Thus Nature spake-The work was done― How soon my Lucy's race was run! She died, and left to me This heath, this calm, and quiet scene; And never more will be. X. A SLUMBER did my spirit seal; I had no human fears: She seem'd a thing that could not feel No motion has she now, no force; She neither hears nor sees, Rolled round in earth's diurnal course With rocks and stones and trees! XI. THE HORN OF EGREMONT CASTLE*. WHEN the Brothers reached the gateway, Eustace pointed with his lance To the Horn which there was hanging; Horn of the inheritance. Horn it was which none could sound, No one upon living ground, Save He who came as rightful Heir To Egremont's Domains and Castle fair. *This Poem and the Ballad which follows it, as they rather refer to the imagination than are produced by it, would not have been placed here but to avoid a needless multiplication of the Classes. Heirs from ages without record Had the House of Lucie born, Who of right had claim'd the Lordship Each at the appointed hour Tried the Horn,-it own'd his power; He was acknowledged: and the blast, With his lance Sir Eustace pointed, And to Hubert thus said he, "What I speak this Horn shall witness "For thy better memory. "Hear, then, and neglect me not! "At this time, and on this spot, "The words are utter'd from my heart, "As my last earnest prayer ere we depart. "On good service we are going "Life to risk by sea and land; "In which course if Christ our Saviour "Do my sinful soul demand, "Hither come thou back straightway, "Hubert, if alive that day; Return, and sound the Horn, that we "May have a living House still left in thee!" "Fear not," quickly answer'd Hubert; "As I am thy Father's son, "What thou askest, noble Brother, So were both right well content: To Palestine the Brothers took their way. Side by side they fought (the Lucies Were a line for valour fam'd) And where'er their strokes alighted There the Saracens were tam'd. Whence, then, could it come the thought, By what evil spirit brought? Oh! can a brave Man wish to take His Brother's life, for Land's and Castle's sake? "Sir!" the Ruffians said to Hubert, "Deep he lies in Jordan flood."- Months pass'd on, and no Sir Eustace! Wherefore, bold as day, the Murderer To his Castle Hubert sped; He has nothing now to dread. But silent and by stealth he came, And at an hour which nobody could name. None could tell if it were night-time, Night or day, at even or morn; For the sound was heard by no one Of the proclamation-horn. But bold Hubert lives in glee: Months and years went smilingly; With plenty was his table spread; And bright the Lady is who shares his bed. Likewise he had Sons and Daughters; And, as good men do, he sate At his board by these surrounded, And, while thus in open day Once he sate, as old books say, A blast was utter'd from the Horn, Where by the Castle-gate it hung forlorn. |