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Stadtholderian Government, fupported only by the terror of foreign arms, naturally dreads the deftruction of a Government odious and intolerable to an immenfe majority of the people.

Every where then are thofe alarms difcernible, which are the most evident fymptoms of the approaching downfall of the European defpotifms. But the impreffion produced by the French Revolution in England, in an enlightened country, which had long boafted of its freedom, merits more particular remark. Before the publication of Mr. Burke, the public were not recovered from that aftonishment into which they are plunged by unexampled events, and the general opinion could not have been collected with precision. But that performance divided the nation into marked parties. It produced a controversy, which may be regarded as the trial of the French Revolution before the enlightened and independent

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independent tribunal of the English public.


What its decifion has been, I fhall not pre

fume to decide; for it does not become an advocate to announce the decifion of the Judge. But this I may be permitted to remark, that the conduct of our enemies has not resembled the ufual triumph of those who have been victorious in the war of reason. Instead of the triumphant calmness that is

* Those who doubt the service done by Mr. BURKE to his caufe may be pleased with this paffage of MILTON. "Magnam a regibus iniiffe te gratiam omnes principes eț terrarum Dominos demeruiffe Defensione hâc regiâ te fortè putas Salmafi; cum illi fi bona fua remque fuam ex veritate potius quam ex adulationibus tuifvellent æftimare neminem te pejus, odiffe, neminem a fe longius abigere, atque arcere debeant. Dum enim regiam poteftatem in immenfum extollas admones eâdem operâ omnes fere populos fervitutis fuæ nec opinata; eoque vehementius impellis ut veternum illum quo fe effe liberos inaniter somniabant repentè excutiant."

MILTON, Def, Pop. Anglic. apud opera, tom. ii. p. 266. Ed. Lond. 1738,

ever infpired by confcious fuperiority, they have betrayed the bitterness of defeat, and the ferocity of resentment, which is peculiar to the black revenge of detected imposture. Prieftcraft and Toryifm were fupported only by literary advocates of the most miserable description*. But they were abundantly fupported by auxiliaries of another kind. Of the two great claffes of enemies to political reform-the INTERESTED and the PREJUDICED -the activity of the first usually supplies what may be wanting in the talents of the laftt. Judges forgot the dignity of their

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* A DOCTOR COOPER, or a DOCTOR TATHAM, cannot be fo infatuated as to dream, that even their academical titles can procure them the perufal, not to mention the refutation of men of fenfe. The infolence of the latter pedant had, indeed, nearly obtained him the honor of a castigation, which would have made him for ever fick of political controverfy!

+ Both are admirably delineated by HELVETIUS. "Entre ceux-ci il en eft qui, naturellement portés au "vrai, ne font ennemis des verités nouvelles, que parce "qu'ils

function, Priefts the mildnefs of their religion; the Bench, which should have spoken with the ferene temper of justice; the Pulpit, whence only should have issued the healing founds of charity, were prostituted to party purposes, and polluted with invective against freedom. The churches refounded with language at which Laud would have fhuddered, and Sacheverell would have blufhed; the most

qu'ils font pareffeux, et qu'ils voudroient fe fouftraire à "la fatigue d'attention neceffaire pour les examiner.

"Il en eft d'autres qu'animent des motifs dangereux & "ceux-ci font plus a craindre: ce font des hommes dont "l'efprit eft depourvu de talents & l'ame de vertus : incapa❝bles de vues elévées et neuves, ces derniers croient que leur "confideration tient au respect imbecille ou feint qu'ils "affichent pour toutes les opinions & les erreurs recues : "furieux contre tout homme qui veut en ebranler l'Empire, "ils ARMENT contre lui les paffions & les prejugés mêmes

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qu'ils MEPRISENT & ne ceffent d'effaroucher les foibles ་ efprits par le mot de nouveauté !".

The laft paffage must be explained by fome WARWICKSHIRE COMMENTATOR!


profane comparisons between the duty to the Divinity and to Kings, were unblushingly pronounced; flattery to Ministers was mixed with the folemnities of religion, by the fervants, and in the temple of God. Thefe profligate proceedings were not limited to a single fpot. They were general over England. In many churches the French Revolution was exprefly named! In a majority it was the con→ ftant theme of invective for many weeks before its intended celebration. Yet these are the peaceful paftors, who fo fincerely and meekly deprecate political fermons* !

* These are no vague accufations. A fermon was preached in a parish church in Middlesex on the anniversary of the restoration of CHARLES II. in which ETERNAL PUNISHMENT was denounced against POLITICAL DISAFFECTION! Perfons for whofe difcernment and veracity I can be responsible, were among the indignant auditors of this infernal homily.


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