an act to regulate the manner in which grand and petit juries shall be drawn and summoned in Hamilton county, passed May 1, 1852. The question then being on ordering said bill to be engrossed, the same was agreed to. Said bill was then engrossed at the clerk's desk and ordered to be read a third time now. Said bill was then read the third time, and the question being, "Shall the bill pass?" The yeas and nays were ordered and resulted-yeas 30, nays none, as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Ashmun, Canfield, Cantwell, Cass, Chapman, Corwine, Gard, Gatch, Green, Hatch, Henkle, Kincaid, Langdon, McCleary, McKelly, Miles, Morrow, Perkey, Perrill, Phelps, Reid, Safford, Shideler, Schleich, Slade, Taylor, Thomas, Vanatta, Westcott and Winans-30. So said bill, having received a constitutional majority, was passed. Ordered that the title be as aforesaid. Mr. Phelps, from a select committee, reported back S. B. No. 175; Concerning bridges, with amendments, which were agreed to. The question then being, "Shall the bill pass?” The yeas and nays were ordered and resulted-yeas 9, nays 17, as follows: Messrs. Henkle, Miles, Morrow, Perkey, Perrill, Phelps, Shideler, Schleich and Westcott-9. Those who voted in the negative were— Messrs. Ashmun, Buckland, Canfield, Chapman, Gard, Gatch, Hatch, Kincaid, Langdon, McCleary, McKelly, Safford, Slade, Taylor, Thomas, Vanatta and Winans-17. So said bill not having received a constitutional majority, was lost. Mr. Canfield moved to reconsider the vote by which the Senate refused to pass H. B. No. 469; To provide for the election of supervisors of roads, being an act supplementary to and amendatory of an act for the incorporation of townships, passed March 14, 1853. On which motion the yeas and nays were demanded, and being ordered, resulted-yeas 15, nays 17, as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Ashmun, Buckland, Canfield, Cantwell, Cass, Chapman, Corwine, Langdon, Murdock, Perkey, Reid, Shideler, Thomas, Vanatta and Westcott-15. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Gard, Gatch, Green, Hatch, Henkle, Kincaid, McCleary, McKelly, Miles, Morrow, Perrill, Phelps, Safford, Schleich, Slade, Taylor and Winans-17. So said motion did not prevail. Mr. Thomas, from the standing committee on Municipal Corporations, reported back S. B. No. 273; To amend the first section of the act to provide for the organization of cities and incorporated villages, passed May 3, 1852, and recommended that the same be indefinitely postponed, which was agreed to. |