Those who voted for Mr. Marshall were Messrs. Cantwell, Cass, Chapman, Corwine, Hateb, Kincaid, Langdon, McKelly, Morrow, Murdock, Perkey, Phelps, Reid, Safford, Shideler, Schleich, Smith, Thomas, Vanatta and Westcott-20. Those who voted blank were Messrs. Ashmun, Buckland, Cadwell, Canfield, Gard, Gatch, Green, Miles, Taylor and Winans-10. Mr. McCleary voted for Mr. G. W. Manypenny, of Muskingum county. So Mr. Marshall having received a constitutional majority, was declared duly elected reporting clerk, and having taken the oath of office, entered upon the discharge of his duties. Mr. Cadwell offered for adoption the following resolution: Resolved, That the reporting clerk of the Senate be and he is hereby instructed not to deliver to the publishers of any newspaper for publication, any remarks of any Senator, until he shall have first submitted the same to such Senator for his inspection. Mr. Green moved to amend by adding the following words, "when applied tc by any Senator for that purpose.' On motion of Mr. Phelps, The above resolution and amendment were laid upon the table. Mr. Canfield offered for adoption the following resolution: Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That there be printed thirteen hundred extra copies of the message of the Governor-300 copies for the use of the Governor, and 1,000 copies for the use of the members of the General Assembly. ing. On motion of Mr. Langdon, The above resolution was referred to the standing commmittee on Public Print On motion of Mr. Kincaid, The Senate resolved itself into committee of the whole on the orders of the day, Mr. Green in the chair, and after some time spent therein, rose and reported back sundry bills, some with and some without amendment. H. B. No. 210; Requiring the certificates of naturalized citizens to be recorded in the office of the township clerk, with sundry amendments. On motion of Mr. Reid, Said bill, with the pending amendments, was indefinitely postponed. H. B. No. 234; To allow the city of Toledo to borrow money for certain purposes therein named, without amendment, and On motion of Mr. Smith, Said bill was referred to a select committee of one—Mr. Smith. S. B. No. 131; To amend the act entitled "an act to establish a code of civil procedure," passed March 11, 1853, without amendment, and on motion, Said bill was referred to the standing committee on the Judiciary. Mr. Hatch offered for adoption the following resolution, which was agreed to: Resolved, That 500 copies of the list of standing committees of the Senate, The House has passed the following joint resolution, and requests the concur- rence of the Senate in the same: H. J. R. No. 58; Relative to printing certain documents in German. On motion, said resolution was referred to the standing committee on Public On motion, the Senate took a recess. Mr. Green offered for adoption the following resolution, which was agreed to: Resolved, That the standing committee on municipal corporations be instructed to inquire if any additional legislation is needed to prevent a conflict of authority between the municipal authorities of incorporated cities and villages, and supervi- sors of roads and highways, over parts of State and county roads lying within the corporate limits of cities and villages; and report by bill or otherwise. Mr. Kincaid from the standing committee on Public Benevolent Institutions reported back, S. J. R. No. 45; Relative to the admission of Mrs. Jane Rose into the Central On motion of Mr. Taylor, Said resolution was referred to the standing committee on the Judiciary. Mr. Westcott gave notice, that, on to-morrow, or some subsequent day of the session he would introduce a bill to amend sections six and fifteen of an act en- titled "an act to provide for the better regulation of the receipt, disbursement and safe keeping of the public revenue," passed April 12, 1858. THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1859. Prayer by the Rev. G. W. Goudy. Mr. Phelps presented the memorial of John H. Steineman, in regard to the Mr. Safford from the standing committee on Public Printing, reported back, H. J. R. No. 58; Relative to printing certain reports in the German Language, with an amendment, which was agreed to. Said resolution, as amended, was then agreed to. Mr. Safford from the same committee reported back S. J. R. No. 47; Relative to printing extra copies of the Governor's Message, and recommended its passage. Said resolution was then agreed to. Mr. Smith from the select committee to whom was referred H. B. No. 234; To allow the city of Toledo to borrow money for certain purposes therein named, reported the same back without recommendation. Mr. Westcott moved to amend as follows: 1st amendment-In section 1, line 6, strike out the word " seven " and insert the word "six" in its place. 2d amendment-In section 1, line 14 after the word "borrowed" insert the words "provided, that no such bonds or certificate shall be sold or disposed of at less than the amount expressed upon their face." 3d amendment-Strike out all of section 1, after the word "for," where it occurs in line 17, and insert the following: "And for that purpose said city council is hereby authorized to levy a city tax on the taxable property of said city for the payment of the annual interest on said bonds or certificates, and for the redemption thereof when the same becomes due. Said amendments were then agreed to. The question then being on ordering said bill to be read the third time now, the same was decided in the affirmative. Said bill was then read the third time, and the question being "Shall the bill pass ?" The yeas and nays were ordered, and being called, resulted yeas 31, nays none, as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Ashmun, Buckland, Cadwell, Canfield, Cantwell, Cass, Chapman, Corwine, Gard, Gatch, Green, Hatch, Kincaid, Langdon, McCleary, McKelly, Miles, Morrow, Murdock, Perkey, Phelps, Reid, Safford, Shideler, Schleich, Smith, Taylor, Thomas, Vanatta, Westcott and Winans-31. So said bill having received a constitutional majority, was passed. Ordered, that the title be as aforesaid. S. B. No. 183; Making partial appropriations for the year 1859, Was read the second time, and On motion of Mr. Hatch, Said bill was committed to the committee of the whole, and made the special order of the day for this day, The following bills were severally read the second time, committed to the committee of the whole, and made the order of the day for this day: S. B. No. 179; Supplementary to an act entitled "an act of the jurisdiction and procedure before justices of the peace, and of the duties of constables in civil courts," passed March 14, 1853. S. B. No. 176; Supplementary to an act entitled "an act providing for the punishment of crimes," passed March 7, 1855; and S. B. No. 175; Concerning bridges. Mr. Taylor, on leave, introduced the following bill: S. B. No. 184; Transferring certain appropriations for the Benevolent Institutions; Which was read the first time. On motion of Mr. Taylor, The constitutional rule was suspended by a vote of three-fourths of the members present, so as to allow said bill to be read the second and third times now. Said bill was then read the second time. The question then being on ordering said bill to be engrossed, the same was decided in the affirmative. Said bill was then engrossed at the clerk's desk, and ordered to be read the third time now. Said bill was then read the third time, and the question being, "Shall the bill pass ?" The yeas and nays were ordered, and being called, resulted yeas 31, nays none, as follows: Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Ashmun, Buckland, Cadwell, Canfield, Cantwell, Cass, Chapman, Corwine, Gard, Gatch, Green, Hatch, Kincaid, Langdon, McCleary, McKelley, Miles, Morrow, Murdock, Perkey, Phelps, Reid, Safford, Shideler, Schleich, Smith, Taylor, Thomas, Vanatta, Westcott and Winans-31. So said bill having received a constitutional majority, was passed. Ordered, that the title be as aforesaid. Mr. Miles gave notice that he would, on to-morrow, or some subsequent day of the session, introduce a bill to amend section one of the act passed April 8th, 1856, entitled "an act to amend the act to provide for the organization of cities and incorporated villages," passed May 3d, 1852. Mr. Westcott, in pursuance of notice, introduced a bill: S. B. No. 185; To amend section six and fifteen of the act entitled "an act to provide for the better regulation and safe keeping of the public revenue," passed April 12, 1858; Which was read the first time. Mr. Ashmun, on leave, introduced a bill, S. B. No. 186; Relating to taxes for school purposes in the town of Akron; Which was read the first time. Mr. Cadwell, on leave, introduced a bill, S. B. No. 187; To authorize county commissioners to reduce the width of county roads; Which was read the first time. Mr. Phelps offered for adoption the following resolution, which was agreed to: Resolved, That a select committee of seven be appointed to revise the existing laws regulating the assessment and collection of taxes. Message from the House of Representatives. Mr. President: The House has concurred in the following Senate joint resolutions: S. J. R. No. 44; Relative to surplus documents and laws annually uncalled for from county auditors. to: S. J. R. No. 46; Relative to printing report of Comptroller of the Treasury. JOHN W. KEES, Clerk. Attest: Mr. Schleich, offered for adoption the following joint resolution, which was agreed S. J. R. No. 48; Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the two Houses meet in joint convention, on to-morrow, January 7, 1859, at halfpast three o'clock, P. M., in the hall of the House, for the purpose of counting the votes cast at, and declaring the result of the election held on the second Tuesday of October, 1858. Mr. Schleich offered for adoption the following resolution, which was agreed to: Resolved, That the chairman of each committee be and he is hereby requested to furnish to the chairman of the Finance committee, at the earliest day practicable, an estimate of the amount of appropriations necessary for the departments of the government pertaining to each committee respectively. On motion of Mr. Langdon, The Senate adjourned. Attest: C. W. BLAIR, Clark. FRIDAY, JANuary 7, 1859. Prayer by the Rev. G. W. Goudy. The following bills were severally read the second time, committed to the committee of the Whole, and made the order of the day for this day: S. B. No. 177; To amend section 14 of the act entitled "An act to organize and discipline the militia and volunteer militia," passed March 30, 1857. S. B. No. 178; To repeal an act entitled "An act to amend the act entitled an act fixing the rates of interest, passed March 12, 1824, and all other laws on that subject," passed March 14, 1860. S. B. No. 180; To amend section 22 of an act passed March 7, 1831, entitled "An act directing the mode of trial in criminal cases.' S. B. No. 182; To amend section 310 of the act entitled "An aot to establish a code of civil procedure," passed March 17, 1803. |