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Bernard's picture.-Situation of Egypt.-Belzoni introduced.
Motives for his going into Egypt.-Poor success of his hy-
draulic machine.-His thoughts turned towards the antiqui-
ties of the country.-Difficulty in removing Young Memnon
from Thebes to Cairo.-Belzoni's visit to a Mummy Cave.-
Deceit of the Arabs.-Egyptian customs.-Belzoni goes up
the Nile into Nubia.-Visits the island of Elephantine.-Ar-
rives at Ybsambul.-Attempts to open its magnificent Tem-
ple. Obliged for want of time and money to give up the
project. Visits the little isle of Mainarty.-Danger on the
Cataract. Returns to Thebes.-Removal of Young Memnon
to Cairo.-Belzoni resides for a short time at Rosetta.


Bernard's perseverance.-Belzoni's second voyage.-Rapid
journey from Minieh to Thebes.-Superb Temple at Carnac.
-Works carried on both at Gournou and Carnac.—Mummy
Caves.-Belzoni's object in entering them.-Manufactures of
the ancient Egyptians.-Their Idols.-Curious Habitations at
Gournou. He revisits Ybsambul.-Opens the Temple.-Re-
turns highly gratified to Thebes.


Emily amused with a description of Greenland.-Belzoni makes
the valley of Beban el Malook the scene of his researches.-
He enters and explores the tomb of Psammuthis.-Receives
a visit from Hamed Aga.-Returns to Cairo.-Visits the
Pyramids.-Time and purpose of their erection uncertain.-
Enters one which for more than one thousand years had ap-
peared a solid mass of stone.


Belzoni's journey to the Red Sea.-Motives for going there.—
Inundation of the Nile.-The caravan crosses the Desert.-
Account of the Ababde, an independent tribe residing among
the rocks on the coast of the Red Sea.-Search for the an-
cient city of Berenice.-The boats of the Ababde fishermen
described. Discovers the remains of the Berenice mentioned
by a former traveller.-Returns towards Esne.-Meets with
two shepherd girls tending their sheep on the mountains.-De-
scription of the sufferings travellers undergo in crossing the
Deserts.-The caravan reaches the banks of the Nile.-Bel-
zoni returns to Gournou.


Dr. Franklin's kite.-Some sailors ascend Pompey's Pillar, by
means of a paper kite.-Removal of the Obelisk from the
island of Philoe.-It falls into the Nile.-Ingenious method
of raising it. It is launched down the Cataract.-Arrives in

safety at Rosetta.-Belzoni goes to Beban el Malook.-Com-
pletes his drawings and models of the Tomb.-Bids final
adieu to Thebes.-Traverses the western Desert in search o
the temple of Jupiter Ammon.-Procures a donkey at Benis-
œuf.-Reaches the Lake Maris-Rose-trees in profusion.—
Visits the temple of Haron among the rocks near the lake.—
Attacked by a furious hyena.-Account of the famous Laby-
rinth.-Visit to th Stisk desc interview with Khalil Bey.—
Account of the .'
ed by Schiek Grumar.-A man rushes out of some bushes.-
Arrival at Zaboo.-Interview with the Scheik and Cady of
El Cassar. Belzoni goes to their village.-Discovers the
seat of the temple.-Meets with an unfortunate accident on
his return to Zaboo.-Reaches Benisœuf.-Arrives at Cairo.-
Embarks for Europe.-Returns to England.

ns.-Belzoni crosses the Desert attend-

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[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

1. The Bashaw seated in his Garden on the Banks of the

[merged small][ocr errors]

2. The Bashaw jumping off the Insulating Stool 3. The Hydrualic Machine

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

4. Young Memnon on its road to the Nile

5. Belzoni with two Arabs in a Mummy Cave

6. Belzoni introduced to Khalil Bey

[ocr errors]

7. The Inhabitants of Mainarty secreting themselves

from Belzoni and his Companions

8. Mr. and Mrs. Belzoni in a Bark in the middle of the


9. Removing the Sand from the Temple of Ybsambul 10. Placing the Colossus Head in a Boat



[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

11. Belzoni in one of the Grottoes at Gournou
12. Belzoni crossing the narrow Bridge to get into the

[ocr errors]


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

13. Some Turks appearing in the Valley for the purpose of interrupting Belzoni


14. Belzoni viewing the Pyramid whilst his Companions

enter it


15. Inundation of the Nile, with the distressed state of the

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

19. Belzoni's Distress in observing a part of the Obelisk





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20. The Boat with the Obalik descending the Cataract
21. Scene near the Lake Moris
22. A furious Hyena makes his appearance, to the great

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dismay of the Boatmen


23. A man, alarmed at the appearance of Belzoni and his

[blocks in formation]

24. Belzoni introduced to the Scheik and Cady of El Cas




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