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Mr. Thomas, from the standing committee on Municipal Corporations, reported back

H. B. No. 374; To prohibit the carrying or wearing of concealed weapons, With one amendment, which was agreed to.

The question then being on ordering said bill to be read a third time, the same was agreed to.

Said bill was then ordered to be read a third time now.

Said bill was then read the third time, and the question being,

[blocks in formation]

Mr. Perkey moved to indefinitely postpone said bill,

On which motion the yeas and nays were demanded, and being ordered, resulted-yeas 2, nays 20, as follows:

Those who voted in the affirmative were

Messrs. Cass and Perkey-2.

Those who voted in the negative were

Messrs. Cadwell, Chapman, Gard, Gatch, Green, Hatch, Henkle, Holloway, Langdon, McCleary, McKelly, Miles, Murdock, Perrill, Phelps, Safford, Shideler, Taylor, Thomas and Westcott-20.

So said motion did not prevail.

Mr. Green moved to refer said bill to a select committee of three, which was agreed to, and Messrs. Green, Thomas and Westcott were appointed said com


Mr. Hatch, from a select committee, reported back

S. B. No. 231; To amend sections 6 and 25 of the act entitled "an act to further provide for the better regulation of the receipt, disbursement and safe keeping of the public revenue," passed April 12, 1858;

With amendments, and on motion, said bill was laid on the table and ordered to be printed as proposed to be amended.

Mr. Hatch, from a select committee, reported back

S. B. No. 274; To authorize the commissioners of Hamilton county, to contract for the building of a roadway or bridge for public use across Millcreek, in said county.

Mr. Phelps moved to recommit said bill to a select committee of the member from Hamilton county; which was agreed to.

Message from the House of Representatives.

Mr. President:

The House has agreed to the report of the committee of conference on the subjuect matter of difference on

H. J. R. No. 80; Relative to an examination of the terrace on the east side of the Capitol.


On motion of Mr. Westcott,

JOHN W. KEES, Clerk.

The Senate resolved itself into a committee of the whole on the special order of the day, being

S. B. No. 197; To provide for the renewal and better regulation of the funded debt of the State of Ohio, Mr. Cadwell in the chair; and after some time spent therein, rose and reported the same back with sundry amendments; which were agreed to.

Said bill was then ordered to be engrossed and read a third time to-morrow.

Message from the House of Representatives.

Mr. President:

The House has agreed to Senate amendment to

H. J. R. No. 65; Relative to a sine die adjournment of this General Assembly, with an amendment, in which the concurrence of the Senate is requested.


JOHN W. KEES, Clerk.

Mr. Phelps moved that the Senate disagree to said House amendment. On which motion, the yeas and nays were demanded, and being ordered resulted-yeas 12, nays 9, as follows:

Those who voted in the affirmative were

Messrs. Corwine, Hatch, Langdon, Murdock, Perkey, Perrill, Phelps, Safford, Shideler, Taylor, Thomas and Westcott-12.

Those who voted in the negative were—

Messrs. Cadwell, Chapman, Gard, Gatch, Green, Holloway, McCleary, McKelly and Miles-9.

So the motion prevailed, and the Senate disagreed to said House amendment. On motion of Mr. Green,

The Senate took a recess.


Message from the House of Representatives.

Mr. President:

The Speaker of the House of Representatives has signed the following enrolled bills and joint resolutions, which are now ready for the signature of the President of the Senate :

S. B. No. 236; Supplementary to an act entitled "an act to incorporate the State Bank of Ohio and other banking companies," passed February 24, 1845.

S. B. No. 242; To amend section one of the act entitled "an act to amend section 66 of an act entitled an act to provide for the creation and regulation of incorporated companies in the State of Ohio," passed March 4, 1858.

H. B. No. 441; To provide for the appointment of police commissioners in cities of the first class, having a population exceeding eighty thousand inhabitants, and supplementary to an act entitled "an act to provide for the organization of cities and incorporated villages," passed May 3, 1852, and the other acts supplementary and amendatory thereto.

S. B. No. 179; Supplementary to an act entitled "an act of the jurisdiction and procedure before justices of the peace, and of the duties of constables in civil courts," passed March 14, 1853.

S. B. No. 180; To amend section 22 of an act passed March 7, 1831, entitled an act directing the mode of trial in criminal cases.

S. B. No. 238; To authorize the sale of surplus copies of the laws, journals and executive documents.

S. B. No. 245; To amend an act passed April 15, 1857, entitled an act to authorize the commissioners of Hamilton county to surrender the lower river road, and the extension thereof, to the creditors and bondholders of said road.

S. J. R. No. 76; Relative to printing report of commissioners of Ohio State Library.

H. B. No. 330; To authorize the commissioners of the county of Lawrence, in this State, to set apart a portion of the funds collected for road purposes, and to make specific appropriations of the same.

H. B. No. 388; To authorize county commissioners to fill vacancies in certain


H. B. No. 430; To enable the Board of Education of the village of Delphos, in the counties of Allen and Van Wert, to convey lot No. 47 in said village.

H. B. No. 336; To provide for districting any county in the State where the commissioners of said county have failed to district in accordance with the provisions of an act to amend an act, passed April 13, 1852, entitled "an act for the assessment and taxation of all property in this State, and for levying taxes thereon according to its true value in money," passed April 12, 1858.

S. B. No. 270; To amend the second section of an act to provide for the uniform government and better regulation of the lunatic asylums of the State, and the care of the idiots and the insane.

S. B. No. 224; Supplementary to an act entitled "an act to provide for the creation and regulation of incorporated companies in the State of Ohio," passed May 1, 1852.


JOHN W. KEES, Clerk.

The President of the Senate then signed the foregoing bills and resolutions, in the presence of the Senate, as required by the constitution.

Mr. Langdon, on leave, introduced a bill:

S. B. No. 296; To amend section two of an act entitled "an act to constitute the county of Hamilton a separate district for lunatic asylum purposes, and to provide for the erection and government of an asylum therein," passed March 10, 1857; Which was read the first time.

Mr. Perkey, from the standing committee on Roads and Highways, reported back

S. B. No. 293; To amend section six of an act entitled an act supplementary to an act entitled an act prescribing the duties of supervisors, and relating to roads and highways, passed February 13, 1853, and to repeal an act entitled an act prescribing the duties of supervisors, and relating to roads and highways, passed April 8, 1856; also prescribing the duties of county commissioners, county auditors, township clerks and supervisors; also to repeal certain other acts therein. named, passed April 12, 1858.

On motion of Mr. Westcott,

Said bill was laid on the table.


Also, from the same committee, reported back

S. B. No. 204; Supplementary to an act entitled an act supplementary to an act entitled an act prescribing the duties of supervisors, and relating to roads and highways, passed February 13, 1853, and to repeal an act entitled an act prescribing the duties of supervisors, and relating to roads and highways, passed April 8, 1856; also prescribing the duties of county commissioners, county auditors, township clerks and supervisors; also to repeal certain other acts therein named, passed April 12, 1858,

And recommended that said bill be indefinitely postponed.

On motion of Mr. Perkey,

Said bill was recommitted to the standing committee on Roads and Highways. Mr. Perkey, from the same committee, reported back

S. B. No. 222; To amend an act entitled an act prescribing the duties of supervisors, and relating to roads and highways, passed February 13, 1853,

And recommended that the same be indefinitely postponed.

On motion of Mr. Winans,

Said bill was referred to a select committee of one-Mr. Winans.

Mr. Perkey, from the same committee, reported back

S. B. No. 268; To provide for the removal of obstructions from turnpikes and plankroads,

And recommended that the same be indefinitely postponed.

On motion of Mr. Henkle,

Said bill was referred to a select committee of one-Mr. Henkle.

Also, from the same committee, reported back

H. B. No. 333; Amendatory of the twelfth section of the act to provide for laying out and establishing free turnpike roads, passed March 12, 1845,

Without amendment, and recommended the passage of the same.

The question then being on ordering said bill to be read a third time, the same was decided in the affirmative.

Said bill was then ordered to be read a third time to-morrow.

On motion of Mr. Phelps,

The Senate resolved itself into a committee of the whole on the orders of the day, Mr. Shideler in the chair, and after some time spent therein, rose and reported back sundry bills, some with, and some without amendment, as follows:

H. B. No. 231; To provide for locating, establishing, and constructing ditches, drains and water courses,

With sundry amendments, which were agreed to.

The question then being on agreeing to the amendment as amended, the same was agreed to.

The question then being on ordering said bill to be read a third time, the same was decided in the affirmative.

Said bill was then ordered to be read a third time to-morrow.

S. B. No. 277; Supplementary to an act entitled "an act to authorize the incorporation of mutual insurance companies," passed April 14, 1857,

Without amendment, and said bill was referred to the standing committee on Municipal Corporations.

S. B. No. 280; Concerning the Board of Public Works, and other officers of the State,

Without amendment, and said bill was referred to the standing committee on Public Works.

Mr. Cass, from a select committee, reported the following resolution, which was, together with the report of the same committee, laid on the table and ordered to be printed.

Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, Three-fifths of the members elected to each house concurring therein, that it be and is hereby proposed to the electors of this State to vote on the second Tuesday of October next to approve or reject the following amendment as a substitute for section 18, article 16 of the constitution, and also the separate section of article 15, as specified in section 18 aforesaid.

The authority to grant license to traffic in intoxicating liquors may be conferred by general laws upon the authorities of municipal corporations, the courts or the boards of county commissioners, or the General Assembly may by law, otherwise provide against evils resulting from the sale thereof.

On motion of Mr. Smith,

The Senate adjourned.


C. W. BLAIR, Clerk.

TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1859.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Morris.

The following bill was read a second time, committed to a committee of the Whole, and made the order of the day for this day.

S. B. No. 290; To amend section 3 of the act entitled "an act regulating the fees of sheriffs in civil and criminal cases," passed March 13, 1857.

S. B. No. 286; To amend the act passed March 17, 1856, supplementary to an act passed March 2, 1853, to provide for draining and reclaiming certain swamp and overflowed lands,

Was read a second time, and referred to a select committee of one-Mr. Gatch. S. B. No. 287; To amend section 91 of an act entitled "an act of the jurisdiction and procedure before justices of the peace, and of the duties of constables in civil courts, passed March 14, 1853,

Was read a second time, and referred to the standing committee on the Judiciary S. B. No. 289; To reimburse the sinking fund for the deficiency occasioned by

the defalcation of the late Treasurer of State, prior to June 10, 1857,

Was read the second time, and referred to the standing committee on Finance.

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