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good works are united to Thee Who art the Spirit of Life and our Creator, then we revive again, and after death shall live with Thee in everlasting Glory, if thenceforth, so long as we live, we persevere in good works. When Elisha the Prophet was dead and buried, and one who was dead came in contact with his bones, he rose again to life; and through the virtue of the Prophet and the touch of his body was permitted to live. If then through the touch of the dead Prophet, he who was dead rose again, much more do we revive again, if by good works we are united to Thee, our Creator, Who art Spirit, Living and Immortal. Have mercy upon us then, O our Creator, have mercy upon us according to Thy great Goodness, and according to the multitude of Thy Mercies do away our offences, and in this present life raise us up from death to life, from the death of sin to the life of righteousness; and at the end of all things raise us again, justified by Thy Mercy, to everlasting Glory: which do Thou Thyself deign to bestow on us, Who livest and reignest for ever and ever. Amen.

e 2 Kings xiii. 21.

Prayers of S. Anselm.



O GOD most loving, GoD merciful and pitiful, be Thou merciful to our sins, and whatsoever sins we have committed, whether instigated by the author of death, or by our own free-will, reserve not Thou to Thy Judgment to be searched into; but do Thou grant us Thy Grace, and let us rejoice in Thy pardon alone. For if we bring together before Thine Eyes, O LORD, the sins which we have committed and the punishments we receive, less is that which we suffer, greater is that which we deserve. The punishment of sin we feel, yet we shun not perseverance in sin; by Thy scourges our frail nature is broken, yet our iniquity is not changed; the sick soul is tortured, yet the hard neck is not bowed; our life sigheth in sorrow, yet is not amended in deed. If Thou waitest, we amend not; if Thou punishest, we endure not. When rebuked, we confess what we have done; when Thou visitest us, we forget what we have mourned. If Thou layest Thine Hand upon us, we promise what we will do; if Thou suspendest Thy sword, we do not what we have promised. If Thou strikest, we call upon Thee to spare; if Thou sparest, we again provoke Thee to strike. If anguish cometh, we seek time for penitence; if mercy looketh back upon us, we abuse the

patience which hath spared. Scarce has the blow which has been inflicted as yet passed by, and already the thankless mind remembereth not what it hath borne. If Thou hearest us quickly, we grow wanton through Thy Mercy; if slowly, we murmur through impatience. We will Thee to keep what Thou hast promised, and we fear not to neglect what Thou hast bidden. Thou hast us then before Thee, O LORD, pleading guilty; spare, for Thou art loving. We know that unless Thou forgivest, Thou mayest justly punish us; but with Thee is much Compassion and abundant Propitiation. Give then without our desert what we ask, Who hast made us of nothing that we might ask Thee.

Have mercy upon us, O LORD, who cry unto Thee; let the voice of faith weeping to Thee move Thy Love and let that mercy in which alone we hope, not reckon what we have done amiss, while it looketh upon what we ask. And since great is our misery, that we are guilty, great be Thy Pity, that we are miserable. Suppliant for Thy Help, we set before Thee both the evils of our crimes and our griefs, and await, through prayer to Thee, the mercy which by sinning we drove away from us. Grant then,

O most loving Father, that what we have done we may bewail; and in Thy Love deign to keep us through all the periods of day and night free from all attacks of evil. Grant to us, out of Thine indulgence to receive what we ask, since Thou seest that we have no confidence in our own righteousness. Lift us up, O LORD our GOD, and lighten us in Thy Mercy, that in the communion of salvation and joy of charity, while we ourselves desire to be saved by Thy Gift, we may rejoice moreover in the faith and peace of all nations.

Prayers of S. Anselm.



O God of inestimable Mercy, GOD of immeasurable Love, Creator and Restorer of the race of man; Who cleansest the hearts of them that confess to Thee, and them that accuse themselves before the sight of Thy Divine Mercy_absolvest from every load of iniquity; I implore Thine Excellence with groans, that according to the multitude of Thy Mercies Thou wouldest grant unto me to make a pure confession before Thee of all mine iniquities whereof my conscience accuseth me; and that Thou wouldest give me true and worthy penitence for all the sins which I have committed in sinful thoughts, in evil consent, in concupiscence and impure delight, in idle words, in evil deeds, in sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch. For Thou, in Thy Mercy, didst give to me every member fit for the uses of man, to work out for me the salvation of my soul; but I, most miserable of men and a sinner, have despised Thee, the Lover of our everlasting salvation; and have yielded to mine enemy, preparing for me everlasting burnings. I have fallen into sins; I have been plunged into wickednesses; in all my members I have utterly exceeded the bounds of moderation; and have given myself up to sinful occupations. And in relating all this, I do not blaspheme in my

For I perceive that
For I see that mine

self the work of Thy Hands, but ask of Thee, O most loving God, my remedy. I am a sinner above measure. offences are countless as the stars of heaven and the sand of the sea. Over and beyond the rest are anger, gloom, lukewarmness, pride, sloth. Therefore I confess that I am guilty of all the chief vices; but do Thou, Who willest not the death of a sinner, look upon me and pity this wretched one.


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