VI. ELLEN IRWIN OR THE BRAES OF KIRTLE.* FAIR Ellen Irwin, when she sate Upon the Braes of Kirtle, Was lovely as a Grecian Maid From many Knights and many Squires The Bruce had been selected; And Gordon, fairest of them all, By Ellen was rejected. Sad tidings to that noble Youth! For it may be proclaimed with truth, *The Kirtle is a River in the Southern part of Scotland, on whose banks the events here related took place. If Bruce hath loved sincerely, That Gordon loves as dearly. But what is Gordon's beauteous face? And what are Gordon's crosses To them who sit by Kirtle's Braes Upon the verdant mosses? Alas that ever he was born! The Gordon, couched behind a thorn, Sees them and their caressing, Beholds them blest and blessing. Proud Gordon cannot bear the thoughts That through his brain are travelling,— And, starting up, to Bruce's heart He launched a deadly javelin! Fair Ellen saw it when it came, And, stepping forth to meet the same, Did with her body cover The Youth, her chosen lover. And, falling into Bruce's arms, Thus died the beauteous Ellen, Thus from the heart of her True-love The mortal spear repelling. And Bruce, as soon as he had slain The Gordon, sailed away to Spain; And fought with rage incessant Against the Moorish Crescent. But many days, and many months, And many years ensuing, This wretched Knight did vainly seek The death that he was wooing: And coming back across the wave, His body he extended, And there his sorrow ended. Now ye, who willingly have heard The tale I have been telling, May in Kirkonnel churchyard view The grave of lovely Ellen: By Ellen's side the Bruce is laid; May no rude hand deface it, VII. STRANGE fits of passion I have known: And I will dare to tell, But in the Lover's ear alone, What once to me befel. When she I loved was strong and gay, And like a rose in June, I to her cottage bent my way, Beneath the evening Moon. Upon the Moon I fixed my eye, All over the wide lea: My Horse trudged on-and we drew nigh Those paths so dear to me. And now we reached the orchard plot; And, as we climbed the hill, Towards the roof of Lucy's cot The Moon descended still. In one of those sweet dreams I slept, And, all the while, my eyes I kept My Horse moved on; hoof after hoof When down behind the cottage roof At once the bright Moon dropp'd. What fond and wayward thoughts will slide Into a Lover's head "O mercy!" to myself I cried, "If Lucy should be dead!" VOL 1. K |